“Hello.   My name is …  Paul/Saul

By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer  jerry@schmoyer.net 


    Tribe of Benjamin

              Giscala in Galilee (G-Grandfather left)










Holy Land REAL “homeland” (heart there)


BAR MITZVA at 13 – to Jerusalem # 1


JERUSALEM # 1 Visit sister & aunt /GAMALIEL

          Jesus     Mishna, Gemerra, Targum

     Inside struggles:  pride (ego), lust


RETURN TO TARSUS  (early 30’s)

     Leader Synagogue, Tentmaker BARNABAS


APPEARANCE   Athletic  short  ugly

MARRIAGE  son   Timothy   depression



(not ready face God!) DARK EARTHQUAKE


JERUSALEM # 2     Escape  new challenge

     Heard @ JESUS hated Nicodemus, Jos

     PETER & John, Pentecost HS changes


SPIRITUALLY EMPTY    law bondage



     Family rich, important, loving

     Education finest in Greek and Hebrew

     Careers  1) tentmaker   2) rabbi

     Sanhedrinpower & prestige young age

     Perfect in religion – outwardly sinless

     Future all ahead of me – HP


STEPHEN – good friend (mellow & abrasive)

same syn. – he peace, debate, lost, stoned


PERSECUTION – took inner frustrations out

     Temp, zeal, pain, purposeless, empty



     Killed, heard gospel, witnesses – joy/peace!

DAMASCUS  donkey trip (4 days)


THOUGHTS gilt, empty, no peace, doubts, sad



LIGHT – Shekinah Glory  -yesight


MAN – “why persecuting me?”

I BROKE – surrendered, peace! – 


BLIND 3 days -Stephen






BOUNCED AROUND  Dama Jeru  Tarsus 

     Father, flogged – Syria & Cilicia

COMPLETE CHANGE – Outwardly  Inwardly



ANTIOCH – strong church there (Ben Hur)


1 MJ  Asia Minor   1 1/2 yrs

     Barnabas & Mark (quit early on)

     Bar-Jesus on Paphos

     Zeus & Hermes in Lystra


GALATIANS written – Christian Liberty


JERUSALEM COUNCIL Don’t have to be a Jew  

2 MJ  Asia Minor & Greece   2 1/2 yrs

     Split with Barnabas, took Silas

     Lydia in Philippi, 1st church in Europe

     “Unknown God” in Athens

     Corinth 1 1/2 yrs – Gallio

     Wrote:  I & II Thes


3 MJ  Asia Minor & Greece   4 yrs

     Ephesus  2 1/2 yrs (Demetrius, SonsSceva)

     Troas – Eutychus

     Corinth caused many problems!

     Wrote: I, II Cor, Romans



     Make true, deep friends

     See God answer prayer

     Many hardships, near-death experiences

     Rejection by Jews and some believers, too.

     Hurt: little contact with father, etc.

           cut off from inheritance, Sanhedrin, etc.

     Peace, satisfaction, meaning inside


     struggle: do things in my strength, ego

           (fight with Barnabas @ Mark)

     THORN IN FLESH to stay close to God`

IMPRISONMENT    (always wanted to go to Rome)

offering to Jerusalem ARREST, 5 yrs prison

     Jerusalem – Caesarea Felix, Festus, Agrippa

           Rome –  shipwreck on the way

                WroteEph Col, Phile, Phil


HARD:  not in control, old, pain

God satisfies, found contentment  (APPLY)




EPHESUS with Timothy, who stayed there

MACEDONIA, PHILIPPI (favorite church)

     Wrote I TIMOTHY

EPHESUS – visited area churches

SPAIN (2 yrs) mIssionary – Jews rebellion

OTHER TRAVELS, wrote Titus



ARRESTED in Ephesus (Macedonia)  fall 67

ROME different this time Paul came

Fire, Nero
PRISON worse, public enemy # 1

           only Luke risked life & stayed in Rome

           miss Timothy and Mark

     ready to die & be with Jesus, work done

     content with how life had gone



     Alexander Coppersmith testified – acquitted


II TIMOTHY  final words  2 Tim 4:6-8 (read)



     Before Nero (at end of his life – terrible)

           Cp cont Paul, Nero


ATTITUDE:   II Tim 1:8-12  2:8-13  4:6-8



     beyond city walls, small group, soldiers

     citizen, so not tortured like Peter & wife

     tied to stake, scourged, beheaded

Mid-June Nero died

Sept 2, 70 AD Jeru fell


PETER: write I, II Peter, killed with wife

JOHN: wrote last, lived longest




Don’t see me as a SUPERSAINT

     Sinner like you:   lust    (APPLY)

           ego, pride, insensitive, critical, perfection

     God’s grace chose & used me

Don’t see my life as GLAMOROUS

     Lost    wife and son      father & friends

           career, inheritance, etc.

           health      much time in prison


All I have is what Jesus gave me

I gave it all up for Him But really gave up NOTHING!

           I gained everything    (APPLY)


Never regretted all I lost, gave up for Jesus

     It never satisfied – but HE DOES!





     Family rich, important, loving

     Education finest in Greek and Hebrew

     Careers  1) tentmaker   2) rabbi

     Sanhedrinpower & prestige young age

     Perfect in religion – outwardly sinless

     Future all ahead of me – HP





“Hello.   My name is …


NAME               Paul, Latin name

                Saul (Jewish name) home & synagogue


ANCESTRY  Tribe of Benjamin

                   Giscala in Galilee (G-Grandfather left)


TARSUS  1/2 million (WORLD MAP)

       prosperous self-governing city-state

               farming, mines (silver, lead, copper)

               center of finances and education


FATHER   Pharisee

                Tentmaker (long black wool from local sheep)


                Burgess of Tarsus

                Roman citizen – proud privilege


MOTHER  Sickly, not involved in childhood

                Died having sister when I was grown

                        Sister raised by aunt in Jeru.


EDUCATION       Home main education

                  Synagogue Memorize Heb vowels, accents

                   By 13 mastered Jewish hist, poetry, prophets

                  PHOTOGRAPHIC MIND natural & developed


LANGUAGE      GREEK fluent from infancy, main language

                LATIN working knowledge

                ARAMAIC common Jewish home language

                HEBREW scholarly knowledge of OT


TENTMAKING  Humble, busy , appreciate work,

                     for Caravans, nomads, armies

                     Weave cloth, shuttle back & forth  Mind free


RELIGION        Holy Land REAL “homeland” (heart there)

                Tarsus: Baal worship, immorality, persecution


HOME haven to live life of piety (stern, focus on externals)



BAR MITZVA at 13 – to Jerusalem # 1

        With father & older friend (my 1st trip, his last)

        Phoenician trader ship,

        Mountains, valleys, semi-desert seen



JERUSALEM # 1       Visit sister and aunt

        Gamaliel (not as strict as Shammai)

             Jesus before at 12 – Gamaliel bared mentioned it

        Jesus a little older than me – never met

             Eyes saw same sights, songs, even at same time

        Rabbi training long & hard 

             Mishna, Gemerra, Targum

                Outstripped contemporaries with giftedness

                Memory, logical mind, creative, analyzing

        Few close friends – expect too much of self & others

        Outside lived in perfect obedience

                Others: impress others, hypocrisy

                Paul: do right for right reason

        Inside struggles:  pride (ego), lust



RETURN TO TARSUS  (early 30’s)

        Leader in Synagogue, taught Scriptures

        Tentmaker (with BARNABAS)


APPEARANCE  Athletic, strong, good shape

        -5′, broadsholdered

        prematurely gray, bald

        close-knit eyebrows & thick beard

        Long crooked nose

        Nearsighted from reading, study

     Friends said I was ugly – enemies repulsive


MARRIAGE      light of my life, new meaning

        SON born, filled empty void in life

        Epidemic, prayed to YHWH, both died – take me!

                Virtually adopted Timothy as replacement son

        Deep depression many months, never get out of it


SUPERNATURAL EVENTS (not ready to face God!)

        DARKNESS  12 noon  on

        EARTHQUAKE, light back 3 pm



JERUSALEM # 2       Escape memories, reminder

        Empty, need new challenge

        Heard @ upheaval @ JESUS & res. – fight it!

        live: street of tentmakers

        work: leading PHARISEE

                hated Nicodemus, Jos Armiathia

                Sanhedrin member, privileges




        Searching for real meaning, purpose

        Judaism, harder I tried more empty I felt

        Stopped struggling for peace

        Law, tradition empty, crushing bondage


PETER leader (and John)

        Change: fear to courage

        PENTECOST, Holy Spirit difference


OVER REACTION Took it out on those attacking Judaism

                -Me fighting same thing within



        Family rich, important, loving

        Education finest in Greek and Hebrew

        Careers  1) tentmaker   2) rabbi

        Sanhedrin power & prestige at unheard of young age

        Perfect in religion – outwardly sinless

        Future all ahead of me – “another Gamaliel”,  HP


STEPHEN – good friend (mellow & abrasive) same syn.

                he found peace I sought, me jealous

                grasped full implication @ Jesus = Messiah

                take away all I had left – Judaism

                me only one able to debate him, but lost

             I had him put to death, oversaw it!

PERSECUTION – took inner frustrations out on others

        -Choleric temperament

        -Zeal for God from upbringing

        -loss of wife & son hurt

        -no goal, purpose, meaning

        -spiritually empty, jealous of their peace



HORRIBLE SCENES: burst into homes & synagogues

        old men, women, children, beaten, imprisoned, killed,

        Contact with Gospel  -infiltered services

                                        -defense they offered

             Eye-witnesses memorized Jesus’ words

             Great phy pain didn’t take away their peace  joy



DAMASCUS  last chance to stop their flood, growth, spread

        Large Jewish population (20,000 of the 150,000)

        4 day trip north (150 miles)



DONKEY TRIP thru Galilee, Golan Heights, Mt Hermon



THOUGHTS:     Guilt, emptiness in mind, no peace

                Doubts about success of mission

                Sorrow of pain causing

                Something @ these Christians….





LIGHT greater than sun – Shekinah Glory   (all fell down )

        affected eyesight – lifetime reminder (Jacob’s hip)



MAN about my age – “why persecuting me?”

        knew who he was, but had to make sure

                “Who are you”   “I am Jesus”

        In a second that seemed like an eternity I knew

            He loved those I was persecuting -He loved me!


I BROKE – surrendered

        No matter about my old theological arguments

                        what others would think

                        what I was giving up in Judaism

        I was wrong, He was right

        Sweet peace flooded over me!

        Surrendered my life at  that moment

                Not just accept salvation for when I die

                Made Him Lord & Master of my life now!



        (children look at, check out bag)

    How many of you have accepted Jesus as Savior?



BLIND 3 days (thought it’d be forever)

        humble, helpless, not in control

        plenty of time to think

                Stephen a time bomb that detonated in mind

                Guilt, remorse & peace, grace

        healed, baptized, preached




        had now what $, power, prestige didn’t give       

        SUBSTITUTES TODAY:  (CHANGE BAG these in, come out empty)

                Adults?  car, boat, home, $

                Teens? popularity,  clothes, music, dating

                Children? fun, friends, things





ARABIAN DESERT 2 years – Learn to Depend on God


BOUNCED AROUND next few years



        Tarsus – told father – rejected (my mind not right)

                synagogue leaders  had me scoured 5 times

                        (underminded health, bowlegged)

                had to break from family, Judaism

        Syria & Cilicia




        Outwardly things went from top to bottom

        Inwardly things went from bottom to top




ANTIOCH – strong church there (Ben Hur)

        Took offering to bel in Jeru because of famine


1 MJ  Asia Minor   1 1/2 yrs

        Barnabas & Mark (quit early on)

        Bar-Jesus on Paphos

        Zeus & Hermes in Lystra


GALATIANS written – Christian Liberty


JERUSALEM COUNCIL     Don’t have to be a Jew to be bel.


