By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer
Copyright  ©2011

I feel I’m in a spiritual battle.  What can I do to have victory?
Can a believer be demonized?
Is there a difference between being possessed or oppressed by demons?
How can I be deceived by Satan if I am a believer and know the truth?
Can children be demonized?
If demons are behind what I do, am I still responsible for it?
Why does a loving God allow me to suffer and struggle so much?
I’m not sure I am a Christian.  Just how do I become a Christian?

What allows demons to attack some people more than others?
I seem to struggle with the same sins as some others in my family.  Could demons cause this?
I have been sexually active in my past.  Could this open me to demonic attacks?
I’ve been involved in martial arts, could this lead to demonizing?
There’s someone in my past whom I just can’t forgive.  Can demons use that against me?
I’ve had ancestors who have been Masons.  Could something they agreed to affect me today?
Awful things have been happening since I moved to this property.  Could this place be cursed?
Does being adopted make me more vulnerable to demonizing?

What are some signs that show I am being attacked demonically?
I struggle with fear, could this be demonic?
I seem to get angry and lose control, could that be demonic?
I’ve heard lots of explanations for cutting, self-mutilation, and suicide.  Could demons be behind them?
I really don’t like myself.  How could this be demonic?
How can I have victory over depression?
My marriage is a mess and nothing seems to help.  Could there be a demonic cause for this?
Can demons make me physically ill?
Is there a relationship between mental illness and demonizing?
Can someone speak a blessing or a curse on me or my children?
I’ve struggled with pornography for some time.  How can I get free?
Can demons be behind a compulsion to touch one’s self sexually?

Is fasting a good way to be free from demonizing?
I’ve prayed for deliverance but still struggle.  What am I doing wrong?
Why doesn’t God just deliver us from Satan? Why does He allow us to struggle?
I’ve been battling for a long time and just don’t think I can go on any longer.  What can I do?
Demons don’t seem to listen to what I say.  What’s wrong?
I’ve done everything you’ve suggested but still don’t have victory.  Why is this?

I have a friend who seems to be demonized.  What can I do to help them?
Can I pray for someone to be delivered if they aren’t willing to pray?
I’ve tried to help my friend who is demonized but nothing works.  What gives?

Does God want me to speak in tongues?
Is it God’s will for us to be healed from all illness?


I feel I’m in a spiritual battle. What can I do to have victory?
We all face battles, but some are worse than others. God allows them to strengthen our faith, to draw us closer to Him, and to use us as a witness to others who are watching our lives. They are for our growth and His glory. What can we do when the battle seems to intensify? There is no secret answer, no quick short-cut to victory. Battles must be fought step by step, moment by moment. The key is to make sure you stick to the basics of the faith.

Whenever a sports team is struggling they go back to the basics. When a business is foundering they need to make sure they are following the basic principles of good business. That same is true of a marriage. Where you need to start is with the basics. That will set your foundation and you will grow through the other things. These are the basics:

1. Spend time with Jesus every day, preferably in the morning when you first wake up. Read your Bible. Start in Luke 1:1 and read from there, keeping on going to the end of the book. Ask God to teach you about Himself as you read. Then spend some time in prayer. Confess any sin you are aware of in your life which you haven’t confessed before. Confession means agreeing with God that it is sin. Spend some time praising Him for who and what He is and thanking Him for what He has done for you. Then pray for the needs of others and finally for your own needs. If you can, do this in the morning and evening. Here is a prayer that is good to use when you start to pray. Remember, it’s the thought that counts.

“Gracious God, I acknowledge that You are worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. I am thankful for the victorious work of Your Son, Jesus Christ at Calvary for me. I apply His victory to my life now as I willingly surrender every area of my life to Your will.”

“Thank you for the forgiveness and righteousness that has been given to me as Your adopted child. I trust in Your protection and provision daily. I know that your love for me never ceases. I rejoice in Your victory, my Lord, over all the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. In faith I stand in Your victory and commit myself to live obediently for You are my King.”

“I desire that my fellowship with You become greater. Reveal to me those things that grieve You and enables the enemy to secure an advantage in my life. I need the Holy Spirit’s powerful ministry in my life; bringing conviction of sin, repentance of heart, strengthening my faith and increasing perseverance in resisting temptation.”

“Help me to die to self and walk in the victory of the new creation You have provided for me. Let the fruits of the Spirit flow out of my life so that You will be glorified through my life. Fill me with your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.”

“Please place your hedge of protection around me, my possession, my family and all my descendants. Protect us from anything the enemy would try to do against us.”

“I know that it is Your will that I should stand firm and resist all of the enemy’s work against me. Help me to discern the attacks upon my thoughts and emotions. Enable me to stand upon Your Word and resist all the accusations, distortions and condemnations that are hurled against me.”

“It is my desire to be transformed through the renewing of my mind, so that I will not compromise with the ways of the world, or yield to the enemy’s attacks, but be obedient to Your will. So give me the mind of Christ in order that I may have His perspective, wisdom, compassion, holiness and truth.”

“I draw upon those spiritual resources that You have provided me and I attack the strongholds and plans of the enemy that have been put in place against me. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that the enemy must release my mind, will, emotions and body completely. They have been yielded to the Lord and I belong to Him.”

“Lord, enable me to become the person You created me to be. Help me as I pray to be strong in faith. Show me how to apply Your Word in my life each day. I know that I wear the full armor of God when I am committed to and stand firmly upon Your Word. I want You to have the supreme place in my life. Give me a hunger and thirst to know You better, to read Your Word more deeply, to pray more readily and to keep you first in all my thoughts all day long.”

“I surrender myself completely to You, Lord. You are always faithful and You extend Your grace to me constantly, even when I do not realize it. I claim Your promise of forgiveness and cleansing in its fullness. In faith, I receive the victory today that you have already put in place for me. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior with a grateful heart. AMEN”

2. Make sure there is no sin in your life. We all sin and continue to sin, that’s why we confess it. But if there are any sins that are ongoing and you aren’t stopping, they must be stopped. Sin breaks our fellowship with God and opens us to attack by the enemy. Ask God to give you the strength to overcome these things. They may be hard at first for they are long-time habits and the enemy doesn’t want you to stop them, but they are important to stop. Commit to stopping. If you do fail, confess it and don’t do it again.

3. Make sure you have a church that preaches the Bible that you attend regularly. It is important to worship and fellowship with other Christians. Make sure you do this as often as you can. If you work Sunday mornings try to change your schedule or go other times during the week when you can. This is a great way of growing and sharing strength from others.
Start working on these 3 each day and you’ll build a solid foundation with God. Be patient. persevere. If God just quickly removed everything and made your life perfect you might soon be tempted to drift from Him. That’s why its important to grow spiritually and get stronger so that as these the battle fades you stay close to Him.

Can a believer be demonized?
While all Christians agree that unbelievers can be demonized, some don’t believe that can happen to believers. Demonizing speaks of influence, not ownership. A believer still has a free will to give soul access to demons, as do unbelievers. His spirit belongs only to God, but it is up to us to allow God’s spirit to control or not.

The Bible makes no distinction between believers and unbelievers as far as demonizing is concerned. In fact, the Bible refers to many believers who were demonized: Paul’s thorn in the flesh was a demon (II Corinthians 12:7), King Saul was a believer (I Samuel 11:6) and was obviously demonized (I Samuel 16:14-23), David was motivated by Satan to take a census of the people (I Chronicles 21:1ff; II Samuel 24:1ff), Ananias and Saphira were believers (Acts 4:32-35) but allowed Satan to “fill” them (Acts 5:3), and Peter was Satan’s spokesman in tempting Jesus to not go to the cross (Matthew 16:23). Paul warns believers to not give Satan a “foothold” in their life (Ephesians 4:26-27), showing such a thing is possible. Jesus Himself called deliverance “the children’s bread” (Matthew 15:22-28), meaning it was for His children. A Christian can receive another spirit (II Cor 11:2-4) and there are examples of believers being demonized (Luke 13:10-16; I Cor. 5:4,5). Christians are warned to guard against this (I Pt. 5:8-9; Eph. 6:10-18).

A believer belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan cannot own him as he did before salvation (I John 4:4), but he can still demonize. When the words ‘possessed’ or ‘oppressed’ are used then the question can asked if a believer can be ‘possessed.’ To answer that then ‘possessed’ must be defined. The Bible simply does not define it, not does it even talk about ‘possession’ – just ‘demonizing’ which means being influenced by a demon. No one would doubt this happens to believers.

As long as we are in this body we still have a sin nature, a capacity to sin just the same as we did before salvation. Salvation creates a new spiritual nature within us. But the old capacity to sin still remains in us. It is in this area, this sin nature, this capacity to sin, that demons work. Our new nature is greater but doesn’t take away our free will choice to still function in our sin nature. Paul’s struggle as recorded in Romans 7 describes this well.

A Christian has every right and resource to be free from this demonizing, however. Property which you own can be trespassed on by another person, but you have every right and resource to put him off your property. You just need to learn how to do it.

Is there a difference between being possessed or oppressed by demons?
The Greek word doimonizomai (“demonizing”) refers to one who is heavily impacted by demons. It is used 15 times in the New Testament. It does not differentiate between possession (demons within) or influence (demons without). If God doesn’t make that clarification or distinction, I don’t think its something we need to make, either. In the spiritual realm there are no clear-cut divisions like we try to make (demons ‘within’ or ‘without’, etc.). There are, of course, degrees of demonizing depending on the person, the demons involved, the access, etc., but it isn’t always possible or necessary to pinpoint these things. The common denominator is that the person being demonized usually doesn’t separate their own consciousness from the demonic influence. The thoughts and feelings the demon feeds them they assume are their own. A person always has a free will to turn to God for help, but when followed these impulses bring one deeper and deeper into bondage.

Perhaps demonizing can be better understood by thinking of it as a kind of spiritual hypnotism from within. Hypnotism of any kind is something for God’s people to avoid (Psalm 54:4-5; Joshua 1:8; Philippians 4:8).
We don’t need to know the exact extent of demonizing, just that it is taking place. The cause is the same, and so is the cure. We will use the broad term ‘demonizing’ as the Bible does, referring to the whole spectrum of demonic influence/possession. Other words the Bible uses for the same thing are “entered in” (as when Satan entered into Judas – John 13:27) and “filled” (the same word that is used of believers being filled with the Holy Spirit – Acts 5:5 about Ananias and Saphira).

How can I be deceived by Satan if I am a believer and know the truth?
Do you remember the children’s story about the emperor’s new clothes? Some crooks convinced him they were making fine garments which only the enlightened could see so he pretended to see them. Everyone else did also. Then in a parade a little boy spoke the truth and everyone realized they had been believing a lie and deceiving themselves. Satan deceives us into believing a lie. But how can we be deceived if we know the truth?
1. We can be demonized. Like a drunk is influenced by alcohol so we can be by demons.
2. We can prefer to be deceived because we don’t want to face the truth or don’t like the truth, so we convince ourselves that a lie is true. We start to really believe it because we want to.
3. We let our emotions run the show instead of our mind. When we let our feelings explain reality to our emotions (reacting out of fear for example) we replace the truth with deception.
4. Our mind can be deceived, too, when we use it as the final determining factor and think absolute truth comes from it. Without the anchor of God’s Word to form our mind and correct our errors we can truly believe something based on the facts as we interpret them. But we may not be interpreting them correctly. However only God has all the facts and perfect insight, seeing the future as clearly as the past, so when we reject His truth we are open to any kind of deception.
5. Satan and demons tempt us to deception. Of course they don’t ‘sell’ their product as a black lie, but make it look as appealing and good as possible. We sometimes fall for the bait.
6. Even aside from the enemy, our natural tendency to sin (sin nature) causes us to prefer sin for we are often more interested in what is easiest and most enjoyable now instead of what is best in the long run. Our ‘flesh’ desires instant gratification and we can ‘want’ something so much that we leave all reason and balance behind.

