Spiritual Bucket List


It seems everyone has a bucket list today – something they want to experience before they ‘kick the bucket.’  I’ve already crossed off some of mine: pastoring a fine church, having a great wife and godly children, writing some books and enjoying good health into retirement.  There are other things I wanted to do but haven’t: hike the Appalachian Trail, run a marathon and learn to paint with oils are among them. Our list as a couple includes a visit to the Grand Canyon and to see New England in the fall.  Recently I started thinking about a spiritual bucket list for myself.  What do I want to accomplish in the years left to me on this earth?  Here’s what I came up with.

  1. LEARN TO PRAY BETTER. The difficulty here is defining what “better” means. To me it refers to a deeper, more intimate personal relationship with God.  Better communication, both speaking and listening, is what I want.
  2. READ THE BIBLE AGAIN AND AGAIN. I want to keep reading through the Bible year after year. I don’t like establishing a deadline to finish, I prefer reading a few pages each day.  But when I finish Revelation, I want to go back to Genesis and start again.  My appetite for God’s Word is growing, and that’s a good thing!
  3. HELP TRAIN MY GRANDCHILDREN. I want to help impart knowledge and skills that are necessary for them to live a life of faithful service to God. I am able to teach many of them the Bible on line and sometimes in person.  I want to continue to do so.  I want to set a godly example and encourage them in their spiritual life.  If God calls any of them into full time Christian ministry, I’d love to help mentor them by passing on some of what God has been teaching me.
  4. LEAVE A GODLY LEGACY. When my family gathers around my coffin at my graveside and think of my life, what will they remember me for? I want them to know I loved them.  I want my grandchildren to think of all the fun times we had together.  But mainly I want to be remembered as someone who sought to be faithful to God.  I want my memory to be an encouragement to them when they are going through tough times.  More than anything, I want to leave a godly legacy for my descendants.

That’s my bucket list.  No way can I do any of that without God’s help, but He’s been gracious, patient and active in my life so far and I know He’ll continue to be in the future.  All praise to Him!

Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah  died,  I saw the Lord  seated on a throne,  high and exalted,  and the train of his robe  filled the temple.  Above him were seraphs,  each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet,  and with two they were flying.  And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy , holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth  is full of his glory.”  … Then I heard the voice  of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?”   And I said, “Here am I.  Send me!”

If you don’t have a spiritual bucket list written down somewhere, don’t put it off any longer.  Use the remaining time God is giving you wisely.  If you don’t mind, please send me a copy of your list. I’d love to see it!  (jerry@schmoyer.net)

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