Sorry, men, but this blog is all about you and for you (and me, too). Women can read this (I know they will!). It will help women better understand the men in their lives so they can better pray for them. So, men, here we go!
Being a godly man is not easy. In fact, it is impossible without God’s power and presence in us. Even then, it is a constant struggle, an uphill fight. Most of us didn’t have a godly male example to follow, maybe not even a half-decent male in our lives. Now, as Christian men, we’re supposed to have it all together as men, husbands, fathers, friends, employees, etc. No wonder we struggle!
There are certain areas where we struggle more than others. If we understand these we can better know what to watch out for so we can have victory and move ahead. Let’s look at these areas.
- PRIDE. We have to start here, because this is the one that keeps us from recognizing and overcoming the other sin areas. Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18). Let’s admit it: we are basically selfish, thinking of ourselves and our needs. We either think we are better than others and therefore feel we are more important, or we feel we are worse than others and therefore feel insecure and inferior. Either way, we men seem to react poorly to failure, to criticism and to negative comments. That’s because they hurt our feelings and our ego. Even if they are intentionally or accidentally given, we still need to glean and apply any truth the comments contain. We also need to immediately forgive anything that is not true or is said in a hurtful way, true or not. We need to show the same grace to others Jesus shares with us. This pride thing can be a real problem for men, me included. If God would grade you on your humility on a scale of 1 to 10, what grade would He give you?
- ANGER. Men are generally more violent than women. You can see this in sports, hunting, even crime statistics. Controlled force is not a problem (i.e., Jesus turning over the tables in the temple), but way too often our anger is not totally under control. The result is anger. The root cause is usually our pride (see above). We handling hurt in an ungodly way. Anger itself is not sin (Ephesians 4:26-27; Psalm 4:4) when it is focused on a true wrong that has been done. That’s called “righteous indignation”, but it must be handled with self-control or it, too, can become sinful. Usually, our anger is a result of being hurt, not getting our own way or as a means of trying to exercise control over a person or situation. Far too many men handle anger by either exploding or cramming it down inside (until it later explodes). Would your wife and children say your anger is under control? Where would they rank you on a scale of 1 to 10.
- SEXUAL IMMORALITY. God created sex to be a marriage gift for a husband and wife, a way to serve and show love to each other. Yet our flesh and Satan’s influence have turned something beautiful and sacred into something used to control and manipulate others. Pornography is a large problem for men, Christian or not. Men are more visually wired than women. God made us that way. Being visually-oriented is not in itself bad. Having an eye for visuals allows men to become writers, painters and photographers. Where men falter is allowing their eyes to control the entire body, specifically when sexuality is introduced. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death. – James 1:15 Much like anger, lust does not begin as sin, but can easily lead to that. While a literal death may not be experienced, men who become addicted to sex can easily bring death to their marriage, family structure, or job. God’s Spirit offers power to overcome ungodly lust (1 Corinthians 10:13). Root issues of insecurity, inferiority and the need to control also need to be addressed. I have found most men are insure about themselves especially in fulfilling their role as a man. Accountability to other men is also important for victory over sexual men, mental or physical. There is forgiveness readily available for all sin, including sexual sin (Psalm 103). How would you honestly rate yourself for having control over your sinful sexual thoughts and actions on a scale of 1 to 10? (Continued in next blog)
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).
MEN: Which of these 3 are the hardest for you to overcome? What must you starting now to have victory? Write out a plan.
WOMEN: Pray for the men in your life to have victory in these areas. Ask God to show you what you can do to help and not make things harder for them.
NEW IN INDIA; We have been expanding our ministry in India by working with pastors who have been holding pastors conferences in their areas for years. I received this report from one man doing this: “Greetings in our Savior Jesus Christ’s name! In October and November 2024, we had wonderful programs, in two states, Guwahati and Manipur, we conducted couples’ seminar. 20 couples registered, and we had a meaningful time. However, we also conducted evening gospel preaching services for all people. We thank God that in the midst of political turmoil, and communal war we are able to travel safely to different states. Praise God that I baptized 3 persons, 2 are from other faith communities, and one from Roman Catholic. Pray for their spiritual growth. Pray also that one whole family consisting of 6 members accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. Very soon they will be baptized. They will need a place of worship. Pray that God will open the way for them to build a temporary building for worship.” Pastor A. L.
Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)
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