By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer
Copyright Ó 2010
Below are some examples of prayers that can be used in spiritual warfare. They are just general suggestions to help you get started. There is nothing magical or special about using these exact words. You can use any words you choose. These are to help you have an idea of how you can pray and what you can pray for. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Often no one has taught us how to pray in spiritual warfare. Use them as they are or pray the same things in your own words.
Prayer for Salvation – page 2
Prayer to Have Victory Over Fear – page 2
Prayer for Those With Self-Destructive or Suicidal Tendencies – page 2
Prayer to Cleanse a Room or Home – page 2
Prayer for Deliverance from General Bondage – page 3
Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties – page 3
Prayer to Forgive Others – page 4
Prayer for Forgiveness form Sexual Sins – page 4
Prayer for Forgiveness for Sin and for Deliverance – page 4
Prayer for Deliverance From Occult Involvement – page 4
Prayer for Deliverance from Masonic Bondage – page 5
Prayer for Those Involved in New Age or Occult Activities – page 5
Prayer to Forgive Others – page 5
Prayer for Deliverance of a Son or Daughter – page 5
Prayer for a Marriage – page 5
Prayer of Submission to the Holy Spirit – page 6
Prayer for the Armor of God – page 6
Prayer for Spiritual Warfare in General – page 7
Another Prayer for Victory in Life – page 8
“Dear Jesus, I recognize my need of you. I know I sin and am guilty in your sight. Thank you for leaving heaven to come to earth and die on the cross for my sins. I know you took my eternal condemnation on Yourself on the cross and paid for it all. Please forgive sin and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I freely accept your gift of salvation. I want to live for you and only you. I put you first in my life and want to serve You. I reject any other forces or powers and forbid any them to have any influence on me. Dear Jesus, fill me and use me. Thank you for hearing and answering me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Dear Heavenly Father, I place myself under your loving and protective care. I know that you are the only one I should fear, and that is in awe and respoect. I confess that I have been fearful and anxious because of my lack of trust, my unbelief and believing the lies of the enemy. I have not always trusted You. Too often I have lived in fear and relied on my own strength and resources. I confess that as sin and thank You for Your forgiveness.
I know that you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Therefore I turn from any fear in my life. I ask You to reveal to me all the areas where the sin of fear as affected me. Show me the lies I have believed and help me to believe Your truth instead. I desire to live in faith by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Fill me with Your presence and Your Spirit so I can follow You by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, I know You created me in Your image. I am sorry for anything I have done to harm my body, for I know it is the temple of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name I renounce all suicidal thoughts and any attempts I’ve made to take my own life or in any way injure myself. I confess ___________ (name each sin of self-destruction that comes to mind) and put it under the blood of Jesus. I renounce the lie that life is hopeless and that I can find peace and freedom by taking my own life. Satan is a thief and comes to steal, kill and destroy. I put under the blood of Jesus any access any demons claim to my life or to my family. In Jesus’ name I cover it all with the blood of Jesus. I choose life in Christ Who came to give me life and give it abundantly. Thank You for Your forgiveness’ Help me to forgive myself. I choose to believe that there is always hope in Christ. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Remove and destroy all objects of false worship, then pray this aloud in every room. Using your finger to print small crosses of oil on the doors and walls is good to do. Also, leaving a light on (against darkness) and/or music praising Jesus playing in the room is also good. Demons don’t like light or hearing Jesus praised.
“Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that You are the Lord of heaven and earth. In Your sovereign power and love, You have entrusted us with this place to live and we thank You for it. I dedicate this place to You for Your honor and glory. I pray this would be a place of spiritual, emotional and physical safety and blessing for me and my family and ask for Your protection from all the attacks of the enemy. I take back any access any of Satan’s forces have claimed against this place and put that under the blood of Jesus. As a child of God I command every evil spirit claiming ground in this place to be gone. Any sin that has been committed here, any spirits invited here in any way and anything that may have happened on this location we put under the blood of Jesus and we forbid you to take any access to this place or do any work against us or anyone in this place. Dear Lord, fill this place with Your presence and only your presence.”
