Proving Heaven and Hell Are Real

Having looked at proofs for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, angels and demons, let’s now look to the future. What about heaven and hell? There are stories, songs, myths and legends about both of them. Are they real, or just something someone imagined? It makes a world of difference if there is no heaven or hell awaiting us after this life. If this life is all there is we’d live it much differently than if we knew there was another life afterwards. So, this is a very important question.
PROOF FROM THE BIBLE: First we must prove that there is life after death. We know God created man to be with Him forever. but death entered with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:19). Yet death shows God’s mercy on man, for it frees him from endless living on this earth separated from God. Death allows man to be reunited with God. Death is the result of sin (James 1:15; Romans 6:23). Jesus came to remove the power of death, which keeps us in a state separated from God forever (1 Corinthians 15:21-22). David knew he would live even after death (Psalm 23:6; Psalm 49:15; 16:10). Solomon (Ecclesiastes 12:7), Job (Job 19:25-27), Paul (2 Corinthians 5:8) and Jesus believed in life after death (Mark 12:26-27; John 11:25-26).
Since there is life after death, now we will look at where that life will take place – in heaven or in hell. We can easily prove heaven exists from the Bible because there are over 600 verses that talk about heaven. The Bible says God created heaven (Isaiah 48:13; 1 Corinthians 2:9). Moses believed in heaven (Deuteronomy 26:15), and so did Solomon (1 Kings 8:30). Jesus taught about heaven (John 14:2-3). Peter (1 Peter 1:3-4) and Paul (2 Corinthians 5:1) spoke of heaven.
Most people believe in heaven because it fits with what they would like. But most people reject hell because they don’t believe there can be such a destiny for anyone. Yet, if we believe in heaven we must also believe in hell. Jesus talked about hell over thirty times (Matthew 26:46; 13:42, 50; 25:41; 16:19; 10:28; Mark 9:43; Luke 16:22-31). The Old Testament talks about hell as well (Psalm 9:17; 16:10; 55:15; 139:8; Job 11:8; Proverbs 15:24; Isaiah 5:14).
The Bible makes it clear that hell is for those who have never accepted God’s free gift of salvation by putting their faith in Jesus (Revelation 20:10, 15; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Matthew 25:41-42; Luke 16:23-24). The only way to avoid hell and be in heaven is through Jesus (John 14:4-6; Acts 4:12).
PROOF FROM EXPERIENCE: There are many verified testimonies from those who died and experienced heaven before being brought back to life so they could tell what they experienced. There are stories of those who experienced hell the same way. I personally have talked to several people who have gone to heaven before being revived, and one man who went to hell. He immediately turned his life over to Jesus upon waking up!
PROOF FROM REASON: There is a common longing in all people for justice, for a time of peace, for something far better than this world. There is a need in us that this life does not satisfy. All people and cultures, all religions and beliefs, look forward to something better after this life. Where does this come from if not from God who built it into mankind because there really is a heaven and hell?
PROOF FROM THE CHARACTER OF GOD: When a good God looks down on this Earth and sees all these horrible atrocities occurring (like people murdering and raping), since He is good, He cannot turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed. And since it seems justice is not always carried out on this Earth, it must happen after we die. Therefore, there must be a place of punishment after we die (we call that Hell) and a place of bliss (we call that Heaven). But a good judge won’t just punish murderers and rapists, He’ll have to punish all acts of injustice, even thieving and lying.
We’ve all done at least something wrong in our life (either by lying, stealing, lusting, greed, jealousy, anger, fear, etc.), so that means we are deserving of going to Hell. And the good deeds that we do don’t merit us anything in front of a good judge, because a good judge would never accept a bribe. Just like if you murder somebody, you can’t say to the judge, “I admit I murdered that person, but look at the good works I’ve done – helping the poor, working for charities. Can you let me go?” If the judge were to let the criminal go free, he would be a corrupt judge. A good judge cannot be corrupt. Likewise, the perfect character of God demands punishment for sin, eternity in hell for those who reject His free gift of salvation. The only alternative is to accept Jesus’ punishment for our sin on the cross, in which case we have His perfection and are not deserving of hell. Therefore, there must another place for those who follow Him, a place of blessedness such as heaven.
PROOF FROM THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: Jesus conquered death, showing death is not the victor and there is a life after death. It also proves that what Jesus was saying about heaven and hell are also true. He stated that everyone will go to either heaven or hell. So, the resurrection of Jesus proves a life after death in either heaven or hell.

What difference would it make in your life if there were no heaven or hell?
What, to you, is the strongest argument that heaven and hell exist?
Pray now and ask God to bring someone into your life this week that you talk to about heaven or hell.
For more proof that Jesus is God email me at or download it at You can also access my book “Why We Believe” at

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling)
Copyright © 2024

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025