Parenting Never Ends


Since our children have grown and started families of their own we’ve talked to lots of other grandparents.  Frankly, I’m surprised by how many feel glad to be over their child-raising responsibilities and have minimal contact with their grown children and grandchildren.  Their attitude seems to be, “I raised my children, now you raise yours.”  Not to judge, but that doesn’t seem natural to me.

We really enjoy being with our children and grandchildren.  In fact, we wish we could be with them even more than we are.  They are a source of joy and blessing to us and we don’t tire of watching them.  I don’t think God gets tired of watching His children either.  Hopefully we can be a source of joy and blessing to Him.  If we as humans just keep on loving our children, I’m sure our Heavenly Father does as well.

After all, we are made in the image of God and His Father heart of love never gets tired of doing whatever He can for His children.  Shouldn’t we as parents reflect that towards our children?  I mean, what if God got to the point where He says He’s done with us, He’s done all He can, now it’s time for us to go off on our own?  What if He got tired of giving and sacrificing and giving more and sacrificing more?  Where would we be then?  He stays faithful to us and patient with us until the end.  I’M VERY GLAD He does, aren’t you?

2 Timothy 2:13  If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

1 Corinthians 1:9  God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank God for His faithfulness to you, not in general but by listing as many specific times and events as you can in your life where He faithfully and patiently stood by you no matter what.  Think where you’d be if He gave up on you, even for a short time.  Thank Him for not getting weary of you but continuing to sacrifice for you over and over again.

by Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer, Christian Training Organization

Christian Training Organization
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