Unto the Least of These

In the last blog I showed you pictures of a new water well.  New sewing machines have been donated through CTO as well.  These are wonderful ways to help the people in India, for indeed the needs are great.  These can be donated through CTO by designating your gifts for them, but please remember our needs for finances to train pastors who will train others as well.  The most pressing financial need for CTO at the moment is to fund the translation and printing of the 2 new books on studying and preaching the Bible.  Below is an email from Pastor Moses about the donated sewing machines.  (Feb 26, 2016, Doylestown, PA)

Here are some of the women from Dalit community trained, got certificate from sewing school, we had a Passion for these helpless women, to train in their Dalit community, where there are 26 women graduated ,there are 3 of them are very poor, could not able to buy sewing machine, but continuing in Prayers for it, among the 3, two of them were given the sewing machine as a gift to their self employment in their home.

Vani is married, to two children one boy who is 6 and a girl who is 4.   She got a polio ,in her left leg, is a crippled, and she can work at home, cook, wash clothes ,but could not go to any out side job. Her husband goes to daily work in the field, does not have any land, even does not have own house, they stay in rented house, so she was praying for the machine, so the Lord has provided to help their family with stitching clothes for others to get earn some money to help their family.  She was so happy for getting the new sewing machine.

Revathi also comes from Dalit community, is married ,had two sons, 5 an 6. They have small house to live, and her husband goes to labor work, earns little ,so started coming to our sewing school, and learned all the skills, and now able to stitch the clothes, but does not have money to buy, but she was praying for the sewing machine, and God helped her sewing machine through you, she was so much thankful to you who helped her.

Matthew 25: 39-40 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Thank God for His blessings to you this day.  Name as many of them as you can.  Pray for those throughout the world, even in this country, who lack the basic needs for life.

Christian Training Organization
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