

(Monday, January 13, 2014)  We Had our first Leader of Leaders conference today – the men we’ve worked with closest and longest.  I’ve known them for years, been in their homes, preached in their churches and helped pay for new homes or churches.  They are among the ones we support with $25 a month as well.  I feel very close to them and they to me.  They have sponsored conferences in their churches, and they oversee our work in their area among the several churches they all oversee.

            While waiting for lunch today some of them shared  what God has recently been doing in their churches.  Here are the highlights:

Pastor Isaac  Vizaq (picture 1, man in light blue shirt and wife on right).  A girl who had cancer came for prayer and was healed, believed in Jesus and attends church.  An alcoholic man who beat his wife came for prayer and became a believer.  Someone dreamed of he and his wife, then went and found them, asking for prayer.  He was delivered from alcoholism and became a believer.  They prayed for young man who hated Jesus.  Before long he became a believer now his whole family attends church.

Pastor Prakash Rao, Bobbili (picture 1, standing on left in pink shirt)  He oversees 4 churches and his wife 3 among the gypsie people.  A women with AIDS came for prayer.  She was healed and became a believer.

Pastor Sudhakar working in Repalli (picture 1, tan shirt, 2nd from left)  A man with aids prayed and was healed and believed.  A hindu man sitting outside his house had an idol fall on his head and break his back.  He was paralyzed and the hospital couldn’t help him.  He was dying so his family dumped him at the church because they didn’t want him.  The people prayed, he was healed, believed in Jesus and went back and testified to his doctors.

Pastor Das (picture 2, standing)    A lady with swelling in her legs and stomach came for prayer, was healed, now is part of the church.  A pregnant lady who wasn’t able to deliver her baby was dumped at their church to die but they prayed and she had a safe delivery.

Pastor Sudhakar Rao, Bobbili (picture 3)  A man with kidney failure was left at the church to die.  They prayed, he was healed and believed, now he has part in their ministry.

            What a joy and privilege to be involved with these men.  Thanks for you who help support them with $25 a month!

by Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer, Christian Training Organization

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