-You hoard toilet paper (see picture below).
-Eat boiled vegetables for breakfast.
-The same song plays repetitively in the restaurant.
-Air fresheners double as bug repellant.
-Five people and a goat ride on one motorcycle.
-Stop signs are only a suggestion.
-It’s mandatory to use an EasyPass on the highway, but the EasyPass lanes are all closed indefinitely.
-You carry hospital grade wipes in your purse.
-Boiling 10 liters of water a day is routine.
-Tuna actually tastes good (but its only week one).
-You can’t trust the “Not Spicy” sign in restaurants.
-The best yogurt ever is served up from buffalo milk (think melted Haagen Dazs Ice Cream).
-A water buffalo costs the same as my first car.
-ALL buildings are made with concrete. It is transported upward by workers climbing stick-thin scaffolding.
-It’s January and it’s a perfect 75 degrees.
-Curry means all things are spicy.
-Starting on time is 1 ½ hours late.
-“Monkey Business” refers to real monkeys doing their business.
-Adults laugh joyously over Jerry’s magic tricks.
-White rice is served at breakfast, lunch and supper.
-5 different people simultaneously attempt to read aloud the requested Bible text.
-Catered lunches arrive on ox-drawn carts.
-There is a pile of sandals at the threshold of every door.
-Large, loud PA systems are used in small rooms.
-People are everywhere.
-Honking a horn is the polite way to pass a car. (January 19, 2020 on the highway between Hyderabad and Vijayawada, India)