Can children be demonized?
Yes, children can be demonized. In fact, there is much more of this going on that we are aware of. The form the demonic attacks take could be anything from causing an infant to scream a lot at night to bed-wetting by an older child or to overt rebellion and disobedience. Anything that seems to defeat you or the child is suspect. God’s deliverance is for them, too.
The Bible records demons afflicting children with physical illness (Matthew 17:15; Mark 9:18, 25). They prevent children from being able to control their own emotions (Mark 9:17, 22). They physically try to harm children (Mark 9:20-22). They defile children by satisfying their own evil natures through them (Mark 1:24, 34; 5:9; Luke 4:41). They make them perform or show off (Mark 9:20, 25) and defy the person trying to free the child from their control (Mark 9:19, 23). They may even induce symptoms of death when forced to leave (Mark 9:26-27).
A very, very common pattern is for the first-born male to be affect first and most by generational attacks. The first-born Jews were dedicated to God and so Satan tries to attack and claim them first, too. Often it is the first-born male in a family that is attacked spiritually.
Make sure the child knows that he is not the problem but that he has a problem. Often children are more aware of these things than we think. They may be so used to hearing voices in their heads, seeing manifestations in their room at night, or being controlled by feelings/emotions beyond their control that they don’t realize these are unusual. Spend some unrushed time letting them talk. Ask lots of questions and listen carefully to the answers.

Try to put yourself in their place, with their limited vocabulary. Gently probe all areas (voices, manifestations, too-real imaginary friends, etc.). Don’t assume things. Take everything they says seriously. Make notes of things to pray about or talk about later. Be sensitive to God’s leading. Go with your impulses and thoughts, they are from God at a time like this. Pray for wisdom from God (James 1) about these things and what the openings may be.
Children are often more sensitive to the spiritual realm. Many have a story from their younger years of seeing an angel. They are also more sensitive to evil. It isn’t unusual for a house to have had certain parts (or all) of it opened to demonic forces by things said or done there in the past. If a certain area of your home seems to cause problems (especially fear, but it could be anything) go to that area and in Jesus name take back any access Satan’s forces claim to it. We’ve used oil to form crosses on the walls, left a light on (symbol of light over darkness) and played Christian music which is something demons hate. Ask your child if there is a certain place in the house where he feels afraid or funny, or where he thinks ghosts or other things may be. They are usually more sensitive to these things than adults.

If demons are behind what I do, am I still responsible for it?

How could a person be responsible and at the same time have demons affect the mind? While we aren’t responsible for everything that happens when demonized we are responsible for letting it happen and not being in control. Think of it this way. Someone gets drunk and kills another family in the car. They didn’t want to kill them, probably didn’t even realize they were doing it until it happened. Does that mean they aren’t responsible and can walk away free? No. They are responsible for their actions. They are certainly responsible for getting drunk and allowing themselves to be in a situation that could cause death. Just because sometimes they drive without killing anyone doesn’t mean they are any less guilty then, too. The same is done with demonizing. Allowing another power to influence us makes us accountable for all that happens while under that influence.
But if someone is demonized from childhood and isn’t aware of it, are they responsible? Yes and no. Yes, they are responsible, but no, for God covers it with His grace and His work on the cross. Just like a little child is guilty of sin but God doesn’t hold him accountable until he is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong, so the person demonized that way isn’t accountable until they start to realize what is going on. The option then is to turn to Jesus for help over it.

Why does a loving God allow me to suffer and struggle so much?
The question as to why some have so little has no clear answer. Why does God allow people to suffer and struggle? How can a God of love allow so much evil to continue? God doesn’t defend Himself or explain what He allows. He gives us a free will choice and sin and the resulting evil are the natural consequences or turning from Him. Still, innocent people suffer. We can’t try to evaluate God’s person and character by these things for He has proven His character and love by leaving heaven, becoming a man, living on earth, then going to cross to take on the punishment for every sin we would ever commit. That proves His love for us beyond a shadow of a doubt. If it weren’t for that we would all deserve eternity in hell from this moment on. So anything less than hell from now on is His grace and mercy. Why He seems to show more to some than others is not up to us to judge. God isn’t accountable to us. We cannot stand in judgment of Him until we know all the facts as He knows them and see everything as good or better than He sees it. Many things seem unfair to little children but they must trust their parents. Getting an injection from a doctor, having a pretty shiny knife taken way, many things seem to a child that a parent doesn’t love them but a child doesn’t have the perspective to truly view what is happening and we don’t have God’s perspective on life either.

I’m not sure I am a Christian. Just how do I become a Christian?
Just as there are physical principles that govern the physical universe, so there are spiritual principles that govern our relationship with God. The first and most basic principle is that God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives (John 3:16), but when sin entered the world it separated man from our holy God (Romans 2:23). Being a just and righteous God, sin cannot be overlooked but must be paid for and since there is no way we can pay for our own sins God Himself, in His great love, became the payment for our sins. That first Christmas celebrates the fact that He voluntarily left heaven to come to earth as a human being.
Although we celebrate Jesus’ birth on Christmas, we know that He wasn’t born just to give us a holiday where we remember Him as a baby – He was born to die in order to pay the price for our sins. We worship Jesus as a baby, but the story doesn’t end there. He Jesus grew up and went through all the things we go through in life.
He was rejected and crucified, but while dying on the cross He suffered the eternal punishment of every sin we would ever commit. In other words, He went through our hell so we wouldn’t have to (Romans 5:8). Because He was man He could represent us and take our place. Because He was God He could endure punishment way beyond anything we could ever experience. At the end of the crucifixion Jesus said “It is finished” and His spirit returned to heaven. His body went into a grave but 3 days later came back to life, proving forever that sin and death had been conquered.

He is in Heaven today! There He has made a place for us if we will only accept the gift and the joy that He has offered us. Salvation is freely available to every person (Ephesians 2:8-9), but it is a gift we must voluntarily receive by recognizing our need and asking Him to forgive us and live in us (John 1:12). He Himself then lives within us and gives us new meaning and ability in life. If you haven’t received this wonderful free gift do so now by asking God for His gift of salvation.
While there are no special or magical words to use, here is the idea of a prayer to pray to accept God’s free gift of salvation. It’s not saying the words but meaning them that make the difference.
Here is a sample prayer you can use: “Dear Jesus, I recognize my need of you. I know I sin and am guilty in your sight. Thank you for leaving heaven to come to earth and die on the cross for my sins. I know you took my eternal condemnation on Yourself on the cross and paid for it all. Please forgive sin and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I freely accept your gift of salvation. I want to live for you and only you. I put you first in my life and want to serve You. I reject any other forces or powers and forbid any them to have any influence on me. Dear Jesus, fill me and use me. Thank you for hearing and answering me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

What allows demons to attack some people more than others?

The most common avenue to demonic entrance is through a family line. One person opens themselves to demonic influence and the demons claim them and all they have, including children. Then the same traits and influences pass on to the children and their children. Occult and Satanic involvement by activities, drugs, acid rock music, Ouija boards, etc. is another opening. Cult involvement in the family, especially Masons, opens one. The Bible says that when 2 people have sex the two become one flesh and that allows demons to claim the other person. Abuse of any kind or any form of trauma, especially when young, open one to the demonic. Strong soul ties with someone involved can cause an opening. Being unwanted when in the womb or young is a definite opening. These are some of the main avenues demons use to gain entrance and attack people.

I seem to struggle with the same sins as some others in my family. Could demons cause this?
Parents have a great effect on their children. This happens in two ways. One is by example and influence. Children learn sins from their parent’s example and that gives opening to demonizing. The second way is when demons who have access to a parent claim access to the child, too. When a demon has access to a person, he also claims right to all that person has, including their children. The Bible says God “punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation” (Exodus 20:4-5; Deuteronomy 5:8-9; Exodus 34:6-7). The Bible says that children are affected by their parents sins (Ezekiel 18;2) and this is one of the ways. In fact, this is one of the most common reasons people are demonized.
This is especially true of first born males, for Satan seeks to claim them just as God does (Exodus 34:20). If you notice some of the same problems in your life as in your siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, or grandparents it could very well be ancestral demonizing. The same demons have access to those in the family and do the same work in various members (not all members, that would be too obvious). They claim the blood line and use that as access. If you see some patterns in the symptoms or characteristics of demonizing that were covered previously in others in your family that could show ancestral access. That is why so often a boy who hates his father for beating his mother grows up to beat his own wife, or a child of an alcoholic becomes an alcoholic themselves.
Generational bondage is often discerned by the sin patterns that repeat from generation to generation. It is not uncommon to observe generations of abuse, addiction, hatred, superstition and fear, pride, control and manipulation, rejection, sexual sins and perversions, aberrant religious beliefs, witchcraft, and rebellion etc.
Generational bondage can be broken by personally repenting of and confessing the sins of past generations. Claim the blood of Christ as stronger than your blood line and put that access under the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:15). Claim that you are a “new creation, old things have passed away, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). Ask God to turn curses into blessing (Deut. 23:5).

“Gracious Father over all, I acknowledge before you the sins of my parents and ancestors. I know that they have sinned because all men and women are sinners. And so, I openly confess the sins of my parents and ancestors. I am sorry for their sins against you and I ask that you cover their sins with the blood of Jesus and not hold their consequences against me or my descendants. I claim the finished work of Jesus Christ, Who bore all my sin upon Himself. In faith I accept that work on the basis of your holy Word. I reclaim any consent given to Satan’s forces by me parents’ sin. Dear Jesus, please set me free from all evil influences coming from my parents and ancestors in the name of Jesus. I know I am a new creation in Christ. Old things have gone and all things have become new.

I here and now reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, I cancel out all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and who sits with him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I declare myself to be eternally and completely signed over and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. I now command every familiar spirit and every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ that is in or around me to flee my presence and never to return. I now ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. All this I do in the name & authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”


I have been sexually active in my past. Could this open me to demonic attacks?
God created sex to show the great oneness of believers and Christ (Ephesians 5). Therefore Satan tries hard to pervert and destroy this model. Any sex outside marriage is sinful (Ephesians 5:3, 5-6). This includes thoughts (Matthew 5:27-30).
Sexual sin has an element that other sins don’t have. When you unite yourself with another person that also opens you to being demonized by any demons that are demonizing the person you are united to. This is true even if it is simply sexual lust with a prostitute (I Corinthians 6:16). Sex creates a special union, a spiritual oneness, an opening of total sharing between two people. Often demons will claim this as access from one person to another. It is like a spiritual AIDS disease, but much more contagious and with far worse consequences.
It is important for each believer to confess all their past immorality and put it under the blood of Jesus, as well as taking back any access given to Satan’s forces by that act. Ask God to heal and cleanse you spiritually. Of course a good spiritual life (connecting with God in devotions each morning, reading your Bible, etc.) is a must.
When a person first gets tempted, when the first thought pops into their mind, they must get victory over the thought and not allow it to stay and grow. Victory only happens by quoting scripture. Jesus had victory over Satan by quoting scripture and that is our sword of the Spirit. Her are some passages you can use. Start quoting or reading them when tempted and don’t stop until well beyond the temptation” 2 Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 51:10-12; Romans 12:1; James 4:6-8; I John 4:4; Philippians 4:19; Matthew 16:23; Psalm 139:23-24; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Job 31:1; Matthew 5:27-28. These verses can be your sword for victory. Make sure you have an accountability partner who will check on you and be there for you as well!

