Prayers God Always Answers


We live in a culture that is very results-oriented and that impacts us as Christians.  It even carries over into our prayer lives.  We want to know how to pray and get answers.  Today I’m going to give you some prayers that you can use which are guaranteed to be answered.  Are you ready?

Forgive my sin.”  We all sin, and will continue to do so, but God promises to forgive and remove our sins (1 John 1:9).  The sin was paid for on the cross so it is gone when we admit it as sin.

Your will be done.”  Jesus taught us to pray this in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:10).  It’s a prayer He always answers.  His will is much better long term than our will.  He never promises to do all we want, but when we leave the choice to Him our prayer will always be answered.

Use me for your glory.”  That’s why He created us (Isaiah 43:7; 1 Corinthains 10:31).  We may not always see the answer, but we know it is happening.  As we follow Him and share His love with others He is glorified.  There might be a high price to pay because God is glorified when we trust and love Him despite pain and suffering in our lives.  When we ask Him to use us for His glory we can’t set conditions or limitations on how He does that.

Make me more like Jesus.”  This is God’s goal for each of this (Romans 8:29), so we know He will answer this prayer.  But remember the tools He often uses to remove our rough edges and teach us humility and obedience are often uncomfortable, even painful.  He will answer this prayer when we yield to His will and submit ourselves to living for Him no matter the cost.

“Guide me in Your ways.”  When we ask God for His guidance and wisdom He will lead us in His direction.  We must commit to follow Him no matter what.  He won’t reveal His will just so we can consider it with our other options.  We must commit to follow His will when we ask.  Sometimes we think He isn’t answering for He often uses circumstances and ‘little things’ to gently nudge us in the direction He wants us to go.  We have His promise that when we want to do His will, He will make sure we do.

Actually, it isn’t hard at all to get God to answer our prayers – as long as we are praying for things He wants for us.  On the other hand, trying to get God to what we want if it isn’t what He wants for us is dangerous.  We should be glad He doesn’t give us all we want, for do we really want God to give us something that He doesn’t want for us?  The key to having our prayers answered is to pray for what He wants for us, and then be willing to pay any price we may have to pay as we faithfully follow Him.  So now you know how to get your prayers answered. (February 12, 2024 Doylestown, PA)

Jeremiah 29:12–13 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Which of those prayers do you use most often?  Think of some examples of how God has answered them

Which of these prayers aren’t you praying?  Take a minute to pray them now.


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025