Satan Attacks Marriages


(2 of 15 blogs about spiritual warfare and marriage/family, taken from  material I presented at a marriage retreat, Winning the Battle For Your Family, in 2019)

            Satan has been attacking marriage since the beginning.  God planned for marriage to be a permanent union of one man and one woman for their whole lives.  Satan attacks every part of God’s plan.  He sows doubt that God’s way is best (Genesis 3:1).  He used one mate to get another to sin (Genesis 3:6).  As a result they blamed each other (Genesis 3:12-13).  Remember, the enemy of your marriage is NOT your spouse, regardless of whatever they may be doing wrong.  The enemy of your marriage is God’s enemy, Satan and his kingdom. 

            Satan attacked God’s plan of one man and one woman with multiple wives (Lamech, Genesis 4:19; Abraham, Genesis 16:3; David, 1 Chronicles 3:1-9).  He attacked one man one women with homosexuality (Genesis 18:16-19:28) and the permanency of marriage (Deuteronomy 24:1-4).  Marriages of believers and unbelievers brought idolatry into the nation.  Sex outside marriage became common (Samson, David, etc.). 

            He continues to attack marriage today.  He will exaggerate your mate’s failures and inadequacies, put suspicion in your mind, focus on your self-pity and self-centeredness and provide you with thoughts that someone else would be a better mate.  How can you know when your marriage is attacked?  Here are some signs of problems in your marriage. They could be caused by the flesh, the enemy or both.

1. Lack of fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  Instead of love, joy, peace, patience, etc., there is conflict, impatience, anger and hurt. 

2. Self-centeredness.  One or both people focus on themselves and what they can get out of marriage.  It’s all about meeting their needs and what the other does wrong.  The relationship is neglected.

3. Unforgiveness.  Resentment and bitterness grow and are shown.  Anger and conflict are common

4. Weak spiritual life.  Reading the Bible and praying, separately or together, is uncommon.  When it is practiced it is weak and ineffective. 

5. Picking at little things.  Either or both get irritated at little things the other does or doesn’t do.  Minor faults are pointed out and remembered. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Do you see any of the symptoms of marriage problems in your relationship?  Which ones?

Is the problem caused by the flesh (sin nature in each of you) or the enemy (Satan) – or both?

What must you do about it right away to correct it?

Jerry Schmoyer

Christian Training Organization ©2019 

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