Father, I confess that I have disobeyed You and committed sexual sins. Please forgive me for _____________ (specifically confess each and every sin). I take back any access I have given to any demons through these sins and I put it under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name I forbid these demons to make any claim against me or any of my family because of it. Please cleanse me from these memories and help me to never repeat these sins again. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and use me for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen


I’ve been involved in martial arts? Could this lead to demonizing?
While many Christians participate in marital arts, I personally feel they are to be avoided by believers, especially by those who are open to demonic attacks. It is very hard to separate the physical aspect from the meditation techniques. These are not just physical gym exercises but actually are seemingly innocuous doorways into non-Christian religions.

Some Christians practice the martial arts for exercise, or even as a way of evangelizing, but don’t really know what they are getting into. If it works they don’t ask questions about what it means. Eastern religious techniques often are portrayed as neutral so anyone from any religion can use them, but I think this is very deceptive. We can try to ignore the spiritual dimensions, but spirituality is their ultimate purpose historically. The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs considers the martial arts as “forms of spiritual education that function as means toward self-realization or self-enlightenment.” It can be difficult emotionally for a person to give up the martial arts, because they may be so involved with them. Rather than considering they may be dangerous they vigorously defend their right to practice them.

There’s someone in my past whom I just can’t forgive. Can demons use that against me?
It is of the utmost importance to make sure that forgiveness of others who have hurt them in the past or present, including parents, ex-mates, etc., is dealt with at this time. Ask if there is anyone they hold anything against, anyone they are bitter towards or don’t like to see prosper. You will sense this as they have answered the previous questions but now forgiveness must take place for deliverance to continue. Unforgiven gives demons a solid stronghold from which to work (Ephesians 4:26).
As to forgiveness, what is forgiveness? Forgiveness is not forgetting or letting someone off the hook. Forgiveness is choosing to not desire revenge, to not want to see the other hurt for the hurt they have caused us. When we hurt we want to hurt back or see the other hurt for the hurt that caused us. This desire for justice is normal but forgiveness means we don’t expect justice, we will take our hurt and deal with it instead of turning it into anger at another. Remember, anger is a secondary emotion coming from hurt. To forgive means giving up any right you might have to see the other suffer for what they did to you. You can’t forget, but whenever the hurt or anger come back, you make that choice again to give up any right to see them suffer. That’s how God forgives us – He gives up any right to see us pay for our sin against Him. Therefore when we forgive we are being like Him and when we don’t we aren’t. If you have trouble forgiving just tell God you are willing but struggling. As God heals the pain you will better be able to forgive.

Thank You, Jesus, for dying that I might be forgiven. I thank you for forgiving me. It is my free will choice to forgive those who have hurt me. (name the people) Forgive me for anything I may have thought or done to hurt them pack. I turn that pain over to You for you to heal. In Jesus’ name I take back any right I might feel I have to see them suffer for the pain they caused me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen


I’ve had ancestors who have been Masons. Could something they agreed to affect me today?
My grandfather was into the freemasons, and my father-in-law still is. We have struggled with some things in our family as a result but God has given us victory over it.
Parents have a great effect on their children. This happens in two ways. One is by example and influence. Children learn sins from their parent’s example and that gives opening to demonizing. The second way is when demons who have access to a parent claim access to the child, too. When a demon has access to a person, he also claims right to all that person has, including their children. The Bible says God “punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation” (Exodus 20:4-5; Deuteronomy 5:8-9; Exodus 34:6-7). The Bible says that children are affected by their parents sins (Ezekiel 18;2) and this is one of the ways. In fact, this is one of the most common reasons people are demonized.
This is especially true of first born males, for Satan seeks to claim them just as God does (Exodus 34:20). If you notice some of the same problems in your life as in your siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, or grandparents it could very well be ancestral demonizing. The same demons have access to those in the family and do the same work in various members (not all members, that would be too obvious). They claim the blood line and use that as access. If you see some patterns in the symptoms or characteristics of demonizing that were covered previously in others in your family that could show ancestral access. That is why so often a boy who hates his father for beating his mother grows up to beat his own wife, or a child of an alcoholic becomes an alcoholic themselves.
Generational bondage is often discerned by the sin patterns that repeat from generation to generation. It is not uncommon to observe generations of abuse, addiction, hatred, superstition and fear, pride, control and manipulation, rejection, sexual sins and perversions, aberrant religious beliefs, witchcraft, and rebellion etc.
Generational bondage can be broken by personally repenting of and confessing the sins of past generations. Claim the blood of Christ as stronger than your blood line and put that access under the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:15). Claim that you are a “new creation, old things have passed away, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). Ask God to turn curses into blessing (Deut. 23:5).

“Gracious Father over all, I acknowledge before you the sins of my parents and ancestors. I know that they have sinned because all men and women are sinners. And so, I openly confess the sins of my parents and ancestors. I am sorry for their sins against you and I ask that you cover their sins with the blood of Jesus and not hold their consequences against me or my descendants. I claim the finished work of Jesus Christ, Who bore all my sin upon Himself. In faith I accept that work on the basis of your holy Word. I reclaim any consent given to Satan’s forces by me parents’ sin. Dear Jesus, please set me free from all evil influences coming from my parents and ancestors in the name of Jesus. I know I am a new creation in Christ. Old things have gone and all things have become new. I here and now reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, I cancel out all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and who sits with him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I declare myself to be eternally and completely signed over and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. I now command every familiar spirit and every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ that is in or around me to flee my presence and never to return. I now ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. All this I do in the name & authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Now you should pray about freemasonry specifically. You can pray something like this.

“Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you, and others made in your image. I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of flesh and blood, and of the spirit by adoption and godparents, but I utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. I confess and renounce all of my own sins, known and unknown. I renounce and rebuke Satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family, in the name of Jesus Christ. I renounce and annul every covenant made with Death by my ancestors or myself, including every agreement made with Sheol, and I renounce the refuge of lies and falsehoods which they have been hidden behind.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge, craft or occultism by my ancestors and myself. I also renounce and break the code of silence enforced by Freemasonry and the Occult on my family and myself. I renounce and repent of all pride and arrogance which opened the door for the slavery and bondage of Freemasonry to afflict my family and me. I now shut every door of witchcraft and deception operating in my life and seal it closed with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce every covenant, every blood covenant and every alliance with Freemasonry or the spiritual powers behind it made by my family or me.

I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including “Master,” “Worshipful Master,” or any other occult title. I renounce the calling of any man “Master,” for Jesus Christ is my only master and Lord, and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of others into Masonry, and observing the helplessness of others during the rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. I also renounce all obligations, oaths and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all Women’s Orders of Freemasonry, the Order of the Eastern Star, or any other Masonic or occult organization. In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce the oaths taken and the curses and iniquities involved in any aspect of Freemasonry, by myself or my ancestors.

Holy Spirit, I ask that you show me anything else which I need to do or to pray so that I and my family may be totally free from the consequences of the sins of Masonry, Witchcraft, Mormonism and all related Paganism and Occultism.

(Pause, while listening to God, and pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.)

Now, dear Father God, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, your Son and my Savior, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins, in the name of Jesus Christ. I also command every cell in my body to come into divine order now, and to be healed and made whole as they were designed to by my loving Creator.

I ask you, Lord, to fill me with your Holy Spirit now according to the promises in your Word. I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians Chapter Six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. I enthrone you, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for you are my Lord and my Savior, the source of eternal life. Thank you, Father God, for your mercy, your forgiveness and your love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Now its time to move ahead in victory. When Jesus was tempted He quoted Scripture to have victory over Satan’s temptations. Paul says our only offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Psalm 119:9,11 tell us that it’s through God’s Word that we have victory. When you have these thoughts and attacks use Scripture to have victory. Ask God to give you some verses that will help against these things, write them down and memorize them. Say them over and over when these thoughts attack you. That is the only way to victory, and God guarantees it will work!

Here is a sample prayer you can use to start each day. It’s not the words that are special but that you mean them when you pray them. You can use any words you want but this gives you an idea of some things you can pray about at this time.

“Gracious God, I acknowledge that You are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. I am thankful for the victorious work of Your Son, Jesus Christ at Calvary for me. I appropriate His victory for myself now as I willingly surrender every area of my life to Your will.
“Thank you for the forgiveness and righteousness that has been given to me as Your adopted child. I trust in Your protection and provision daily. I know that your love for me never ceases.
I rejoice in Your victory, my Lord, over all the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. In faith I stand in Your victory and commit myself to live obediently for You my King.
“I desire that my fellowship with You become greater. Reveal to me those things that grieve You and enables the enemy to secure an advantage in my life. I need the Holy Spirit’s powerful ministry in my life; bringing conviction of sin, repentance of heart, strengthening my faith and increasing perseverance in resisting temptation.
“Help me to die to self and walk in the victory of the new creation You have provided for me. Let the fruits of the Spirit flow out of my life so that You will be glorified through my life.
“I know that it is Your will that I should stand firm and resist all of the enemy’s work against me. Help me to discern the attacks upon my thoughts and emotions. Enable me to stand upon Your Word and resist all the accusations, distortions and condemnations that are hurled against me.
“It is my desire to be transformed through the renewing of my mind, so that I will not compromise with the ways of the world, or yield to the enemy’s attacks, but be obedient to Your will.
“I draw upon those spiritual resources that You have provided me and I attack the strongholds and plans of the enemy that have been put in place against me. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that the enemy must release my mind, will, emotions and body completely. They have been yielded to the Lord and I belong to Him.

“Lord, enable me to become the person You created me to be. Help me as I pray to be strong in faith. Show me how to apply Your Word in my life each day. I know that I wear the full armor of God when I am committed to and stand firmly upon Your Word. I want You to have the supreme place in my life.
“I ask you put a hedge of protection around me this day and I forbid any of Satan’s forces to penetrate that hedge. I ask for your angels to surround and protect me, for your Holy Spirit to fill me completely, and for your Shekinah Glory to encompass me and all I do.
“I surrender myself completely to You, Lord. You are always faithful and You extend Your grace to me constantly, even when I do not realize it. I claim Your promise of forgiveness and cleansing in its fullness. In faith, I receive the victory today that you have already put in place for me. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior with a grateful heart. AMEN”


Awful things have been happening since I moved to this property. Could this place be cursed?
Pray, anoint the house and property, etc. Walk around you boundaries praying out loud, claiming your property for God and forbidding any demons to have any access to it. Dedicate it to God and invite His presence through all of it. Take back any access any demons may claim to the property and put the access under the blood of Jesus. Break it in Jesus’ name. Ask God to put an angelic hedge of protection around it. Do the same in all the rooms of the house, especially the basement (if you have one). Anoint each room with oil by dipping your finger in the oil and putting a cross on the door, walls, etc. Pray as you did when you walked around the property. If there is one particular part of the house that seems worse put a night light there so there is always light into room. You could do that to all the rooms. Demons hate light, and they hate hearing Jesus praised, so you can play praise music in various places 24 hours a day. It can be real soft – they will hear it!

