Satan’s Game Plan


It’s much easier to defeat an opponent if you know their game plan.  That’s true in sports, business and warfare.  Those following Jesus find themselves in a war with an enemy who is trying to destroy them.  Unfortunately, many Christians live in sin and defeat, but they don’t have to.  God has revealed Satan’s game plan to alert us.  He also gives us His power to have victory.  Let’s make sure we understand what that game plan is.

1 John 2:16 reveals weapons Satan uses to attack and defeat us: “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.”  This is the same 3-pronged attack Satan used on Eve (Genesis 3:1-7) and Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11).  He uses it on us today as well.

  1. Cause a craving for physical gratification. People today are preoccupied with sex, drugs, alcohol, food or anything that brings physical pleasure. Eve was tempted to eat fruit which “was good for food” (Genesis 3:3b). Jesus was tempted with bread after fasting for 40 days (Matthew 4:3-4).  God gives us good things to please us, but when we go outside God’s intended purpose for these things, they become sin.  What temptations for food, drink, sex, etc., are most effective against you?
  2. Cause a desire to accumulate money and possessions. Satan tempted Eve by showing her what was “pleasing to the eye” (Genesis 3:6c). He showed Jesus the kingdoms of the world and told Him He could have them all (Matthew 4:810 ).  He still tempts us with the newest, biggest, flashiest possessions the world has to offer.  He wants us to think we have to have them; we can’t be happy until they are ours.  But they are like drinking salt water.  They don’t bring satisfaction, just a desire for more.  What “things” most tempt you?  What do you feel you must have to be happy?
  3. Cause boastful pride, focusing on themselves. The final weapon of Satan’s used against Eve and Jesus and us is focus on status and significance. Satan tempted Eve by promising knowledge that would make her like God (Genesis 3:4-5). He tempted Jesus to avoid the cross by jumping off the highest point of the temple and having angels save Him in front of all the watching people so they would see how great he was (Matthew 4:5-7).  Satan tempts us to elevate ourselves over others as well.  We want to be noticed and recognized, seen as successful and important and have others impressed with us.  We don’t want to yield, submit, serve, apologize or humble ourselves.  That’s all pride.  Where is your biggest battle with pride?  Under what circumstances do you most often give in?  What must you do to have victory?

It’s not a question of “if” Satan will tempt you, but “when” and “how.”  It will happen.  Knowing his game plan for defeating you gives you an advantage in being able to block his attacks.

1 John 2:14-15  I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.  Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.

Take a moment to write down the temptations to which you are most vulnerable.  Under each write what you need to do to block the attack.

INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUEST:  Our 15 books are almost finished being translated into Telugu and Spanish.  They are also being translated into SWAHILI (Africa) and the Spiritual Warfare Handbook into ODIA (India).  They are distributed and used in India, South America and Africa. This email is from the pastor who is translating the book into Odia.  He writes:  “Greetings from India. Thank you for your prayer and love. Translation work is going on well. 80 % of translation work is already over. Few pages left to complete the work. Then it will go for typing, proof reading and printing. Soon everything will be completed and we will dedicate the book for the glory of God.   It is my Joy to be a part of this project. Continuously pray for me so that God may guide me while I am doing the translation work. Thank you.  Yours in His work, Pastor _____ “

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your contributions to CTO.  That is what makes this important work possible.  Please pray for these new translations to be effective in helping pastors better serve their church and advance the Kingdom.



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2023


Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025