“Gracious Father over all, I acknowledge before you the sins of my parents and ancestors. I know that they have sinned because all men and women are sinners. I know I cannot do what only they could have done in attaining forgiveness for their sins, but I am sorry for anything they have done in disobedience against you and I ask that you cover all of these with the blood of Jesus. Please do not hold their consequences against me or my descendants. I claim the finished work of Jesus Christ, Who bore all my sin upon Himself. In faith I accept that work on the basis of your holy Word. I reclaim any consent given to Satan’s forces by my parents’ sin. Dear Jesus, please set me free from all evil influences coming from my parents and ancestors in the name of Jesus. I know I am a new creation in Christ. Old things have gone and all things have become new. I take back any access any demons claim and in Jesus’ name break any demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and who sits with him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I declare myself and my descendants to be eternally and completely signed over and committed to only the Lord Jesus Christ. I now command every evil spirit and every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ to be gone forever. I ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in every area of my life. All this I do in the name & authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I ask God to break all ungodly spirit, soul and body ties that have been established between me and (name person). I put any access they claim under the blood of Jesus. I confess as sin anything I have thought or done to lead to these ties. (If anything specific comes to mind confess it.) In Jesus’ name I forbid you to affect anyone else in my family. Father, please fill me completely and totally with only your Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Thank You, Jesus, for dying that I might be forgiven. I thank you for forgiving me. It is my free will choice to forgive those who have hurt me. (name the people) Forgive me for anything I may have thought or done to hurt them pack. I turn that pain over to You for you to heal. In Jesus’ name I take back any right I might feel I have to see them suffer for the pain they caused me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Father, I confess that I have disobeyed You and committed sexual sins. Please forgive me for _____________ (specifically confess each and every sin). I take back any access I have given to any demons through these sins and I put it under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name I forbid these demons to make any claim against me or any of my family because of it. Please cleanse me from these memories and help me to never repeat these sins again. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and use me for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen
“Dear heavenly Father, You have told us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts (Romans 13:14). I acknowledge that I have given in to sinful acts and thoughts. I have also sinned by not doing things I should have done and by doing good things for selfish motives. I know that in Christ my sins are forgiven, but I have transgressed Your holy law and given the enemy an opportunity to work against me (Ephesians 4:27; James 4:1; I Peter 5:8). I come before Your presence to acknowledge these sins and to seek Your cleansing (I John 1:9) that I may be freed from the bondage of sin (Galatians 5:1). I ask You to reveal to my mind the ways that I sinned and grieved the Holy Spirit. (Confess each sin that comes to mind one by one.) In Jesus’ name I take back any ground that evil spirits have gained through my sin. Please fill me instead with your Spirit and use me for Your glory. I ask this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Dear God, I confess all my occult involvement as sin. (‘Confess each specific sin.) I put any and all sins of an occult nature that I may have committed under the blood of Jesus and ask for Your forgiveness for each of them. I take back any access I have given to any of Satan’s forces through these sins. Plese fill me with your Spirit and presence instead. I pray this in the name of Jesus, who became curse for me on Calvary and died that I might be set free. Amen
Dear Father, I recognize that involvement in masonry opens one to spiritual bondage. I confess as sin any involvement I or any of my ancestors may have had to any form of masonry. In Jesus’ name I take back any and all access any of Satan’s demons may have claimed against through it. I am a child of God and I belong to Him. I break any claim against me by any of my ancestors. I break any curses or oaths taken by any ancestors which Satan uses against me. I put them under the blood of Jesus. Fill me completely with your Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
“Dear heavenly Father, I ask You to reveal to me all the occultic practices, false religions, and false teachers with which I have knowingly or unknowingly been involved. I confess that I have participated in _______. I ask Your forgiveness, and I renounce _______ as a counterfeit to true Christianity. I take back any access I may have given to Satan’s demons through this. Please forgive me, cleanse me, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen”
Thank You, Jesus, for dying that I might be forgiven. I thank you for forgiving me. It is my free will choice to forgive those who have hurt me. (name the people) Forgive me for anything I may have thought or done to hurt them pack. I turn that pain over to You for you to heal. In Jesus’ name I take back any right I might feel I have to see them suffer for the pain they caused me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
“Dear Father, I come to you to intercede for my child _____. I bring him/her before You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for your unconditional love of them. I ask You to forgive us that for all of our failures to guide him/her in the way he/she ought to go. In my position as mother/father I put all their sin under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I take back any access any of Satan’s forces claim through any ancestral openings and I put that under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ over their life. I ask that Your Holy Spirit would fill them and ever use them for your honor and glory, so that they would grow up to serve You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your perfect plan for our marriage. I know that You planned marriage to be beautiful and satisfying, a picture of our relationship with you. I ask that You would do what is needed in and through me to make our marriage all it should be.