Does being adopted make me more vulnerable to demonizing?
Adopted children are quite often attacked because of openings in their past: rejection, illegitimacy, rape (mother or them), abuse or many other things. There are often many generational demons at work. Deliverance should be sought early for adopted children who show signs of difficulties adjusting and adapting to their new family. Any child who has experienced a traumatic experience when young can have demonic openings from it. A car or other kind of accident or any situation that causes terror can be the reason.
So can abuse, rape, molestation or any form of rejection.
In order to bring deliverance to adopted children first of all the bond with the natural mother must be broken. It’s like cutting an invisible spiritual umbilical cord. Pray to break any claim by spirits of abandonment, resentment, anger, lust, low self-esteem, self-centeredness, jealousy, rejection, self-rejection, etc., and pray for them to be free from any generational spirits who would be claiming them. Pray against any family curses, spirits of occultism or anything that had access to the family through the ancestors. For more information about children and deliverance see pages 57-58, 60.

REJECTION If, before birth, one or both of the parents reject the pregnancy and the baby is unwanted, demons can step in and claim the baby. Also, if there is a difficult birth or the parents are disappointed because of the sex or a physical feature (or handicap) of the baby then demons can claim it. Sometimes even extreme sibling rejection can cause this. Rejection can come later too, especially if a baby cries a lot or causes problems for the parents, or if it interferes in their life or career.
If you felt rejection in your childhood, what can you now do about it? First, make a free will decision to forgive the person/parent. In Jesus’ name break anything they said/felt against you (as with curses above). Freely accept God’s love to fill and heal you. In Jesus name forbid any demons of rejection to do any work against you. From then on take every thought captive (II Corinthians 10:4-5) and don’t let negative thoughts about your past rejection dominate (Philippians 4:8). Claim your new relationship to God (II Corinthians 5:17)

What are some signs that show I am being attacked demonically?
Below is a list of evidence of demonic activity. Check which ones apply to you more than you think should (more than is ‘normal’ or than most other people experience).

Extremely low self-image (feel unworthy, unclean, no good, etc) Lk. 8:2
Constant confusion in thinking (especially about spiritual things)
Inability to believe spiritual truths which you hear or read
Mocking and blasphemous thoughts (esp. when hearing spiritual truths)
Perceptual distortions (thinking others are angry at you when they are not)
Repetitious dreams or nightmares (sexual, horror-filled, fearful, etc)
Continuous violent thoughts (of suicide, rape, murder, self-abuse, etc.)

Hatred and bitterness toward others for no justifiable reason
Tremendous hostility, fear, restlessness when challenged about demonizing
Deep depression and despondence (frequent and long)
Irrational fears, panic, and phobias (Rom. 8:15 Lk. 9:39)
Irrational anger or rage (Mt. 8:28)
Irrational guilt and extreme self-condemnation, unforgiveness of self

Desire to do right but inability to carry it out
Sudden personality & attitude changes (like, then hate someone)
Strong aversion to Scripture reading & prayer
Dark countenance (steel or hollow look in the eyes, dilation or contraction of pupil, facial features may contort or change, can’t look a person directly in the eyes, etc.)
Lying compulsively, then often wondering why (Acts 5:3)
Stealing compulsively, if you need the thing or not
Drinking compulsively, if really desire to or not
Using drugs (prescription or non-prescription) compulsively
Eating compulsively (or reverse, bulimia or anorexia nervosa)
Sexual sins that are compulsive (especially perversions) Mt. 15:5 Lk. 8:27
Irrational, inappropriate laughter
Irrational violence (a compulsion to hurt self or someone else) Mt. 17:15; Mk. 5:5; Lk. 9:39
Sudden speaking of a language not previously known
Reactions to the name and blood of Jesus (uncomfortable, move away, say or do something to show you are uncomfortable about it) Acts 13:10)
Extreme restlessness
Uncontrollable cutting and mocking tongue and language
Vulgar language and actions (Lk. 4:33-34)
Uncontrollable greed, which drives you on (Acts 5:3)

Loss of time (little or a lot, not knowing how you got someplace or remembering something you did)
Extreme sleepiness around spiritual things (Bible study, prayer,. etc.)
Demonstration of extraordinary abilities (ESP, telekinesis, etc. Mk. 5:7)
Voices heard in the mind (mock, intimidate, accuse, threaten, bargain Mt. 28:29, Lk. 4:33-34)
A voice speaking from you refers to you in the third person (“he” “she” )
Supernatural experiences (haunting, movement or disappearance of objects, other strange manifestations)

Seizures (Mk. 1:26 Mk. 7:24-30 Mk. 17:15) It can’t be said for sure they are all demonic, but they should be checked out to make sure.)
Pain without justifiable explanation, especially in the head or stomach (ANY medical problems which doctors can’t understand or cure, Lk. 9:39)
Blackouts (Mt. 17:15, Mk. 1:26; 7:24-30, Lk. 4:35)
Physical ailments alleviated by a spiritual command immediately (epileptic seizure, asthma attack, headache, nausea, etc., which stops when commanded in Jesus’ name to be gone)
Sudden interference with bodily functions (buzzing in ears, irritability to speak or hear, increased hypersensitivity in hearing or touch, sudden chills or overheating of body, dryness in mouth, numbness in arms or legs, sleepiness, coma, etc.)

I struggle with fear, could that be demonic?
Fear is one of Satan’s biggest weapons. Demons are often behind and use fear (Romans 8:15). If it takes the form of insecurity, anxiety, worry, preoccupation with problems, or whatever, it is still fear. Demons put fear of David into Saul (I Samuel 18:10-15) and put fear and terror into Eliaphaz by gliding by his face (Job 4:15). Anything not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23). God does not give us fear (II Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:15), so if you experience fear realize it is not from God but from Satan. This doesn’t mean it is always through demonizing, for you can be attacked with fear without being demonized.
Fear takes root when we choose to focus on circumstances instead of God. Peter walking on water is a good example. When his eyes were on Jesus his faith was strong, but when he looked at the waves they grew in his mind to be greater than Jesus’ power and he started sinking. He did the right thing, though, and put his eyes back on Jesus.

Dream with me for a minute. Suppose as a young child you had a father who loved you more than anything and constantly showed it. He was always there for you, always showing his love, enjoying you and laughing with you. Whatever you needed he was there to help and supply. How would that make you feel? What difference would it have made? There is something down deep inside all of us that would love to have someone we could trust, someone to take care of us, someone to always be there no matter what. Then we wouldn’t need to be in control so we wouldn’t fear. Control is a poor but often necessary substitute for love and trust. It may have been necessary in your past but isn’t necessary any more!
TRUST, THE ANTIDOTE TO FEAR How can we understand trust, what it means and how it works? I think understanding how a family should work is the best answer. God established a family relationship to answer all those questions. He is the Father, we are the children. Do your children trust you? What do they have to do? What do you expect of them? It’s exactly the same. Jesus says we are to be like little children in order to learn faith and trust. Let your children teach you. Put yourself in their position – with a Perfect Father.

I seem to get angry and lose control, could that be demonic?
Anger comes from mishandling hurt and pain. Instead of feeling it as hurt we turn it into anger. Demons are behind and use anger, too. They made Saul angry at David, so much so that he tried to kill David (I Samuel 18:10-11; 19:9-10). Paul says there is a very close connection between anger and demonizing (Ephesians 4:27).
As I said before, anger comes from pain and hurt that is buried inside. You can’t bury something alive and think you are getting rid of it. The hurt must be dead – faced, admitted, healed, removed, forgiven. When a person buries hurt alive it keeps poisoning everything until it is dug out and destroyed.
While there is a legitimate use for anger (‘righteous indignation’) most of what we face is not right. Anger is a secondary emotion, unlike fear which is a basic emotion. Wrong anger is always the result of mishandling another, deeper emotional like fear or pain. Let’s take pain first of all. When a person hits their finger with a hammer what do they do? Usually they get angry. What they feel is pain but it comes out as anger because anger is a much easier emotion to handle than pain. When someone says something critical or threatening it hurts, but the natural response in many is to get angry. That way they don’t have to face the pain – but it stays and causes more and more anger. That’s where fear comes in. It’s not just pain that causes anger, but fear of pain. Fear is at the root of anger in other ways as well. To seek to manage our fears we try to control our lives and circumstances (thus the control emphasis part grows). We feel that is necessary to prevent pain and other things we fear. We use anger as a control tool. The adrenalin rush makes us feel in charge instead of a victim. We learn that people can be manipulated and controlled by our anger (or the threat of it) and we use that to control as well. This is another reason why it’s important to deal with and get victory over the fears down inside. When they go the anger and control issues will become much more manageable. A person can’t stop their anger as long as what causes it is still inside pushing it out. They must get the root cause out, and that is where dealing with the fear comes in.

One of the leading causes of demonizing is unconfessed anger. Anger includes any form of unforgiveness, bitterness, hate, jealousy, gossip, criticism, etc. Paul says these can “give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:26-27). He tells the Corinthians that if they don’t forgive each other Satan will use that to “outwit” them (II Corinthians 2:10-11). Jesus Himself said that those who don’t forgive others will be turned over to tormenting demons to bring them to repentance (Matthew 18:34). This anger includes anger toward others, parents self, or God. There can be no removing demons using this access until all anger is truly confessed and put under the blood of Jesus. This is one of the first things that usually comes up when we counsel people and pray for their deliverance. Do NOT take this lightly!

Thank You, Jesus, for dying that I might be forgiven. I thank you for forgiving me. It is my free will choice to forgive those who have hurt me. (name the people) Forgive me for anything I may have thought or done to hurt them pack. I turn that pain over to You for you to heal. In Jesus’ name I take back any right I might feel I have to see them suffer for the pain they caused me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen


I’ve heard lots of explanations for cutting, self mutilation and suicide. Could demons be behind them?
Some today explain cutting and other self-mutilation activities as purely psychological. They say it is a way of refocusing pain, of using physical pain to alleviate emotional pain. While that may be true, I believe there is a deeper cause to these things. From my experience and the Bible I am convinced that self-mutilation is contrary to our natural desire to ‘love’ ourselves and the natural drive to protect self and survive at every cost. Mark 5 tells about a demonized man who was continually cutting himself (Mark 5:5). Then there is the demonized boy who keeps throwing himself in the fire to burn or water to drown (Matthew 17:15). Satan loves pain and death. They are his tools of trade. He would have all of us dead if God would not forbid it. So the best he can do it to try and get us to harm ourselves. The ultimate of this is suicide. The prophets of Baal regularly used cutting as a means of appeasing their demonic gods, as seen in their encounter with Elijah on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:28). Accounts of suicide in the Bible also show close association with demonization. Saul killed himself after his encounter with the witch of Endor. Judas’ suicide came after being indwelt by Satan and betraying Jesus.


Dear heavenly Father, I know You created me in Your image. I am sorry for anything I have done to harm my body, for I know it is the temple of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name I renounce all suicidal thoughts and any attempts I’ve made to take my own life or in any way injure myself. I confess ___________ (name each sin of self-destruction that comes to mind) and put it under the blood of Jesus. I renounce the lie that life is hopeless and that I can find peace and freedom by taking my own life. Satan is a thief and comes to steal, kill and destroy. I put under the blood of Jesus any access any demons claim to my life or to my family. In Jesus’ name I cover it all with the blood of Jesus. I choose life in Christ Who came to give me life and give it abundantly. Thank You for Your forgiveness’ Help me to forgive myself. I choose to believe that there is always hope in Christ. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


I don’t really like myself. How could this be demonic?

