Why I Don’t Speak to Demons

Should we seek information from demons when ministering deliverance to those afflicted?  I feel strongly that we should not, but let me explain why I say that.  First of all, I recognize that there is not just one way of bringing deliverance to those who are demonized.  Even Jesus referred to this (Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23).  I would never say I know everything about deliverance, nor would I say I always do everything ‘right.’  However I would like to pass on why I believe speaking to demons is not the best way to bring deliverance.

I began ministering deliverance about 30 years ago.  At first I communicated with demons, having them give answers (in the counselees mind) to questions I would ask.  This is what I learned from my mentor.  Soon, however, God convicted me of this and lead me to a better way.  Unknown to me at the time, He had been making the same changes in the ministry of my mentor as well.  Below are the reasons why I no longer communicate with demons to bring deliverance.

1. Jesus only once ever asked a demon a question, and that was just to have him state his  name so others would know how many demons were involved in the conflict (Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30).  Jesus wanted to make sure everyone understood that He was more powerful than even hundreds of demons.  In all other cases He always told them to be quiet when they tried to communicate (Mark 1:25; Luke 4:35)

2. God has given me a strong dislike of and disgust for demons so that I have no desire to have any contact with such evil, deceptive and lying spirits.  I know God doesn’t not want me depending on them for anything nor does He want me to have anything to do with them.

3. It is foolish to think they will be truthful, even when asked if it is the truth before Jesus.  There are too many ways for them to lie, mislead or give the correct ‘technical’ answer while still deceiving.  God gives us discernment, but still we are susceptible to their deception.  Sometimes  they can counterfeit God’s ‘discernment’ with messages of their own if we aren’t very, very careful.

4. There is a subtle temptation to pride in the one being able to talk to and command demons.  Those involved who watch him/her do this can give undue credit to the person talking to demons.  All glory and credit must go only to God.

5. It can take a long time to ask each one what they do, why they can be there, and always checking to make sure that what they said is the truth.  It becomes physically, emotionally and spiritually draining on the person being delivered and the one doing the deliverance.  It wastes time that could and should be used for better things.

6. Demons soak up the attention of being asked these questions.  They can enjoy these verbal ‘games’ for they are excellent at hiding truth, pretending to go along, etc., all the while wasting time and getting attention for themselves.

7. What good does it do?  Our purpose is to have demons gone, not understand every name and access.  Closing open doors is important and that comes by understanding and dealing with the main rulers as well as current and past sins in the person and their family line.  God can reveal that through prayer, counseling and asking questions of the counselee.  Recognizing ever minor demon and sin is not always necessary or helpful.

8. Communicating with demons doesn’t teach the person being delivered how to bring further deliverance to themselves when not with the deliverance minister, nor does it train them to help others.  It communicates that only a trained gifted professional can command demons to be gone. It can set up a pattern of dependence on the counselor.

9.  It can teach the demonized person how to better contact and listen to the demon(s) and make them more sensitive to receive communication from the demon(s).  The demons may be better able to deceive, lie and put fear into the person.  This is the opposite of what should be taking place. 

10. When one communicates with demons that person becomes a medium, something strictly forbidden by God (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:11; 1 Samuel 28:7; 1 Chronicles 10:13). 

11. While we are to be humble and open before God and willing to face any sin and failure He reveals, letting the demons speak can bring unnecessary embarrassment and pain to the one being delivered.  God can and will deal with their sins in His time and His way.  Bringing up all manner of unrelated, forgiven sin is not beneficial to the spiritual growth of the person being delivered.  It is God’s Spirit that is to reveal sin, not demons.

12. Another problem with communicating with demons for information is the deliverance session revolves around the person present and is not always a good way to break the link downward to children.  Deliverance is to bring freedom to children as well.

13. The purpose of deliverance is to become more like Jesus.  Removing demons is a means to an end, not an end in itself.  Without counsel, discipleship and growth the reason for the demons’ access may not be broken and they will be able to return.  Also, teaching about how to keep the doors closed in the future must be part of the deliverance session.  If they can return the person will be worse off than they were before deliverance (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 12:24-26).   Spiritual growth, becoming more like Jesus, is the goal – not just having the demons leave.

To minister deliverance without communicating with demons takes faith, discernment, listening to God and being very dependent on the Holy Spirit.  I’m not implying that those who communicate with demons don’t have these, I’m just pointing out that ministering deliverance without communicating with demons demands trust in God’s guidance.  In this we truly walk by faith, not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

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