Please forgive me for my sins of failure in my marriage. I confess my _________ (confess individually all the sins and shortcomings you are aware of). I ask You to forgive me. I put them under the blood of Jesus and take back any access I have given to any demons through them. Open my eyes to see all areas where I am deceived and help me to apply Your truth to those areas.
I pray for my mate as well and put their sins under the blood of Jesus as well. I intercede for them and ask for your mercy to cover their sins and shortcomings and to take back any access any of Satan’s forces claim through them.
Father, I ask that You would fill each of us with Your Holy Spirit. Fill us with the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness , gentleness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control. Heal us from the hurts we have caused ourselves and each other. Give us a spirit of forgiveness for each other. Put Your supernatural love in our hearts and help us to love each other as You love us.
Show me what I need to do to change to correct my hurts and errors from the past. Help me to apologize where necessary and to know what to do to restore our relationship. I submit myself to You to be used and changed as You see fit. I submit my marriage to You for You to do what is necessary to heal it and use it for Your honor and glory.
“Dear heavenly Father, You have said that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry (I Samuel 15:23), I know that in action and attitude I have sinned against You with a rebellious heart. I ask Your forgiveness for my rebellion and pray that by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ all ground gained by evil spirits because of my rebelliousness would be canceled. Show me any ways I continue to live in pride and help me to turn from them by Your strength. Fill me with Your Spirit and use for Your glory. In the name of Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen.”
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for providing the spiritual armor we need as we live for you each day. I thank you for it. Help me to apply it and use it in my daily walk with you.
First, I put on the helmet of salvation and I ask that you would protect my mind and my thoughts so that every thought is captive to Your Spirit. I thank you for the salvation you have provided for me and I pray you would help me apply it to evry area of my life. Line up all my thoughts with your truth so that I view everything through the grid of your Biblical world view.
Next I put on the breastplate of righteousness, your holiness applied to every area of my life. I know I cannot do anything to please you, but I also know that the blood of Jesus has made me clean and I thank you for that. Cover me and my sin with your righteousness, and help me to live a life of holiness in everything I think, do and say.
Then I put on the belt of truth. I need your Spirit to keep me focused on the truth of Your Word so Im not distracted by Satan’s lies and deceptions. Show me where I may be open to these and keep me in your truth.
On my feet I put the sandals of peace which you have provided. Help me to stand firm in the peace you provide. I reject any fear, worry, anger or turmoil in my life and I focus my full attention on You, Lord Jesus. I thank you for my emotions but I pray you keep them from ruling in my life. Help me make sure my mind explains reality to my emotions. Help me to live in peace with you and all people, and to share this peace with everyone whose life touches mine.
I take up the shield of faith, my outer wall of protection. Help me keep my faith strong in you so that nothing that Satan throws at me defeats me. You alone are my shield and protection. By faith I will trust You and follow you each step of the way.
Finally, but most importantly, I take the sword of the Spirit, my only offensive weapon. I know your Word is my key to victory. Help me learn it, memorize it and recall verses that apply to each situation I will face today. Create in me a hunger and thirst to study and know Your Word. Enable me to memorize it and to meditate upon its truth. Grant me proficient recall and skill in using Your Word against all of Satan’s subtle attacks against me, even as my Lord Jesus Christ used the Word against Satan. Enable me to use Your Word not only to defend me from Satan, but also to claim its promises and to wield the sword strong against Satan to defeat him, to push him back, to take away from him ground he claims, and to win great victories God through Your Word. Thank You that Satan must retreat from Your Word applied against him.
Father, I thank you for providing these for me and I ray You would help me remember and use them throughout the day. Help me become more skillful each day in suing the equipment you have provided. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
“Gracious God, I acknowledge that You are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. I am thankful for the victorious work of Your Son, Jesus Christ at Calvary for me. I apply His victory to my life now as I willingly surrender every area of my life to Your will.
“Thank you for the forgiveness and righteousness that has been given to me as Your adopted child. I trust in Your protection and provision daily. I know that your love for me never ceases. I rejoice in Your victory, my Lord, over all the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. In faith I stand in Your victory and commit myself to live obediently for You my King.
“I desire that my fellowship with You become greater. Reveal to me those things that grieve You and enables the enemy to secure an advantage in my life. I need the Holy Spirit’s powerful ministry in my life; bringing conviction of sin, repentance of heart, strengthening my faith and increasing perseverance in resisting temptation.
“Help me to die to self and walk in the victory of the new creation You have provided for me. Let the fruits of the Spirit flow out of my life so that You will be glorified through my life. Fill me with your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
“Please place your hedge of protection around me, my possession, my family and all my descendants. Protect us from anything the enemy would try to do against us.
“I know that it is Your will that I should stand firm and resist all of the enemy’s work against me. Help me to discern the attacks upon my thoughts and emotions. Enable me to stand upon Your Word and resist all the accusations, distortions and condemnations that are hurled against me.
“It is my desire to be transformed through the renewing of my mind, so that I will not compromise with the ways of the world, or yield to the enemy’s attacks, but be obedient to Your will. So give me the mind of Christ in order that I may have His perspective, wisdom, compassion, holiness and truth.
“I draw upon those spiritual resources that You have provided me and I attack the strongholds and plans of the enemy that have been put in place against me. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that the enemy must release my mind, will, emotions and body completely. They have been yielded to the Lord and I belong to Him.
“Lord, enable me to become the person You created me to be. Help me as I pray to be strong in faith. Show me how to apply Your Word in my life each day. I know that I wear the full armor of God when I am committed to and stand firmly upon Your Word. I want You to have the supreme place in my life. Give me a hunger and thirst to know You better, to read Your Word more deeply, to pray more readily and to keep you first in all my thoughts all day long.
“I surrender myself completely to You, Lord. You are always faithful and You extend Your grace to me constantly, even when I do not realize it. I claim Your promise of forgiveness and cleansing in its fullness. In faith, I receive the victory today that you have already put in place for me. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior with a grateful heart. AMEN” (Don Rogers, Spiritual Warfare Ministries, Warrington, PA)
Dear Jesus, I thank you for the free gift of salvation you have provided in Jesus. I thank you that all my sins have been paid for by Jesus on the cross. You say that if we confess our sins you will forgive them. I confess my sins of _____(name each sin)____________ and put them under the blood of Jesus. In Jesus’ name I take back any access my sin has given to any demons to work against me, my wife or my children. I forbid that in Jesus’ name. Please forgive me, cleanse me and give me victory over those sins.
In Jesus’ name I take back any access any of Satan’s forces claim against me through any sins or openings any of my ancestors have given them. I am a new creation in Christ. I am born into God’s family and am His child. In Jesus’ name I forbid any demons to make any claim against me or my family because of my name or blood line to my ancestors. I break any claim against me or my family through my parents or ancestors sins. I put that under the blood of Jesus and forbid any of that work against me. Dear Jesus, please set me free from all evil influences coming from my parents and ancestors in the name of Jesus. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, I cancel out all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and who sits with him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me.
I now ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. Fill me with your Presence and only Your presence. Fill me with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Forgive me for my failure as a husband and father. Help me to become more like Jesus in all areas of my life. Heal me and heal my marriage and family. Please heal others from the hurts I have caused them. I confess that as sin and don’t want to ever do it again, but I need Your power and help to have victory over this. Help me to take whatever steps necessary to have victory over this.
I dedicate myself and my family 100% to you and you only. I dedicate my marriage, my ministry, my home and all I have to You only. Fill me with your presence now and always. Do whatever is necessary in my life to help me have victory over this and to become more like Jesus. I know you won’t give me temptation too great for me but will provide a way out (I Cor 10:13). Help me to find that way out in you, to come to you when the temptation comes. Have mercy on me and heal me and my family. In Jesus’ name I pray.