While there is often too much focus on self today under the guise of “developing a good self image,” it is true we are to accept ourselves as God made us (Psalm 139). We are to accept ourselves as we accept others (Luke 10:27) – accepting both strengths and weaknesses without over-emphasizing one or the other. Overemphasizing our strengths is pride, and that is the sin that caused Satan’s downfall. He tries to use it today as much as possible. The other extreme (under-emphasizing our strengths) is to dislike or not accept ourselves as God made us. Self-love and self-hate are both from pride. Both focus on self and a preoccupation with self. In one we see ourselves as better than others in the other you see yourself as worse. Both are definite cracks to demonizing, sins which must be confessed.
King Saul is a fine example of someone with a poor self-image, someone who was insecure and thought he was inferior to others (I Samuel 10:22). This was a crack that opened him to demonizing (I Samuel 16:14, 23). It’s as important to forgive yourself as it is to forgive others! Satan tries to bring up past sins to have us feel defeated, unworthy, etc. Don’t let this tactic work! The next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.

How can I have victory over depression?
Depression is one of Satan’s greatest tools to defeat people. And it’s not something you can ‘work at’ getting over. Here are some suggestions to help:

    • have a quality time of devotions every day, connect with God, even if you don’t ‘feel’ like it, spend time with Him anyway.
    • pray for God to give you JOY, a fruit of His Spirit
    • are you eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise? Have you had a physical lately?
  • write down all the people you are angry with, and the things you are angry at yourself about, even angry at God for. Often depression is anger turned inward.
  • if you are wallowing in self-pity confess that and ask God to help you become content (Philippians 4:11-2)
  • remember Satan used depression and darkness as one of his best tools. Use your spiritual warfare praying and rebuke any negative thoughts when you have them.
  • Paul tells us to make sure our thoughts are on things that are right, true, praiseworthy, excellent, etc. (Philippians 4:8). Ask God to direct your thoughts
  • when you have feelings or thoughts that are negative, dark, depressive you need to fight them by quoting Scripture like Jesus did when tempted (the Word is the Sword of the Spirit)


My marriage is a mess and nothing seems to help. Could there be a demonic cause for this?
It is clear today that a large part of Satan’s plan for the downfall of our country starts with a downfall of the family. He works in Christian marriages to undermine them, cause misunderstandings, develop selfish thoughts in the partners, bring focus on the other’s weakness’, set up little bickering and negative feelings, fuel grudges, keep partners from forgiveness and restoration, builds resentment, inclines each one put their needs first, causing disagreements over money or raising children, brings unfavorable comparing of your mate with others, incites to keep secrets from each other, and just causes drifting apart in general. Be sensitive to what Satan’s plan is for your marriage (how he is working to destroy or neutralize it). Think about lies of his you believe that make his plan work. Put it all under the blood of Jesus.
When one mate is demonized the other must pick up the slack in patience, love, leadership, and prayer. Depend on God’s strength to do this. Apply all that has been said about forgiveness, bitterness, anger, pride, etc., to marriage relationships as well.
Keep God’s authority pattern: husband as leader and wife submissive (Ephesians 5). Husbands and wives should pray together, out loud, for their marriage and family. The husband should take the lead in this.
When the man or spiritual leader in the family is going away on a trip demons can take that as a weakness and attack that family. The man should pray and declare to all the spirits that he, the high priest in the family, states that when away his wife is in authority. Let them know the children are dedicated to God and Satan’s forces do not have permission to disturb them. Reaffirm that any spirits to attack the family still must come through the head of the family, and then forbid any of them to attack you.

Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your perfect plan for our marriage. I know that You planned marriage to be beautiful and satisfying, a picture of our relationship with you. I ask that You would do what is needed in and through me to make our marriage all it should be.
Please forgive me for my sins of failure in my marriage. I confess my _________ (confess individually all the sins and shortcomings you are aware of). I ask You to forgive me. I put them under the blood of Jesus and take back any access I have given to any demons through them. Open my eyes to see all areas where I am deceived and help me to apply Your truth to those areas.
I pray for my mate as well and put their sins under the blood of Jesus as well. I intercede for them and ask for your mercy to cover their sins and shortcomings and to take back any access any of Satan’s forces claim through them.

Father, I ask that You would fill each of us with Your Holy Spirit. Fill us with the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control. Heal us from the hurts we have caused ourselves and each other. Give us a spirit of forgiveness for each other. Put Your supernatural love in our hearts and help us to love each other as You love us.
Show me what I need to do to change to correct my hurts and errors from the past. Help me to apologize where necessary and to know what to do to restore our relationship. I submit myself to You to be used and changed as You see fit. I submit my marriage to You for You to do what is necessary to heal it and use it for Your honor and glory. AMEN


Can demons make me physically ill?
There is often a strong relationship between spiritual deliverance and physical healing. Often physical problems are also gone when the demons leave. That is because the demons were causing the physical problems. Examples of these in the Bible include: crippled limbs (Luke 13:11), Paul’s thorn in the flesh (eye disease? – II Corinthians 12:7), muteness (sometimes dumbness, too – Matthew 9:32-33; 12:22; Mark 9:17-18,24-25), blindness (Matthew 12:22), seizures (Mark 1:26; 9:17-18,20,22,25; Matthew 17:15,18; Luke 9:39), deafness (Mark 9:17-18,20,25), sores (skin cancer?) (Job 2:7), boils and other painful afflictions (Psalm 78:49 – the plagues in Egypt were demon-caused), and physical torments of all kinds (Revelation 9:5,10). The Bible states that Satan can cause illness (Job2:7-8), even death (Job 1:19).
Physical healing can be a result of deliverance. If any of the demons were causing physical problems those problems will be resolved when the demons are removed. Generational spirits can cause the same ailments from generation to generation. Physical problems are usually not God’s main concern, rather He is more concerned for the spiritual condition of the heart. We often pray for the symptom (physical problem) to be removed while God wants us to seek Him and what He is trying to teach us through it. Paul’s thorn in the flesh is a clear example. It wasn’t God’s will for that demon to be removed, but for Paul to be spiritually strengthened through the experience.
If a physical problem is present it can be good to find out when it first started and what else was going on at that time. Instead of focusing on removing the physical symptom, look for the root cause, be it demonic, spiritual or whatever else it may be.
It must be noted that not all illness is demonic in origin. Jesus healed physical ills that weren’t demonic (Matthew 4:23-24; 8:16-17 fulfilled Isaiah 53:4; Mark 1:34; Acts 10:34; etc.). The Bible clearly talks about illnesses that are not demonic: severe pain (Matthew 4:24), seizures (Matthew 4:24), paralysis (Matthew 4:24; Acts 8:7), leprosy (Matthew 10:8), blindness (Luke 7:21), crippled limbs (Acts 8:7) and many other various diseases (Matthew 4:24). The fact that some physical ailments are on both lists (like seizures) shows that many ailments may have demonic or natural causes. They could be from one source or the other.
Jesus often cast out demons and cured illness at the same time. Jesus said he would do this (Luke 13:32). He did this at the start of His ministry (Matthew 4:23-24; 8:16; Mark 1:34; Luke 4:41), around Tyre and Sidon (Mark 3:10-12; Luke 6:18-19), and in the middle of His ministry (Luke 7:21). Many female followers of Jesus were cured of both (Luke 8:2).
Even more precise are the accounts of when Jesus both cast out demons and healed illness in a person at the same time (Mark 6:13; Acts 5:16). Philip did this in Samaria (Acts 8:7) and Paul did it in Ephesus (Acts 19:12).
Thus it is obvious that some, but not all illness is demonic. There is no certain illness that is exclusively demonic, nor others that aren’t. Any physical ill can be demonic, but no one ill is always demonic. In our day and age we err by seeing too little illness as being demonic. Thus we often miss the cure. How can we tell if an illness or physical problem is demonic or not? Some clues to look for are: medical doctors aren’t able to bring relief or cure; there is a pattern of it running in the family; it seems strange or doesn’t follow the regular pattern of symptoms (comes and goes for no particular reason, etc.); or you feel in your spirit that it should be prayed about and looked into as possibly being demonic.
Again, our pattern for bringing about this removal of physical ills by deliverance should follow Jesus’ example. He rebuked a fever and it left immediately and strength instantly returned (Luke 4:39). On at least one occasion power came from within Jesus to heal (Luke 6:19). He often laid hands on a person to bring both deliverance and healing (Luke 4:40; 13:13; 4:29; Matthew 8:15; Luke 13:1-13).
As to us doing this today, again it must be done in God’s strength and power. If He chooses to bring healing through deliverance that is His will. We must never demand it or make it dependent on having enough faith. No one today has a gift to heal anyone and everyone. It is right for us to pray for healing when doing deliverance and leave the results to God. It is also necessary to deal with any demons who may be causing the illness (physical or mental, see page 7). Often demons affect our health in indirect ways, such as working in us so we eat or do things that are unhealthy for us in the long run and undermine our health. All of these, too, must be dealt with in Jesus’ name (Matthew 10:1). Sometimes God may lead you to anoint with oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit who does the healing (Mark 6:13). Do NOT put any faith in the oil or any ritual in using it, it is simply an audio-visual. For more on healing see pages 116-117

Therefore, be aware that often illness is demonic, especially when doctors are unable to bring a cure. Even diseases they can cure can still be demonic, especially if there are other signs of demonizing active in the person’s life. Keep this in mind when praying and seeking wisdom. Don’t accept any illness as “incurable.” Always make sure it isn’t demonic (by asking God for wisdom and commanding any demons involved in that ailment to be gone in Jesus’ name). Remember, when dealing with emotional and spiritual ills in your warfare praying, don’t let out physical ills! Never fear, demons can only cause ills with God’s approval (Job 1:6-12).
One word of warning: since demons can cause illness, they can also bring counterfeit ‘healings’ by stopping the physical ills they themselves cause (Matthew 12:24; 24:24; II Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 16:14). This explains miraculous healings that aren’t done in accordance with God’s will and Word.

Is there a relationship between mental illness and demonizing?

Demons can and do cause mental illness: they can make a person be not in his ‘right mind’ (Mark 15:15), they can cause screaming and convulsions, foaming at the mouth (Luke 9:39), they can cause self-destructive thoughts and actions (Mark 9:22), they can make a person appear to be ‘raving mad’ (John 10:20), and they can cause immoral, anti-social behavior that makes the person seem not right mentally (Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35).
It cannot be said that all mental illness is demonic. Other factors are involved such as chemical imbalances, birth defects, damage from injury or drug usage, etc. However demonizing must always be considered until completely ruled out. One way to tell if it is demonic or not is the person’s willingness to listen or talk about Jesus. If they fall asleep, change the subject constantly, don’t seem to be hearing you, get violent, want to leave in a hurry, etc., you have good reason to suspect demons are involved.

Can someone speak a blessing or a curse on me or my children?
Yes, in fact I’ve seen it quite a bit in spiritual warfare. Balaam tried to curse the Jews (Dt 23:4). The Bible says we can curse others Ps 109:17 He loved to pronounce a curse — may it come on him; he found no pleasure in blessing — may it be far from him.

Demons use this as an excuse to work against the person, as a ‘prayer’ to gain access. Old Testament men (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.Gen 27:23, 38) would bless or curse their children (Genesis 48:20). Sometimes they even put a curse on them, as Abraham did with Ishmael and Isaac cursed Esau. The Levites were used to pronounce blessings (Dt 10:8; 21:5).
When Naomi came back to Israel she said she was to be called ‘mara’ because things had turned ‘bitter’ for her.
A father is to bless his children by his words and send them into life with his and God’s blessing. What you have done is the opposite. There are several books by homeschoolers about how fathers are to do this and why.
Curses can be broken by a believer praying in Jesus’ name and authority.

I’ve struggled with pornography for some time. How can I get free?
This can be tough. We can’t get victory alone, and talking to someone can be very hard. Even if we are willing, finding the right person isn’t easy. It’s almost impossible to get victory alone, though. Realize you aren’t alone in this. All men struggle with this to some degree or another. It’s been an issue in my family as well. It’s a real trap of Satan’s! It can be defeated, though, if one wants to have victory.
First, here is a prayer you can pray to help have victory over the spiritual part.
Father, I confess that at various times in my life I have been powerless against the continuing attacks of the enemy on my sexuality. I have chosen to sin in various ways and ask You to forgive me for the following: (specifically confess each and every sin). I now agree with Your verdict on my sin. I renounce all pleasure associated with these sins. I ask You t cleanse my memories, heal the hurts and forgive me. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Often the source of this demonizing comes from ancestors who were open to pornography. This is called generational sin. When a demon claims access to one person he then claims their descendants as well.
Generational bondage can be broken by personally repenting of and confessing the sins of past generations. Claim the blood of Christ as stronger than your blood line and put that access under the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:15). Claim that you are a “new creation, old things have passed away, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). Ask God to turn curses into blessing (Deut. 23:5).

“Gracious Father over all, I acknowledge before you the sins of my parents and ancestors. I know that they have sinned because all men and women are sinners. And so, I openly confess the sins of my parents and ancestors. I am sorry for their sins against you and I ask that you cover their sins with the blood of Jesus and not hold their consequences against me or my descendants. I claim the finished work of Jesus Christ, Who bore all my sin upon Himself. In faith I accept that work on the basis of your holy Word. I reclaim any consent given to Satan’s forces by me parents’ sin. Dear Jesus, please set me free from all evil influences coming from my parents and ancestors in the name of Jesus. I know I am a new creation in Christ. Old things have gone and all things have become new. I here and now reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, I cancel out all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and who sits with him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I declare myself to be eternally and completely signed over and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. I now command every familiar spirit and every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ that is in or around me to flee my presence and never to return. I now ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. All this I do in the name & authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Of course a good spiritual life (connecting with God in devotions each morning, reading your Bible, etc.) is a must.
Now, when you first get tempted, when the first thought pops into your mind, you must get victory over it. That only happens by quoting scripture. Jesus had victory over Satan by quoting scripture and that is our sword of the Spirit. Her are some passages you can use. Start quoting or reading them when tempted and don’t stop until well beyond the temptation.
2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Ps 51:10-12 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
LIVE IN HOLINESS Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship. Rom. 12:1
SUBMIT TO GOD, RESIST SATAN God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:6-8
GOD IS GREATER THAN SATAN The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. I John 4:4
GOD WILL MEET ALL OUR NEEDS My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
RESISTING SATAN Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” Matthew 16:23
SIN AS OPENINGS TO DEMONIZING Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24
ANCESTRAL & CHILDHOOD OPENINGS Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! II Corinthians 5:17
DELAYED DELIVERANCE The Lord said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” … For when I am weak, then I am strong. II Corinthians 12:9-10
CONTINUING VICTORY Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith. I Peter 5:8-9
Job 31:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.

Matthew 5:27-28 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
One more thing to have victory. You have to do all you can to not be in a position to be tempted. Probably online porn is what gets you for its so easily available. All my boys and I have Covenant Eyes on our computers. It monitors where we go and sends a report to whoever we choose to be our accountability partner. It doesn’t prevent us from accessing anything we shouldn’t, but knowing our parent will find out at the end of the week is a major deterrent. You can find them at I will gladly be your accountability partner if you’d like. If it would help I can suggest to your father that he get it for the whole family, for all your computers. I’ll do it in such a way as he’ll never know we talked. There are other sources available to get porn, too, so you have to make plans to stay out of those stores, away from cable TV alone, or whatever it is.
Stand firm in this. If I can help in any way –lease contact me at

Can demons be behind a compulsion to touch one’s self sexually?
As to masturbation, there can be various spirits that cause it: Lust, Masturbation, Fornication (mental thoughts of this while masturbating), etc., etc., etc. It isn’t always a demonic conflict behind it, either, though. It can just be from our sin nature. Is all masturbation sin? It is hard for a person to not have sinful thoughts while masturbating, and that is adultery for Jesus says to look at (or think about) a woman and lust (has mental sex) is the same as adultery. Its hard for me to picture Jesus doing that, so I do believe it is sin when one does it to themselves.

For a mate to do it to a mate, if it is agreeable and pleasurable for both, then that is OK. Should masturbation be OK because it is better than adultery? We can’t justify one sin by saying it prevents a ‘worse’ sin, for sin is sin. Paul does say to the Corinthians in 1 Cor 7:8-9 “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. “ He doesn’t give masturbation as an alternative. Just getting married in order to have ‘legal’ sex isn’t; right either, though. I Cor 10:13 says God doesn’t give us more than we can bear and that He always provides a way out of the temptation/sin. I hope that helps. If you have any other questions let me know.

Is fasting a good way to be free from demonizing?
Fasting is often neglected today, but when done out of a right motive it can be a real help in spiritual warfare. Jesus fasted often (Matthew 4:1-11, etc.). Jesus assumed His disciples would fast (note the “when,” not “if” in Matthew 6:16). Fasting is a spiritual exercise distinct from prayer, although often done in connection with prayer. It is still something for us to do today (Matthew 9:15). Usually fasting is done from food (all or a certain food group, like sweets, or a certain meal a day, or no food all day). Sometimes drink is abstained from, other times not. Sometimes sleep (II Corinthians 6:5; 11:27) and/or sex (I Corinthians 7:3-5) are included. Be sensitive to how and when God leads you to fast.
The motive in fasting is not to punish self for sin or prove sincerity to God so He will smile with more favor in a certain situation. Hunger pictures humility (Psalm 69:10; Deuteronomy 8:2-3,11-14; Hosea 13:6). Enduring hunger teaches self-discipline and works against pride (Ezra 8:21; Isaiah 58:3). It provides an attitude of submission. Fasting also opens up more time to be available to pray and seek God. It shows a willingness to sacrifice anything to get closer to God. It serves notice to demonic forces that you are serious in your pursuit of God’s will and glory (Jeremiah 29:13-14). A side benefit of fasting is that one can learn to depend on God for self-control and thus better control their appetite (I Corinthians 6:12-13; II Peter 2:19). This also helps with self-control over sexual sins as well.
While we usually think of fasting as going without any food, there are various forms fasting can take. Partial fasts can involve eliminating certain foods or meals. Even with a complete elimination of food healthy drinks can be consumed.

Fasting is not a way to force God’s hand or get our prayer answered quickly. It must be done for the right motive or there is no benefit (Matthew 6:6-18; Isaiah 58; Luke 8:11-12). Fasting can provide an attitude of submission (desire to please God and not self). It can free up extra time for prayer. The accompanying hunger can be a reminder to pray without ceasing and the hunger itself can be offered as a sacrificial gift to God.
It is best to begin fasting gradually and not embark on an extended period of fasting the first time. Many good books and articles are available helping one learn what is best to eat before and after a fast. Just remember that the focus is on God, not the faster. The enemy can use it as a source of pride and this negates the whole purpose of fasting.

I’ve prayed for deliverance but still struggle. What am I doing wrong?
As stated before, deliverance isn’t a once-and-done thing. It is a process, like peeling layers off of an onion. Sometimes progress is very slow. It may seem no progress is being made at all. Then, too, it is certainly possible to loose what you have gained (through sin allowing the openings to be used again). Satan’s forces don’t quit easily, and just because they are defeated or weakened once doesn’t mean it is all over. Often the battle gets worse for awhile. The more they tried to obey and stay close to God, the more opposition and battles the Jews faced when conquering the land. Paul’s thorn in the flesh is an example of this (II Corinthians 12:7-10).
Another example is Nehemiah. When the walls of Jerusalem were in disrepair and no one was making any effort to rebuild them there was calm. But when Nehemiah started encouraging the people to rebuild there was much opposition. Some was external, other internal. Externally Nehemiah faced ridicule (2:19), anger (4:1), criticism (4:2), mockery (4:3), threat of war (4:8), compromise (6:2), and lies being told about him (6:6). The stronger attacks were internal. Satan attacked him within with discouragement (4:10), wanting to quit (4:10), greed (5:1,3,5), and fear (6:10). Nehemiah persevered despite it all and finally the work was completed (6:15) and the enemies of God defeated (6:16).
We, too, will face much opposition, and continuing opposition. When we fight against Satan’s kingdom by being true to God’s kingdom, we must realize the enemy will fight back. What are we to do about it? Satan’s plan is for us to be discouraged, to quit, to not persevere, to stay where we are or to lose ground to him. Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen:

When the Jews crossed the Red Sea God opened the waters and they walked through on dried land, but after they matured in the faith things changed. When they got to the Jordan they had to rush down the hill and step into the water while it was still there, trusting God would move it when their feet hit the water. He did and again they walked through on dry land. You are no longer at the Red Sea. You’ve grown beyond that. Now God wants you to commit to obedience no matter what, to step into the rushing water trusting He’ll be with you. If you wait for the waters to part first you’ll never move. Commit to stop no matter what – even if it kills you. Decide you’d rather be dead than to continue to disobey. Now I don’t’ think it’s a live or death matter, but still you need to be willing to pay any price you may feel will come. I know God will take care of you through it. It will be more of a struggle than you’ve had with some of the other victories, for God increases the pressure so our faith muscles grown. I like the story of the old lady who was known for her faith. Someone said to her once, “I bet if God told you to run and jump into a wall you’d do it!” The lady said, “Yes, If he told me to do so I would. It’s my job to run into the wall and it’s His job to take care of the wall.

Why doesn’t God just deliver us from Satan? Why does He allow us to struggle?
That’s the age-old question. Why does God allow people to suffer and struggle? How can a God of love allow so much evil to continue? God doesn’t defend Himself or explain what He allows. He gives us a free will choice and sin and the resulting evil are the natural consequences or turning from Him. Still, innocent people suffer. We can’t try to evaluate God’s person and character by these things for He has proven His character and love by leaving heaven, becoming a man, living on earth, then going to cross to take on the punishment for every sin we would ever commit. That proves His love for us beyond a shadow of a doubt.

If it weren’t for that we would all deserve eternity in hell from this moment on. So anything less than hell from now on is His grace and mercy. Why He seems to show more to some than others is not up to us to judge. God isn’t accountable to us. We cannot stand in judgment of Him until we know all the facts as He knows them and see everything as good or better than He sees it. Many things seem unfair to little children but they must trust their parents. Getting an injection from a doctor, having a pretty shiny knife taken way, many things seem to a child that a parent doesn’t love them but a child doesn’t have the perspective to truly view what is happening and we don’t have God’s perspective on life either. We do know that facing things we don’t understand gives us an opportunity to trust. Our faith is stretched and we grow. God is glorified as we see Him deliver and as others watch us patiently trust Him. Spiritual warfare is just one of many forms of suffering God uses for our good and for His glory. That’s another reason why deliverance often isn’t instantaneous but a drawn-out process.

I’ve been battling for a long time and just don’t think I can go on any longer. What can I do?
Persevere no matter what. God can and will set you free from this. Deliverance is a process He uses to teach us things about Himself and ourselves. He wants us to persevere in faithfulness to Him no matter what for that helps us learn to depend on Him and trust Him. It’s also part of the way He works to make us more like Jesus.
I know God is greater and will give the victory. I know the victory comes gradually, as we learn to fight and take back ground that was given to the enemy. When the Jews entered the promised land under Joshua God gave them victory, but one battle at a time, even one generation at a time. He didn’t give it all to them at once. He wanted them to learn to fight, to need to keep trusting Him, to develop patience and perseverance. What was true of them physically is true of us spiritually. So don’t give up. Persevere. It may be hard to see progress but remember – there is improvement. Look back at your life and you’ll see improvement in the past to the present. You certainly wouldn’t want to go back! Progress is slow but steady, like the story of the tortoise and the hare. Also be encouraged because it’s obvious the enemy is now throwing everything at you he can. That means this is as bad as it gets, this is all he can do. If he could do more he would. While this is bad, knowing it is as bad as it gets and that it will gradually but certainly get better helps. It takes time. God is interested in the process you are going through as you grow, not just the final product. You do the same thing with your children.
We are told over and over again in the Bible to resist Satan (in Jesus’ strength), to stand firm and not give in. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7-8) is a promise to claim. The conditions for the promise to work, though, are that we are to submit to God (total commitment to God after salvation), draw near to God (quality and quantity time in prayer and meditation) and be pure (life a holy life, confessing all known sin). The key is keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devout. Resist him, standing firm in the faith. (I Peter 5:8-9). Alert means literally to “be sleepless,” it implies a purposeful and active state of awareness. It implies being active and watching out for anything that would tone down our alertness (like being seduced by the world’s pleasures). Resist is a strong word meaning to oppose. We aren’t to hide in fear, hoping he’ll leave us alone. Each must wage his own fight, you cannot expect a parent, mate, pastor or friend to resist for you. Stand firm means to stand solid, hard, unbending in the faith. Jesus prayed Peter would stand when attacked by Satan (Luke 22:32). Satan is like a bully. When he or his forces find someone who will give in they push them around. Taking a stand may mean a fight for awhile, but then the promise comes that he will flee. We are to be courageous and not fearful, taking our stand in the Lord (Joshua 1:9; 10:8; 23:9-11; Leviticus 26:8; Exodus 14:13; I Samuel 17:45-47; II Samuel 22:33-35,40-41).
Since Satan works through getting us to believe his lies, we must really resist and stand fast in this area. By knowing which lies Satan trips you up with you can better be prepared for them. Here are some common ones to look out for.

Demons don’t seem to listen to what I say. What’s wrong?

Knowing and using God’s Word, the sword of the Spirit, is key for victory (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 77:12; I Chronicles 28:9; Matthew 22:37-38; I Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 4:8). That’s how Jesus defeated Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). Satan tries to plant doubts about God’s word in man’s mind. This is how he got to Eve. She misquoted God’s Word to Satan and when he added to God’s Word (making God seem like He was keeping something good from her) she didn’t pick it up. Satan was undermining God’s Word, and he won! We must be skillful in the use of our sword to win. Below are some verses to memorize and use.
When Jesus was tempted He quoted Scripture to have victory over Satan’s temptations. Paul says our only offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Psalm 119:9,11 tell us that it’s through God’s Word that we have victory. When you have these thoughts and attacks use Scripture to have victory. Ask God to give you some verses that will help against these things, write them down and memorize them. Say them over and over when these thoughts attack you. That is the only way to victory, and God guarantees it will work!

I’ve done everything you’ve suggested but still don’t have victory. Why is this?
If you have done everything you can and are still attacked there are only 2 explanations:
First, God wants to teach you that His grace is sufficient, as with Paul. Paul prayed 3 times to have the demon attacking him removed but God said no, He wanted Paul to learn to lean on God’s grace and see it was sufficient. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
Second, the other explanation is that He wants you to seek Him more deeply as to what is allowing these demons to continue working. There must be something they are holding on to as an opening. If there is something in your life, your thoughts, your focus, your attitude to this, etc., that needs to change God will allow them to remain in order for you to seek Him and get free from that sin in your life. Humble yourself before Him. Let Him search your life, actions, thoughts, etc., and show you whatever is sin (Psalm 139:23-24). Pray often about this, sit quietly listening to Him speak. Fasting is good as well.

I have a friend who seems to be demonized. What can I do to help them?
Once you get involved in deliverance, you’ll start to see how it can help those around you. You’ll want to share with others what you’ve found. That’s great! Remember, though, there is a cost of your time (Mark 7:24), energy (Mark 6:31) and patience (Matthew 17:17). Count the cost first (Mark 3:8-15). Getting involved in spiritual warfare for others may bring attacks against you but do not fear such a thing (Matthew 10:24-27). Often the worse part, though, is the criticism and rejection you get from others, believers and unbelievers alike (Matthew 9:32-34); Matthew 10:24-27). Don’t fear that, either (Luke 13:31-32).
One danger to watch out for is thoughts popping into your mind of how spiritual you are, or feelings of pride because of having power over demons. Others may see you as more spiritual, too. This is a real danger. Jesus makes it clear that being able to administer deliverance is no sign of spirituality or even salvation (Matthew 7:21-23).
Keep in mind, too, that others minister deliverance in different ways. I feel strongly that what I have written here is what God has for me according to His Word. However, I am not to judge or reject those who do it differently (Mark 9:38-40).
Follow the steps for deliverance outlined in this book on pages 48-54.
When you find yourself in a situation where you feel God wants you to talk or pray about deliverance just go ahead! Don’t worry about your lack of knowledge or experience (that’s a lie from the demons to silence you). It’s God’s power and He will give you the right words and wisdom at the right time. Nothing is worse than not doing anything and allowing the demons to continue their work. Just do your best, trusting God for each step of the way. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way, no magic formula. God is greater, so just bring His power against the evil forces.
One thing to be careful of, though, is your own time and schedule. Don’t allow yourself to be a crutch to anyone, for that isn’t helping them. Wean them from you and onto God quickly. Don’t become too involved with the one you are ministering too. It can become too draining on you and make it hard for you to be objective, plus harder to wean them. At first feeling needed can be very nice, but it is God they should need, not you.
Always consider the big picture when praying for deliverance. Keep deliverance in balance. Should they see a counselor? Would a physical from a doctor be helpful? Are they perhaps not giving you the complete, total picture, but just what they want you to know? Do they REALLY want to be free or are they more interested in having your attention? Is their any sin they aren’t willing to get rid of?
PRAY continually and regularly for them. Exercise your authority as a believer.

LOVE them unconditionally and let them know that over and over. Unconditional love conveys God’s love. That is very, very important to do.
PROTECT them from unwise decisions if you are in a position to do so. Protect them from others, even from themselves.
LOWER your expectations of them. Give them time to understand, grow, act. Be patient, as patient as God has been with you. Don’t baby them or keep bailing them out of situations, but accept them as they are and let God work in them at His pace.

Can I pray for someone to be delivered if they aren’t willing to pray?
Praying for another person is important. Confessing the sins of another person can help free them from demonic oppression. Sin, especially certain sins, is like opening a door for demons to work in a person’s life. These sins can be an open invitation. Depression (self-pity), for example, can be almost a ‘prayer’ to Satan because one is so negative and sees everything from a very self-centered viewpoint about how it may affect them. It’s almost like they enjoy wallowing in this, so demons just help them move in that direction by putting thoughts in their mind and the person accepts and feeds on these thoughts. When that person tells God they are sorry for opening the door and confess (admit) that as sin, He forgives them and the sin no longer blocks fellowship between the person and God.

However the door is still open and demons, who can get very technical and never want to give up access they have, will continue to use it. When you enter the picture and put the sins of that person under the blood of Jesus and state that demons can no longer use that sin as an access to the person you are closing the door. If the person hasn’t confessed the sin themselves that still blocks their relationship with God, but by interceding for them we can slow down or stop (at least temporarily) the demonic impact so the person can be free from that influence and be better able to turn to God for themselves. Now if they continue in the sin they keep opening the door. All you can do is keep trying to close it by putting the sin under the blood until the person does so themselves or it becomes evident they don’t want to and won’t do it.

I’ve tried to help my friend who is demonized but nothing works. What gives?
I see myself as a quarterback (football) who throws passes to his receivers. The quarterback must throw the best pass he can – a nice, tight spiral right into the hands of the receiver. But ones the quarterback lets go of the ball it is no longer up to him if it is caught or not. Some receivers drop excellent passes, others make miraculous catches of poorly thrown balls. I used to be very concerned about the results but had to realize that isn’t up to me. Now there must almost be callousness over my heart to some extent or I would get burnt out quickly. I give the best advice I can, with God’s help, and know that is all God holds me accountable for – but He doesn’t hold me accountable to do my best, to throw the best pass I can. If it is caught or not is not up to me but between the persona and God. Many times I don’t if the pass is dropped or caught, but I keep throwing them anyway. And the more one practices the better he gets at it. I keep a list of all the people who wrote me and the emails beck and forth. There are hundreds and hundreds of names and almost all have more than one or two emails. Some I’ve been in touch with for years. They have become a core group to whom I send prayer requests, especially about my India trip. They are the ones I ask to pray for me when special needs come up. They keep me updated, sometimes every few months, and we write more regularly when things get difficult. Jesus spoke to millions, thousands liked what He said, hundreds believed, a dozen gave up everything to follow Him (and one of those turned back), three became His inner core and one His best friend (John). That’s about how it goes. In the parable of the sower and the seed Jesus points out that only about one fourth of the seed sown grows, so if that’s true of Jesus I can’t expect better! One more factor is that I know I am only the servant and Jesus expects me to be faithful. He doesn’t look at numbers.

I throw the best pass I can and then pray for them. For the most part that bit of callous self-protection that all people in the service ministries have to have takes care of it. Now when it’s a person I know well, a really bad situation, especially a relative, then it can get to me more. But that motivates me to be the more faithful in prayer and ministry. Even Jesus had Judas.

