It’s easy to think about our needs during these ties and forget those who have greater needs than ours.  We don’t want to become so focused on ourselves that we neglect God’s command to give to others in greater need.  I want to thank you for praying and giving to help the poor pastors in India.  God is using your gifts in a great way.  You will meet these people in heaven, but I’d like you to meet some of them today:

A DALIT: Pastor RV (see picture below) comes from a Dalit community.  He says he lived a sinful life before becoming a believer and had no peace in his heart.  A village pastor shared the Gospel with him.  He was interested so he started attending church and reading the Bible.  He gave his live to Jesus and was baptized.  One day while reading the Bible God put a great burden on him to share the Gospel with others so he started doing so.  People responded and soon he had a group of believers meeting for church.  A few months later he started a church in another village.  He has 4 daughters; 2 married and 2 still in school.  He is using the books he received at our conference to teach his people on Sundays.  He is very grateful for the food he received during this time of being locked down.

A MUSLIM:  Pastor MV (see picture below) comes from a Muslim Family.   When he was a child, his mother was indwelt by a demon.  She went to one of the Muslim shrines for healing but was not healed.  Someone told her Jesus could heal her, so she went to a church and heard the Gospel.  She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and asked the pastor to pray for her.  He prayed and the evil spirit left her.  She then started praying and going to church with her children.  Her son, MV, accepted Jesus and started reading the Bible and going to church.  One day God called him to share his testimony with other Muslim families.  Some families started attending the fellowship.  He married a Muslim believer and started a church in his village.  They have 3 sons.  People are coming to the Lord and the church is growing. He was happy and thankful for the food and for the donors at this time of Pandemic.

AN INDIAN ABORIGINAL: Pastor CN (see picture below) comes from one of the original tribal groups of people who lived in India before the Hindus arrived.  They live in very poor slums by rivers and canals and catch fish to stay alive.  One of his sisters became a Christian and invited him to her house.  A local pastor had a prayer meeting there that day.  He heard the Gospel and became a believer.  Before long, God spoke to him telling him to share the Gospel with his relatives.  He went to them and shared the Gospel and his testimony.  When he was done, he prayed and some of them accepted Jesus.  He started a church fellowship with them.  God has been bringing more and more people to his church.  At this time of crisis, he is very thankful to the donors for the food for his family.

A HINDU FEMALE:  Ruth comes from a Hindu family.   Her husband left her when her son was born.  She already had 2 girls.  She had a lot of trouble caring for them by herself.  A relative invited her to come to church but she refused.  Then one day she went and continued to go.  She heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus as her Savior.  She attended church regularly and started learning God’s Word.  She is uneducated and cannot read or write.  One day when listening to God’s Word she heard God calling her to witness to neighboring people.  She faithfully did that and people started putting their faith in Jesus.  Someone erected a small shed so they could gather for worship and now there are 20 people attending this church.  They look to her for leadership and teaching and she is happy to serve God any way she can.  She has been praying for food.  She is thankful to God, and to the donors, for answering her prayers.

Matthew 10:8  … Freely you have received; freely give.

Acts 20:35  In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

1 Timothy 6:17-19  Be generous and willing to share.

Are there those God has put in your life that need prayer and/or help?  Ask God to show you, and do what you can to minister to them during these needy times.


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2020