We can be attacked because of access given through what has happened on the land or to the property in the past.
It can be PAST USE OF THE LOCATION. Some event may have happened on the land or in the home or room where you live. It could be a violent act, an occult activity, a curse, a dedicating of the property to the powers of darkness or similar acts. Sometimes when we go into a certain neighborhood or home there is a ‘sense’ of evil, a discomfort in our spirit. In a store that sells New Age materials you may ‘feel’ different in your spirit, a discomfort. This is the explanation for supernatural apparitions that happen in ‘haunted’ homes – demonic activity may be present. Some countries and even continents are in extra darkness and bondage and it can be sensed by believers. The message we get is from God’s Holy Spirit Who is warning us against the evil around us.
Our solution is to pray, taking back any access the enemy may claim to the property and asserting our right as children of God to claim and use it. Put any other claims under the blood of Jesus and dedicate it to Him for His honor and glory. A sign, picture or cross on the wall can be a good visual reminder to all of the ownership of the property by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray, anoint the house and property, etc. Walk around you boundaries praying out loud, claiming your property for God and forbidding any demons to have any access to it. Dedicate it to God and invite His presence through all of it. Take back any access any demons may claim to the property and put the access under the blood of Jesus. Break it in Jesus’ name. Ask God to put an angelic hedge of protection around it. Do the same in all the rooms of the house, especially the basement (if you have one). Anoint each room with oil by dipping your finger in the oil and putting a cross on the door, walls, etc. Pray as you did when you walked around the property. If there is one particular part of the house that seems worse put a night light there so there is always light in to room. You could do that to all the rooms. Demons hate light, and they hate hearing Jesus praised, so you can play praise music in various places 24 hours a day. It can be real soft – they will hear it!
In addition it can be from PERSONAL PROPERTY ON THE LOCATION. When the Jews took possession of Canaan under Joshua they were told to not keep any of the objects they captured. Even animals and children were to be destroyed. They had been dedicated to Satan and were claimed by him. Those who used these things would be opening themselves up to the demonic powers they had been dedicated to. That’s why Paul had the people in Ephesus burn all their occult books. Today we must watch for things like literature from other cults and religions, Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia, pagan objects from primitive cultures, objects from Masonic or other secret societies, some Native American artifacts or the like. Pornography, drug or alcoholic supplies, music with a black or evil dimension
The solution is to remove and destroy such objects as God convicts you or as being openings for demonic access. Ask for forgiveness for having them, cleanse the room from their presence, take back any access the enemy may claim and dedicate the space as well as yourself to Jesus. Ask Him to reveal to you anything else that may need to be dealt with.
When a room or object is under the control of an evil spirit for whatever reason they claim, painting crosses by dipping a finger in oil and making them on a wall claims the place for Jesus. Playing Christian music and leaving a small light on also are offensive to the forces of darkness. Of course praying and quoting scripture while making the crosses is important, too. I know I, as a Christian, have great power in blessing people, especially my own family and other Christians. ‘God bless you’ is more than a slang or shallow comment. There’s real power in it when one means it that way. It’s a privilege I use and repeat often to people. Distance doesn’t seem to affect it at all. Of course there is something even more special about touching a person when I pray or ask God to bless them, but when at a distance it carries just as well. The power is in God who is everywhere (omnipresent). Satan and demons are limited to one place at a time so they are at a distinct disadvantage in this, too.
The promise God gives us to claim and use is: The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. I John 4:4
Remove and destroy all objects of false worship, then pray this aloud in every room. Using your finger to print small crosses of oil on the doors and walls is good to do. Also, leaving a light on (against darkness) and/or music praising Jesus playing in the room is also good. Demons don’t like light or hearing Jesus praised.
“Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that You are the Lord of heaven and earth. In Your sovereign power and love, You have entrusted us with this place to live and we thank You for it. I dedicate this place to You for Your honor and glory. I pray this would be a place of spiritual, emotional and physical safety and blessing for me and my family and ask for Your protection from all the attacks of the enemy. I take back any access any of Satan’s forces have claimed against this place and put that under the blood of Jesus. As a child of God I command every evil spirit claiming ground in this place to be gone. Any sin that has been committed here, any spirits invited here in any way and anything that may have happened on this location we put under the blood of Jesus and we forbid you to take any access to this place or do any work against us or anyone in this place. Dear Lord, fill this place with Your presence and only your presence.”
Pray and ask God to show you if you have anything in your possession that will open the door to demonizing. Dedicate your land, home and everything in it to God, giving Him complete ownership of it and taking back any access any demons might claim to it.
(If I can answer questions or offer personal counsel, or if you would like a free copy of my Spiritual Warfare Handbook, email me at Jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org or download it from http://sw.christiantrainingonline.org/. My next book, Spiritual Warfare in the Bible, which is a more advanced treatment of spiritual warfare, is also available there for free.)