To All God’s Soldiers


Today is our first conference today.  We are in Vijayawada.  It’s been a difficult start, but God is with us and will be doing great things in the days ahead.  However, whoever is praying for me to have opportunities to learn patience and flexibility, please stop!  Your prayers are being answered.  The following is a blog I wrote on the plane coming here:

When I was a young boy one of my favorite past times was playing with my toy soldiers.  They were made of tin and colorfully painted.  I would spread them out on my bedroom floor and organize them for the upcoming battle.  I would place some as scouts watching the enemy movements; others would be messengers who deliver communications or foot soldiers ready to fight.  I would have infantry and artillery.  Others I would hold in reserve to quickly move to wherever needed.  Still others would watch the flanks or rear of the army.  Then of course medical and food staff were also needed.  It took a lot of careful planning.  Each one had to carry our their assigned task for the army to be successful.

When I was older I went into the US Army and discovered they do the same thing.  Now I am in God’s army watching Him operate the same way with those who would be soldiers in His army.

Nancy and I may be the ones actually going to India, but He assigns each and every one of you who are committed to praying for us each day a special need or situation to pray for.  He burdens your for some specific request or desired outcome  Make sure you listen very carefully to what He assigns you, and please carry it out.  Any army needs everyone carrying out their assigned duties for it to be victorious.  That is especially true of God’s army.

As major needs arise I will share them with you, but until then faithfully pray for the parts of this God wants you to pray for.  We need each of your to have victory in this.

Here’s a list to help give you ideas about the kinds of things for which you canpray.  Ask God to show you where your prayer focus should be.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025