It is clear today that a large part of Satan’s plan for the downfall of our country starts with a downfall of the family.  He works in Christian marriages to undermine them, cause misunderstandings, develop selfish thoughts in the partners, bring focus on the other’s weakness’, set up little bickering and negative feelings, fuel grudges, keep partners from forgiveness and restoration, builds resentment, inclines each one put their needs first, causing disagreements over money or raising children, brings unfavorable comparing of your mate with others, incites to keep secrets from each other, and just causes drifting apart in general.    Be sensitive to what Satan’s plan is for your marriage (how he is working to destroy or neutralize it).  Think about lies of his you believe that make his plan work.  Put it all under the blood of Jesus.

When one mate is demonized the other must pick up the slack in patience, love, leadership, and prayer.  Depend on God’s strength to do this.  Apply all that has been said about forgiveness, bitterness, anger, pride, etc., to marriage relationships as well.

Keep God’s authority pattern: husband as leader and wife submissive (Ephesians 5).  Husbands and wives should pray together, out loud, for their marriage and family.  The husband should take the lead in this.

When the man or spiritual leader in the family is going away on a trip demons can take that as a weakness and attack that family.  The man should pray and declare to all the spirits that he, the high priest in the family, states that when away his wife is in authority.  Let them know the children are dedicated to God and Satan’s forces do not have permission to disturb them.  Reaffirm that any spirits to attack the family still must come through the head of the family, and then forbid any of them to attack you.

PRAYER FOR A MARRIAGE  Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your perfect plan for our marriage.  I know that You planned marriage to be beautiful and satisfying, a picture of our relationship with you.   I ask that You would do what is needed in and through me to make our marriage all it should be.

Please forgive me for my sins of failure in my marriage.  I confess my _________ (confess individually all the sins and shortcomings you are aware of).  I ask You to forgive me.  I put them under the blood of Jesus and take back any access I have given to any demons through them.   Open my eyes to see all areas where I am deceived and help me to apply Your truth to those areas.

I pray for my mate as well and put their sins under the blood of Jesus as well.  I intercede for them and ask for your mercy to cover their sins and shortcomings and to take back any access any of Satan’s forces claim through them.

Father, I ask that You would fill each of us with Your Holy Spirit.  Fill us with the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness , gentleness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control.  Heal us from the hurts we have caused ourselves and each other.  Give us a spirit of forgiveness for each other.  Put Your supernatural love in our hearts and help us to love each other as You love us.

Show me what I need to do to change to correct my hurts and errors from the past.  Help me to apologize where necessary and to know what to do to restore our relationship.  I submit myself to You to be used and changed as You see fit.  I submit my marriage to You for You to do what is necessary to heal it and use it for Your honor and glory.

  If you are married, how does this blog apply to you?  What can you learn to improve your marriage?  What about marriages around you?  Are there any that come to mind as in need of special prayer?  How does this apply to them?  Besides prayer, what can you do to help?

(If I can answer questions or offer personal counsel email me at Jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org. For more on Spiritual Warfare download a free copy of my or my next book , which is a more advanced treatment for spiritual warfare. )

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