Things Not To Worry About


I come from a long line of worriers.  Growing up, I learned from some of the best.  And I learned well.  It doesn’t take a lot of creativity to find things to fear, to anticipate what could go wrong in any and every situation.  I’m sure you can come up with your own list of things to worry about, so I won’t add to it now.  But I would like to give you a list of a different kind: things to NOT worry about.  If you have any of these on your list, you must take them off.

Don’t worry about the worst that can happen.  I used to imagine what was the worst that could happen, thinking it would prepare me so I wasn’t surprised.  Instead, we should think of the best thing that can happen (Hebrews 11:1), for God is able to do more than we can imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  God is loving and kind, and if something bad does happen, we have His guarantee it is for our growth and His glory (Romans 8:28).

Don’t worry about something good that may not happen, such as marriage, having a child, getting that perfect job.  God promises to never withhold something that is good for us (Psalm 84:11).  Often what we think is “No” is really just “Wait.”  When it is “No,” we know that it is for a good reason.

Don’t worry about health concerns, yours or another person’s.  God knows all about it (Psalm 139) and is the Great Physician.  Whatever happens is just what He knows is best to happen.

Don’t worry about safety or protection because God promises to watch over us (Psalm 12:2-3) and give us peace (Psalm 4:8).  So much is out of our hands, but nothing is out of His hands.

Don’t worry about what others think of you.  That’s a biggie in my family and in me as I grew up.  I’ve learned to follow Jesus and leave the rest up to Him (Psalm 101:2-3).  God will protect our reputation with those who matter when we serve Him (Isaiah 54:17).

Don’t worry about things out of your control, for nothing is out of God’s control (Philippians 4:8).  All we can control is our attitudes and actions; everything else in in God’s hands

Don’t worry that you won’t have what you need, because God says He will provide for our needs (Matthew 6:25-26).  If we need it, we’ll have it (Philippians 4:19).  If we don’t have it, God is saying we don’t need it.

Don’t worry about money.  I can honestly say this hasn’t been one of my biggest fears, but I know for many others it is.  God has given me faith to trust Him for our financial needs, and He has always provided just enough when we needed it (not early but not late) (Matthew 6:20).  Follow His guidelines for financial stewardship, and He’ll take care of the rest.

Don’t worry God can’t handle something.  Trust Him Who can and will handle everything (Proverbs 16:3; 3:5-6).  God won’t make a mistake because He can’t make a mistake (Psalm 18:30).

Don’t worry that God is punishing you.  Fear is from the enemy, never God (1 John 4:18).  He will never punish His children (Romans 8:1). Jesus took all our punishment on the cross (Romans 3:21-31).

Have you taken those things off your worry list?  What is left?  Probably not much, if anything at all.  Let your mind rest on God’s truth and let that reality control your emotions, not the other way around.

In Philippians 4:6-7  “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Which of these are you most emtpted to worry about?

Why do you worry about them?

What should you do instead?

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