We will be leaving for India this Thursday, January 11. PLEASE pray for us! I have put our prayer calendars below. If you’d like a copy emailed to you, write me and I’ll send it: jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org
When I get apprehensive about the trip, I remember that it’s a privilege to serve God in any way He desires. We owe our very lives to Him, as well as our eternal life in heaven. He has given us a wonderful quality of life here on earth. We have good health, more finances than we ever expected to have at this time in life, great friends, a beautiful family committed to Him, many opportunities to minister and a very close, special friendship and love between Nancy and myself. Indeed, life is good! So, when He asks us to give 2 ½ weeks out of 52 back to Him, He certainly isn’t asking too much. That’s only about 5% of the year, half of a 10% tithe. Plus, He promises to be with us and not allow more than we can handle with His help and grace.
As Christians we emphasize tithing our money to God, but what about tithing our time? God not only gives us all our possessions; He gives us all our time. Giving finances back to Him is right, but so giving Him our time. If you added up all the time you spent in prayer and Bible study, ministering in church or serving God in whatever way you can, what would it add up to? How many of your roughly 112 waking hours each week are given back to Him? That’s as much a part of being a good steward as giving of our finances. Ask Him to show you how you can better serve Him today. Make sure you spend time with Him, He wants that more than anything else.
INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUEST: From Pastor Chebon, a pastor in Kenya who represents CTO there as he uses our materials to train pastors: “If there’s anything I have to thank God for, is my divine connection to you and your ministry. God is truly faithful and I truly thank Him with all my heart. You are truly a blessing to me and my ministry.
“I sincerely appreciate you for truly bringing my vision to a reality. I had the passion and zeal but needed someone to stand with me. At the right time, God brought you to me. I’m indeed grateful to God for you and your CTO ministry. May God truly bless you extraordinarily beyond your expectations for the great work you are doing for His kingdom.
“Today we had the pleasure to celebrate the completion of the “Duties of Pastors” course training at God’s Nature Outreach Jairos Church. It was moving and ecstatic. To God be the glory and honor for the great work He is doing through Christian Training Organization ministry worldwide. These courses are truly gaining wide publicity with many demands from many Church organizations. Hallelujah. The worship song in Kiswahili says “This Jesus has done good things to me that’s why I praise and worship Him.” Just to quote a few testimonies from the trainees: ” The content is detailed and specific to develop leaders. Before attending the course, I had wanted to quit the ministry but through this training I am encouraged to go back and correct myself and go ahead.” “I really appreciate the teachings because it has impacted my life and changed my leadership style,” “Good course for the men of God,” “Good teachings and very powerful. Excellent!” This year, more than 50 denominations were represented. We really appreciate God for this diversity and inclusion.
“The courses we will be teaching are “Leadership Lessons from the Bible,” “Duties of Pastors,” “Biblical Counseling,” “What God Expects of Churches,” “Marriage and Ministry” and “Preaching and Teaching God’s Word.”
“I cannot forget the trust you have and still have in me, by sending me the funds for the CTO training sessions. I have not taken it for granted. This is a real trust you have had in me. Thank you for counting me worthy to be a faithful steward of God’s resources and my desire is to hear the words of our Lord Jesus Christ “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share my master’s happiness!” This is my desire and fervent prayer to be faithful and committed in order to accomplish our Father’s Will. In this regard, I appreciate you most sincerely and wholeheartedly for appointing me to be the CTO representative both in Kenya and Uganda. I’m indeed grateful to you. I hope this is the first CTO appointment in the African continent. Once again, thank you for blessing me with the mantle carry on the CTO vision here. I receive it with both hands. I don’t take it for granted. I know it’s God who’s speaking through you.
“Please pray for more laborers (Matthew 9:38, Luke10:2). Pray for our first training in 2024, January 10-13. Also pray for dependence on God and for good health, safe journey mercies, anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit in all our training sessions in 2024. And for adequate strength and energy to accomplish God’s Will. Also pray for the $8,000 we need for training in 2024.
“God bless you and the CTO ministry for the great vision of Training, Equipping and Transforming (TET) our Pastors and Church Leaders”. – Pastor Chebon
Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)
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