Using Music to Drive Away Depression


A few weeks ago, my wife asked me if I was depressed.  The question took me by surprise because I didn’t think I was.  I think I am pretty in tune with my feelings and emotions, but it made me think.  She said it seemed I was dragging around physically and emotionally.  Maybe I was too close to see it and there was something going on.  So, I went to my first line of defense against depression – God’s promises about being in control of everything so I don’t need to worry or fear.  Right along with that comes the role of worship, especially through music.  Southern Gospel music has been my go-to genre for the last 55 years, but sometimes I get busy and don’t take time to listen.  The words of hope and coming victory in the music lifts me up.  The music touches my soul – probably a throw-back to my rock-and-roll days in the early 60’s.

To me, there is a power in the music that lifts up Jesus and what He has done and will do for us.  The lyrics remind me of His victory in His first coming and His return for us in the future.  I sing along with the songs (when I’m home alone) and raise my hands in praise.  I focus on Him instead of myself.  I find myself running certain phrases and lyrics through my head day and night.

I love the old hymns as well and listen to them, too.  Many contemporary Christian songs also speak to me.  I guess because I don’t show much emotion outwardly, it all goes inward and music is my go-to way of directing it to praise and worship.  I know the stories behind many of the songs and the struggles that the singers have gone through.  I find sweet fellowship with them through their songs that I can identify with or that speak to me.

I highly recommend taking time in your busy day to listen to music: in the car, the kitchen, at your desk or wherever you might be.  Different genres will speak to different people – that’s why God created so many different styles of Christian music.  Find what works for you and fill your mind and heart with it.  I have different playlists for various needs: praise and worship, while exercising, background when studying or encouragement when in times of need.  Make your own playlists and use them during the day.

David used music to help himself.  Many Psalms start with him depressed but after breaking into praise He reasserts his faith in God and closes on a note of victory.  The book of Psalms was Israel’s song book, which shows how important music is in our life.  In heaven we’ll be using music to praise God for all eternity.  Don’t overlook music.  It’s an important tool through which God speaks comfort and encouragement to our spirits when in need and through which the Spirit lifts up and glorifies Jesus.  (March 25, 2024  Doylestown, PA)

Ephesians 5:19–20  Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,  always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What are some of your favorite Christian songs, songs which minister to you in a special way?

Find some time today, and every day, to listen to music.  It can be while you are doing something else or just relaxing and listening.


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2024

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025