Talk about taking a direct hit right between the eyes with a dose of reality! God does that sometimes. Every once in a while He dumps a bucket of ice water right on my comfortable, semi-apathetic soul. It is His way of giving me a much needed wakeup call. Yes, it’s a shock, but a necessary one. I assume He does that to you as well.
This time it came through an email from a pastor in Pakistan with whom I’ve been corresponding. In addition to his other duties, he finds himself responsible for 30 orphans but had no beds for them. He received funds for 20 beds and sent pictures of the children rejoicing over their new beds (we’d call them cots). Seeing them so grateful for so little is what struck me. (picture attached)
Why didn’t God have me born as an orphan in Pakistan? Why wasn’t I one of those children sitting there? Being a child in Pakistan is unimaginable, especially an orphan. Being a girl is even worse there – about as bad as it gets anywhere. There is absolutely no reason I can think of that I would deserve to be born here instead of there – just God’s choice for me. The fact that I, my children and my grandchildren, live in this country is nothing I can take any credit for in any way.
On top of that is their joyful appreciation for something so basic and simple as a cot to sleep on, something we assume and take for granted. May God forgive me for assuming and presuming on all the blessings He has given me, as if somehow they are something I deserve and have a right to expect. May He forgive me for any smug attitude of superiority I may have towards others who don’t have all I have/ May He forgive my greedy demands, my complaints about inconveniences in my life and my lack of real, deep compassion for others.
Sometimes I need to be hit between the eyes with a dose of God’s reality. It hurts, but in a good way. It resets my values and priorities to where they need to be. It reminds me that everything I am and have comes from Him. He doesn’t owe me anything but I owe Him everything. (Doylestown, PA, July 14, 2015).
Philippians 4:11-131 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Ask God if you need a dose of reality in your perception of your life and circumstances or in your expectations of Him. If so, sit back and take the hit like a man (or woman).
INDIA UPDATE: The “Bible Overview” books are nearing completion. Pray they would be used by God in a very special way. Pastor Moses will be here September 1-18. Pray we would use the time to help provide much needed prayer, help and financial support for this ministry.
NOTE: I have just finished a series of articles about intimacy in marriage based on our recent marriage retreat. You can find them and many other articles about marriage and the family at: