PRAYER LIST – Jan 10 – Feb 9, 2017

Tues Jan 10 This is our final day in the USA.  Pray for our final plans.  Pray our whole family will be OK. Pray for us as we travel, for a safe, peaceful, restful trip, for luggage & security checks. Pray for our 7 hour flight to London, England.  We leave Philadelphia at 9:15 PM.
Wed Jan 11 We got to London at 4:20 AM your time, left at 9:40 AM your time. Pray we get rest during our trip so we will be ready to minister. We will arrive in India at 6:50 PM your time, 5:20 AM their time.  We will be in 3 continents and 11 time zones. Pray for us to get settled in. We will visit various ministries and get ready for our youth conference tomorrow.  Pray for our health and energy, peace and God’s presence & power.


IN INDIA WHEN YOU WAKE UP it is supper time for us in India

7 AM in PA = 5:30 PM in India

WHEN YOU EAT LUNCH we are going to bed, it is

10:30 PM in India

WHEN YOU GO TO BED   We start the next day in India

10 PM  = 8:30 AM in India

Thurs Jan 12 Rest and to bed early (48 hrs since last in bed in PA), refreshing, peaceful sleep Sleep.  Pray for good rest and for the youth coming to the conference. Youth Conference Day 1.  Pray God would speak through us & their hearts would be open

Jan 13

Youth Conf day 1 over..  Pray for protection from persecution & Satan’s attacks for us all Sleep. Pray God provides grace, wisdom, health & energy we need. Youth Conference Day 2. Pray God would give them a hunger & thirst for Himself & His Word.
Sat Jan 14 Youth Conf day 2 over. Pray for us as we prepare for church and travel in the morning. Sleep.  Pray we would enjoy the people, and love them as God loves them. Speak at Pastor Moses’ church, drive 6 hours to ___. Pray for safety.
Sun Jan 15 We arrive in ___ and get ready for the Past Conf tomorrow. Pray for wisdom. Sleep.  Pray for God to use this time for us to grow closer to each other. Day 1 Pastors’ Conf. 1  Pray God would use us to minister for Him, and He would touch us also
Mon Jan 16 Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 1 over.  Pray those who hear us would understand & remember it all. Sleep.  Pray we would have wisdom to know just what to say daily. Day 2 Pastors’ Conf, 1 Pray God would lead Nancy as she shares with pastors & wives.
Tues Jan 17 Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 1 over.  Pray for the pastors to have courage despite persecution. Sleep.  Pray that we would grow & mature spiritually during this time. Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 2, 2 hr drive there and back.  Pray we would have good health/energy

Jan 18

Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 2 over.  Pray God would provide good times of worship for all of us. Sleep.  Pray God would keep down costs and provide financial needs. Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 2, 2 hr drive. Pray for wisdom and guidance in all we plan, say  do.
Thurs Jan 19 Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 2. Pray God would give us the right words to speak His truth. Sleep.  Ask God to protect and guide our family and church at home. Pastors’ Conf.3  Pray we will cover everything needed in just one day here.
Fri Jan 20 Pastors’ Conf 3 over.  Pray they would remember and apply all that has been taught. Sleep.  Pray for God to use this time for us to grow closer to Him. Pastors’ Conf 3 drive 5 hours.  Pray for safety and a restful day off from teaching.
Sat Jan 21 Past Conf 3 over, Settle in new hotel, rest, prepare for churches.  Pray God would bless our ministry & us in India. Sleep.  Pray we would have wisdom to know just what to teach. Speak in several churches throughout the day.  Pray they would hear Jesus through us.
Sun Jan 22 Sunday ministry & preparation for conferences. Pray we would love the people. Sleep.  Thank God for the privilege we have of ministering for Him in India. Day 1 Leaders Conf, 2 hrs drive. Thank God for these men I know and love.
Mon Jan 23 Day 1 Leaders Conf over.  Pray God would speak clearly to these key men Sleep. Pray God provides grace, wisdom, health & energy we need. Day 2 Leaders Conf, 2 hrs drive.  Pray for the wives to be encouraged.
Tues Jan 24 Day 2 Leaders Conf over.  Pray for protection & courage for Indian Christians. Sleep.  Thank God for His care, provision, love and protection. Day 1 Returning Pastors Conf.  2 hr drive.  Pray for good weather, not too hot, and safety


IN INDIA WHEN YOU WAKE UP it is supper time for us in India

7 AM in PA = 5:30 PM in India

WHEN YOU EAT LUNCH we are going to bed, it is

10:30 PM in India

WHEN YOU GO TO BED   We start the next day in India

10 PM  = 8:30 AM in India

Wed Jan 25 Day 1 Returning Pastors Conf. over. My favorite place in India to minister, Praise God! Sleep.  Pray for pastors who are defeated by sin or discouragement. Day 2 Returning Pastors Conf.  2 hr drive. Pray God uses this for His glory and our growth.
Thurs Jan 26 Day 2 Returning Pastors Conf. over  Pray God would give wisdom as we pray for people. Sleep.  Pray for pastors’ marriages to grow stronger and healthier. Day 3 Returning Pastors Conf. 2 hr drive  Pray for financial needs of pastors & us

Jan 27

Day 3 Returning Pastors’ Conf. over.  Pray they would be faithful despite many obstacles Sleep.  Pray we’d see & love the country and people as God does Day of rest, preparation, visiting.  Pray for protection against Satan and his forces.
Sat Jan 28 Pray God would use the books we wrote and gave out, and for finances for future books. Sleep.  Pray for the government to allow Christians to worship in India Ministering in churches, 2 hrs. Pray God would speak through us to encourage the people.
Sun Jan 29 Pray for our preparation for the next week, and rest.   Pray for close fellowship among pastors. Sleep.  Ask God to protect and guide our family and church at home. Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 4, 2 hr drive Pray God brings the pastors & wives He wants & they listen.
Mon Jan 30 Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 4 over.   Pray God would provide for and protect our family at home. Sleep.  Pray for health and energy to keep ministering and speaking. Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 4, 2 hr drive Pray God would strengthen & encourage all who come.
Tues Jan 31 Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 4 over.  Pray for Pastor Moses as he plans, leads & translates. Sleep. Pray God would keep down costs and provide financial needs. Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 5, 1 Hr Pray for the children of pastors to always stay faithful to Jesus.
Wed Feb 1 Day 1 Pastors’ Conf. 5 over  Pray for safety as we travel and good conversation in the car. Sleep in Vijayawada. Pray for wisdom as we start plans for next year Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 5, 1 Hr Pray God would use our words to encourage & bless others.
Thurs Feb 2 Day 1 Pastors’ Conf. 5 over. 1 more week, pray for energy for us to finish well Sleep.  Pray for good health and encouragement for all of us. Day 1 Pastors’ Conf 6, 1 hr drive. Pray we would stay fresh and have energy to minister well.
Fri Feb 3 Day1 Pastors’ Conf 6 over  Pray for good fellowships for the pastors who are staying over Sleep, Pray for the wives and children of pastor to be strong, faithful. Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 6, 1 hr drive. Pray for Nancy to have health, energy, wisdom to speak.
Sat Feb 4 Day 2 Pastors’ Conf 6 over, 4 hr drive to Hyderabad.  Pray for the pastors who have come. Sleep.  Thank God for all the blessings He has given us living in the USA Speak in Pastor Moses’ church, where I’ve often spoken.  Pray God empowers my words..
Sun Feb 5 Visit slum churches.  Pray for the millions of starving Christians in India. Sleep. Pray God would use the new water wells to bring people to Jesus Day 1 Pastors’ Conf. 7 Pray for the new believers to have courage to remain faithful.
Mon Feb 6 Day 1 Pastors’ Conf.7 over. Pray for these pastors to have wisdom & words to minister. Sleep.  Pray for God’s hedge of protection around us and these pastors. Day 2 Pastors’ Conf. 7  Pray for the pastors to encourage each other and not compete.
Tues Feb 7 Day 2 Pastors’ Conf. 7 over.  Pray the Gospel would spread in the large cities in India. Sleep.  Pray for all the Christian wives with unbelieving husbands. Evaluate and plan ahead, shop, visit ministries.  Pray God guides and directs us always.
Wed Feb 8 Pack for our trip home.  Say good-bye to Pastor Moses & family.  Pray for them today. Sleep.  We get up at 4 AM to travel.  Pray we would be rested for travel. 9 PM your time we fly from India to London, 11 hrs.  Pray it is safe, relaxing & quick
Thurs Feb 9 At 8 AM your time we arrive in London.  We wait there 4 ½ hrs for our flight to the USA.  Pray this would all go smoothly for us. We leave London 12:25 your time for an 8 hr flight to Philadelphia. We arrive in Philadelphia at 8:25 PM and drive home.  Door to door the trip takes 40 hours.  Pray for a safe, restful trip home.

Feb 10

Pray for us as we transition back to life at home, build up our rest & health, get caught up with work at home from the last month.  Pray for the pastors in India as well, that they would keep their eyes on Jesus and reject the lies and fear from the enemy.
Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024