Something Happened to Me In India

Something happened when I was in India that I haven’t talked about.  I think of it often but haven’t had words to express it before now.  I prefer not to write about myself, but I do feel God wants me to share this about what He has done so I will.  What happened was that I left India feeling much, MUCH closer to God than I ever have before.  My love for Him and awe at Who He is and what He has done for us is much greater than it ever was.  Praise for Him easily overflows from my heart.  He is much more real to me than ever before.

This developed in me gradually through the time there and I could sense it happening.  It is because of the great privilege of giving His plan of redemption through the Bible in each conference as I taught the Bible Overview.  It was emotionally and physically draining to teach but spiritually uplifting.  It was humbling to get to share that great message day after day after day.   I did experience what I can only call a special anointing and filling of His Holy Spirit Who gave me the energy and words to speak.

Starting with the Old Testament and showing our need as well as God’s plan of provision of salvation through the shedding of innocent blood set the stage.  Eden, sacrifices, Abraham sacrificing Isaac, the Passover deliverance, the Kinsman-Redeemer in Ruth and the prophecies and revelation of the coming Messiah all build to the birth of Jesus.  Talking about Him leaving heaven, being God and man in one, His miracles and His teaching, and especially talking about His cruel death in detail was moving for me and all those listening.  I talked about all Jesus went through and why He did it, culminating with His victorious death and resurrection.  Then, after covering the New Testament and Jesus’ headship over the church today, I talked about the rapture, tribulation and His Second Coming to remove sin and Satan forever.  I have several excellent and very effective magical tricks I use to emphasize the main points.  The men applaud Jesus and are greatly touched, as am I, by His power and love.  It is just awesome to share this daily.  It touches me more deeply each time.  Doing this has changed me in many ways.  I am more aware of God’s presence moment-by-moment in my life.  I understand and appreciate my salvation more than ever.  I feel and experience His love and acceptance of me much more than I ever have before.  I could go on and on.

Something happened to Nancy as well.  Her faith has grown much stronger and deeper as her confidence in God and His goodness increases.  But I’ll let her tell her own story some time.

I say this not to focus on us, but to testify to the faithfulness and love of God for us.  I still can’t find words that adequately describe it all, or give Him the credit and honor due Him – just that He is a wonderful, amazing, awesome, loving, giving, forgiving God!  We only get to scratch the surface of that in this life.  I am glad He allowed us to scratch a little deeper during this past trip to India.  (Doylestown, PA  March 10, 2016)

Ephesians 1:3  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

Have you been growing closer to God as the years pass?  Pray and ask Him to continue to reveal Himself to you, and for you to be open and alert to notice and appreciate what He has done and is doing for you.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025