Stages and Changes


My mother’s favorite Bible passage was Ecclesiastes 3 where it says there is a time for everything under heaven. The older I get, the more I see the truth in that. As I look back on my life, I  see numerous stages and changes: growing up, getting married, raising children, our empty nest and now retirement.  I’m going through a major change now with having to cancel our trip to India in January, 2023.  I’ll training another pastor to go in my place.  Instead of doing the work, I will be training others to do it.  There will be a few more stages coming, too, unless God calls me home soon.

Each stage has its advantages and special blessings.  Our current time period gives Nancy and myself time to enjoy each other and deepen our relationship.  We have more time for each other and we have gotten even closer than ever. I never knew it was possible to feel as close to another human being as I do to her. I love this part of the stage.  Being retired gives us time to minister and serve others.  We do what we can to help our children and grandchildren. We also have Nancy’s mother to help take care of. So we’re still in a caregiver stage in that way

God brings us to these seasons for a purpose.  Each one has its own particular challenges and rewards.  Each one takes adjustments.  Each stretches us and makes us more like Jesus.  God works in each to grow our faith and trust in Him.  Each stages seems like it will last forever, but none do.  They come and they go.  Such is life.  The same is true of our work in India.

Nothing in this life is permanent. Nothing lasts forever. I don’t know how many stages and changes I will still have, but I know the final big change will be when I am taking to heaven. Then there will be no more change. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye I will change and then I will be with Him forever. I’m looking forward to that change. Are you?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance…

What are some of the stages you have gone through in life?  What stage are you in now?  What is God trying to teach you in this season of life?  What are you doing to prepare for the next stage?

INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUEST:  I recently received this from a Christian in Southeast Asia:  “Last July, I and one of my disciples went to _____ by train. After booking the train ticket, I suddenly started feeling feverish. All my family forbade me to travel with a fever.  I prayed and started the journey. When I boarded the train at 8 am I noticed a strange change in my body. After about 6 hours of journey, I did not feel any weakness. It was truly a miracle! It is a kind of spiritual battle with Satan. By 3 o’clock in the afternoon, we reached our destination. The family arranged accommodation and food for us. They have only one room with a small bed and they let us stay in that bed. They slept on the floor at night. At night, the neighbors came to see us. I took that opportunity and started talking to them about sacrifices from the Holy Bible. I started from the first book of Genesis where God sacrificed animals and made clothes from their skins to cover the shame of being Adam. I talked about Abel, Noah, Abraham and the Passover Lamb. Lord Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for mankind. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice bearing the sins of all mankind. At that time a Maulana or Imam (a Muslim leader/scholar) appeared. He took a chair and started listening to us. I was a bit shocked, a battle started in my mind should I continue or stop the invitation of the gospel of Jesus? I felt a strength in my heart and I boldly continued to invite the good news of Jesus. That Maulana slowly left after listening to me for some time. Here is also a spiritual battle with Satan. But that night the power of the Holy Spirit was observed. Seven members of the family, including their uncle, younger brother, nephew, the elder daughter, elder daughter’s son-in-law, and two other neighbors, believed and accepted the Lord Jesus as the redeemer and savior of sin.  All glory to God our Almighty.”

PRAY for God’s people around the world who are facing Satan’s direct opposition.  Thank God that His power is greater (1 John 4:4).



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2022

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025