Does God want me to speak in tongues?
BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT, SECOND BLESSING, TONGUES & SUCH MATTERS What a land-mine this subject is! It gets so divisive. I’m sure God hates to see that among His children. I don’t write this to be divisive, but God does require each of us to come to our own conclusions on this matter, based on the Bible. I don’t try to explain how or why others feel led as they do, I don’t in any way judge or condemn them, I only know how God is leading me from His Word. I have thoroughly studied this whole issue with as open a heart as possible, even wishing there were some higher form of spirituality and victory that would take me to a higher plane. Still, I feel totally convinced God is showing me through His Word that these things are not for me nor the people I shepherd. What is happening in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles I do not know. I only know how He leads me.
The Bible teaches that each believer is filled with the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation (I Cor 10:1ff; 12:3; 6:19; Eph. 4:5; Rom. 5:5). One cannot be saved without the Holy Spirit indwelling them (John 7:37-39; 14:16-17; I Cor 6:19-20). From there on it is not a matter of getting more of the Holy Spirit but of the Holy Spirit getting more of us! As we totally submit and live a holy life He fills and works through us.
Then what about Acts 2, 8, 10 and 19, when the Holy Spirit came on those who were already believers? Acts 2 is a one-time, non-repeatable experience (not even repeated in Acts 8, 10 or 19). Just like the Second Person of the Trinity made a unique, one-time entrance into the world through a virgin in a stable, so the Third Person made His entrance in a unique, one-time way. When Jesus came back to earth after the resurrection to the apostles, Paul or John on Patmos, He never repeated the virgin-in-a-stable entrance. Acts 2, also, is non-repeatable.
Acts 2 is a transition, from Old Testament law when the Holy Spirit only indwelt some believers some times, to New Testament grace, when the Holy Spirit indwells all believers for their whole life. The apostles had already accepted Jesus’ claims and were saved in the old dispensation, then when the new dispensation started and the Spirit came they naturally would be the first to receive Him in that way. That is non-repeatable, too. In Acts 8 we see this same truth applied to half Jews and half Gentiles, in Acts 10 to Gentiles in Palestine, and in Acts 19 to Gentiles outside of Palestine. They were similar to Acts 2 to show that Jews and Gentiles were now equal in the same Body, that the same thing happened to each. Each one showed the changeover from Old Testament law to New Testament grace. There had to be a definite time of change, showing the transfer had been made and those believers accepted. Still, what happened was different enough to show that it wasn’t Acts 2 repeated again. Those were the only times anything even resembling Acts 2 happened in Acts, and it only happened once for each new group as the gospel spread from Jerusalem. All others received the Holy Spirit immediately at salvation.
Tongues is not proof of Spirit baptism. Many received the Holy Spirit but not tongues: 3,000 on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38-41), early church believers (Acts 4:31), Samaritans (Acts 8:14-17), Paul (Acts 9:17-18), John the Baptist (Luke 1:15-16), Jesus (Lk. 3:21-22; 4:1,14,18,21) and many others (Acts 4:8,31; 6:5; 7:55; 11:24; 13:9,52). Speaking in tongues is never mentioned in the leadership qualities in Titus or I Timothy. The Bible makes it clear that obedience is the proof of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, not tongues (Eph 5:18f).
Tongues in Acts and Corinth were the same. The same Greek word (‘glossa’ meaning ‘tongue, to speak, language’) is always used of known foreign languages and is used in both Acts (2:6-11, etc) and Corinth (I Cor 14:21; 12:10). In Acts is it obvious that the listeners heard known languages spoken by those who had no previous knowledge of the language. There is no indication that what Corinth experienced was different. It is only the church at Corinth that is mentioned as using tongues, and then many corrections were needed because it was a very carnal church (I Cor. 3:1-3).
The purpose of tongues was to show Jews that God’s judgment was on them. They were to spread God’s message to Gentiles but failed. God would show He was judging them for that by bringing His word to them by Gentiles in Gentile languages. This was prophesied in Isa. 28:9-12; 33:19f; Deut 28:49; and Jer 5:15. Paul said tongues fulfilled those prophecies (I Cor 14:21-22). When the Jews didn’t heed this sign and repent, God’s judgment came upon them in 70 AD when Jerusalem was destroyed. After 70 AD there is no instance of tongues being used in the early church. Signs are placed before what they are to mark, not after! Paul said (I Cor. 13:8-12) that tongues “will be stilled.” The Greek word, ‘pauo,’ is in the middle voice; they will stop by themselves and not start again. History records only a very few, very isolated, very minor outbreak of tongues from Acts to the present. These groups were often heretical in some or all of their other beliefs. Obviously tongues did stop. There is nothing to indicate that they would ever begin again, for their purpose has been fulfilled. When Joel 2 talks about the Holy Spirit coming back after the Tribulation, there is no mention of tongues!
Then what about those with the gift of interpretation? First, the Greek word for this refers to someone who interprets known languages, like from Spanish to German. The use of foreign languages was to show God’s judgment to the Jews present. The content of the message was God’s good news, which the Jews should have been spreading. Since speaking in an unknown language would mean nothing to Gentiles present, Paul said there had to be an interpreter present when the gift was used (I Cor 14:26-28). This was necessary for the weak and immature Corinthian believers (14:20-22) who were ignorant of God’s truth (12:13). It was to be kept to a minimum (14:6-12) because it was an inferior gift (I Cor. 14:4). Paul himself only used his ability to speak in unknown languages in Jewish synagogues, not Jewish services (14:39).
Applying these criteria to tongues today (known foreign language, showing God’s judgment on the Jews, used only with Jews present, sees as a lesser/minor gift whose use was to be kept to a minimum, etc.) shows that what is happening today is different from what happened back then.
Tongues are not a heavenly language. The Greek word makes it clear they are a KNOWN language (Acts 2:6-11; I Cor 14:21; 12:10). This is different than the ‘groanings’ of Romans 8:26 for those are clearly said to be unutterable (not able to be spoken). The “tongues of angels” (I Cor. 13:1) is a hyperbole (overemphasis to make a point) like “faith to move mountains.” Besides, when angels spoke in the Bible, it was always in the known language of those to whom they were speaking.
Tongues are not a private prayer language. All spiritual gifts are given for the sake of others, not the one having the gift (I Cor 12:7, 12f; 14:19,27), that’s why an interpreter had to always be present in Corinth (I Cor 14:26-28). Every time the gift of tongues was given in the Bible it was given to a group, not an individual. It was always used in a group, too, no instance of private use is recorded. The tongue is to be controlled by the speaker, not beyond his control (I Cor. 14:28-33). Plus, tongues were to be a sign to unbelievers, not believers (I Cor 14:22). Jesus Himself warned about praying words we don’t understand (Mt 6:7). Paul said he always understood what he said when he prayed, even in tongues (I Cor 14:15). When asked how to pray Jesus gave the Lord’s Prayer, not tongues.

Dangers of speaking in tongues today. Paul warns about Satan’s ability to counterfeit this (I Cor 12:2-3) as he has in other religions and cults today. Tongues is said to be an inferior gift because it is self-centered (I Cor 14:4) and leads to emphasis being put on emotions which can lead people astray (II Cor 6:11-12; Rom 16:17-18). We are told to pray with understanding (I Cor 14:13-17) and control our spiritual gift (I Cor 14:28-40). God arbitrarily chooses which gifts to give to whom (I Cor 12:7,11,18,28). We are told to not seek any particular gift (I Cor 12:31; 14:1-4). Tongues speaking can become a substitute for spirituality (I Cor 14:26-28). Worse of all, it can produce a false security by those who put faith in it as proof that God loves and accepts them. Most who practice tongues-speaking do not believe in eternal security of salvation, so their speaking in tongues becomes their proof of acceptance by God. Our faith must be in Jesus’ work on the cross, not in our ability to speak in ‘tongues.’ Those without the gift can feel pressured to fit in with the rest of the group.
I have been told by those who are more experienced in dealing with tongues spirits than I am that these demons are often ‘gatekeepers’ and keep other demons in. They also call others in and keep them from exiting.

Is it God’s will for us to be healed from all illness?
There are those today who believe that Jesus not only paid for sin on the cross, but that He also paid for our sickness. They say that each is received by faith, if you have enough faith to receive it. Loss of faith, then, causes the loss of these benefits of faith. They claim some are especially gifted in healing and can heal those who come to them. They say God did miracles in the Bible and he is still a miracle-working God today.
What about this? Is this true? This is not just one peripheral issue, but stands very central in our salvation and Christian life. Is God’s sovereignty or man’s free will the final and ultimate deciding factor? It must be God’s sovereignty. The motive for living for Jesus should not be fear of losing our salvation. The goal of living for Jesus should not be a problem free life. Pain and suffering isn’t to be faced by whipping up enough ‘faith’ so that God removes it (or living with the feelings of failure and guilt if it isn’t removed and we believe that is our fault by not having enough faith). What about these claims of ‘faith healers’? What does the Bible say?
IS THE GIFT OF HEALING FOR TODAY? While it’s true that Jesus and the Apostles healed, it was done as a sign to authenticate that they were from God (Mt 12:39). This was God’s way having people listen to them instead of all the counterfeits around. When they were fully authenticated, there was no longer any reason for the sign. In AD 35 all were healed but by AD 60 some were not (Epaphroditus, Paul’s thorn in the flesh). Then by AD 67 very few were being healed (Trophimus was left at Miletus sick, Timothy’s stomach was unhealed, etc.). Jerusalem, the scene of many early miracles, had not one miracle done in it after Stephen was stoned. The people had the evidence but rejected it. James, the oldest book in the Bible, says that if someone is sick we are to pray for them (James 5:14)
SHOULD WE SEE MIRACLES TODAY LIKE IN BIBLE TIMES? Actually if you list all the miracles in the Bible you will find almost all of them fit three time periods. They aren’t evenly spread out throughout history but cluster in the times of Moses/Joshua, Elijah/Elisha and Jesus/apostles. In each of these times a new mess had developed so God sent a new message through a new messenger whom He authenticated by miracles (“signs”). One more time of miracles is coming, called the Tribulation.
IS FAITH A PREREQUISITE FOR HEALING? Jesus didn’t make faith a requirement for healing. Many that He healed didn’t have faith. The impotent man at the pool didn’t even know who He was. The man with the withered hand and the man with dropsy were healed as a sign to religious leaders who were present, they didn’t ask to be healed. The cripple that Peter and Paul healed outside the temple didn’t exercise any faith. Of course the demoniacs who were delivered and those brought back from the dead didn’t exercise faith. Then there are others who had strong faith but weren’t healed: Stephen, Paul, Timothy, Job, David, Elisha, etc.
IS ‘HEALING’ TODAY THE SAME AS IN BIBLE TIMES? Today’s ‘healers’ must meet the same characteristics of Jesus and the apostles to claim they are doing what was done then. Jesus and the apostles healed with a word or touch wherever and whenever. There was no special place or time, no chants or music, no gimmicks, nothing. Do today’s faith healers walk down the hall in a hospital and empty every room? That’s how Jesus and Peter did it. Also, Bible miracles were done instantly, not gradually or slowly. There was no healing to ‘claim’ or lose. Healing was then done totally, not partially, and it was never lost. Everyone was healed. There was no screening done. 100% of every one, no matter the need, was healed. Organic diseases were healed: limbs grew back instantly, strong enough to walk on, eyes were open, leprosy instantly gone and healthy flesh gown. Then, too, the dead were raised. Today’s faith healing doesn’t nearly meet these characteristics.
DOES GOD NOT HEAL? Yes, a sovereign God can always heal. He is always able to heal, but He is not always willing. Healing isn’t guaranteed. Healing isn’t based on our having enough faith. Miracles by Jesus and the apostles were done as a sign to authenticate the One who could heal an unseen soul. God can and does heal, but He doesn’t gift others to do it, nor does He say that is the recommended norm for His people.
WHAT ARE WE TO DO WHEN SICK? When we are sick its good to first make sure it isn’t for sin or disobedience. If there is sin that God is using the sickness to point out, confess it and God will forgive and then use that illness for good (Romans 8:28). It’s fine to pray, asking God to heal if that is His will. We are to submit to His will, not demand He do what we want. Ask Him to use the pain and suffering for His glory (that we and others can see His greatness through His provision and peace) and our growth(make us trust Him more and become more like Jesus). Use the best available resources: diet, rest, exercise and medical help. Realize that all healing does ultimately come from God. Leave the results to His will, though.
Granted, this whole subject of faith and healing can be a confusing and guilt-producing area. Specific verses can be found to seemingly support most any view. However an overview of the Bible and it’s teaching about these things definitely seems to substantiate the above view of healing. Always remember, our faith must be in Jesus. HE is the object of our faith, never a human person or group. Put faith in Jesus, not faith in your faith! HE is the one we are to look to and glorify. Always keep your eyes on Him. Trust and serve Him no matter what.

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