Thanks for your help!!!

Thanks so very much for your prayers, gifts and support for our India ministry.  It is GREATLY appreciated, for without it I wouldn’t be able to minister there.  Please keep praying for the pastors and Christians in India.  Pray God would continue to use what was said and also the books that were distributed.  Daily we get many reports back about how the pastors benefitted from these sessions and how God is continuing to use them and the books to help in their ministries.  The results are beyond anything we could have imagined!  The ripples from these 3 weeks will continue to spread and grow for years to come!


Please keep praying for financesso we can continue the ministry in India.  Because of the large number who attended (560 pastors, 82 pastors’ wives and 1500 at the evening and Sunday services) our costs were higher than anticipated.  I know God will meet these needs as he has in the past.  In addition, it’s time to send our yearly support for the orphans we sponsor and we need funds for them as well.  Also, we’d like to be able to help more pastors by giving them $25 a month to supplement their meager $50 a month incomes.  If you can help with any of these needs it would be greatly appreciated!


In January 2013 I’d like to take along somepeople who feel God leading them to come to India for 10 days to 2 weeks.  The time there won’t be nearly as intense as it was for me this past year.   Ministry will be balanced with times to relax and enjoy India.  Cost should be about $3000 which includes plane fare.  Also I’d like to take 2 pastors or teachersto help with the pastor’s conferences and to expose them to this special ministry.  Hopefully God would provide further opportunities for them to return and minister in India.  If you are interested let me know so I can keep you informed.


One more thing.  Some have expressed interest in a devotional book of my blogs observing life and experiences in India and drawing spiritual lessons from these observations.  If you might be interested in a copy let me know.


Thanks again for EVERYTHING!!!!!

PS This past Sunday I preached on God’s Sufficient Grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) – what He has been teaching me during my time in India. If you’d like to hear that message you can find it at

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025