2 MJ  Asia Minor & Greece   2 1/2 yrs

        Split with Barnabas, took Silas

        Lydia in Philippi, 1st church in Europe

        “Unknown God” in Athens

        Corinth 1 1/2 yrs – Gallio

        Wrote:  I & II Thes @ Jesus Coming Back



3 MJ  Asia Minor & Greece   4 yrs

        Ephesus  2 1/2 yrs (Demetrius, Sons of Sceva)

        Troas – Eutychus

        Corinth caused many problems!

        Wrote: I Cor – Worldly Wisdom

                II Cor – A Godly Ministry

                Romans – Salvation



        Make true, deep friends

        See God answer prayer

        Many hardships, near-death experiences

        Rejection by Jews and some believers, too.

        Hurt: little contact with father, etc.

                cut off from inheritance, Sanhedrin, etc.

        Peace, satisfaction, meaning inside


        struggle: do things in my strength, ego

                (fight with Barnabas @ Mark)

        THORN IN FLESH to stay close to God`





        Took large offering to Jerusalem for bel there.

        Falsely arrested, imprisoned 5 years

                Jerusalem – taken out to save life

                Caesarea –        Trial by Felix, Festus, Agrippa

                Rome –  shipwreck on the way

                        Wrote       Ephesians – In Christ

                                Colossians – Christ is Supreme

                                Philemon – Christian Courtesy

                                Philippians – Joy


HARD:  me not in control of anything at all

        others taking over ministry, me out of picture

        age, health limited me although wanted to do as before

        God satisfies, found contentment & peace in Him





RELEASED because Jews didn’t press charges

        Not God’s will for me to die yet.


EPHESUS with Timothy, who stayed there


MACEDONIA, PHILIPPI (favorite church)

        Wrote I TIMOTHY encourage Timothy to stay


EPHESUS – visited area churches (7 of Rev 2-3)

        Laodicea, Heirapolia, Colossae


SPAIN (2 yrs)

        Missionary mindset, go to new place, now follow others

        Jewish rebellion- word reached me in Spain!


CRETE to visit Titus

        hard work among churches there


MILETUS  w/  Trophimus, Ephesian Paul accused of taking into the temple.  Trop sick & stayed there


EPHESUS with Onesiphorus & Timothy

        oppose heretical teachers


TITUS written – advise & encouragement


TROAS, left cloak, books & parchments


CORINTH  stayed with Erastus, former treasurer


NICOPOLIS – winter there and reach out to area       

        Tychicus and Artemas there with him



        final place of ministry

        nice to see Philippi churches again!





ARRESTED in Ephesus (Macedonia)  fall 67

        paid informers turned Paul in –   Alexander the coopersmith

        charged with instigating Roman Ch to burn Rome


ROME different this time Paul came

        Physically changed by fire

        Emotionally changed by crazy Nero


PRISON much more severe, no freedom

        public enemy # 1

        isolated –  lonely (Demas forsook Paul)

                only Luke risked life & stayed in Rome, miss Timothy and Mark

        ready to die & be with Jesus, work done

        content with how life had gone



        Alexander the Coppersmith testified against Paul

        God miraculously delivered me, acquitted!


WROTE II TIMOTHY  final words 

2 Timothy 4:6-8  For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.



        Before Nero (at end of his life – terrible)

                Nero: all $, power, etc., miserable inside

                Paul: nothing outside, peace & joy in – Only Jesus satisfies!

        Found guilty, condemned to death


ATTITUDE:   II Tim 1:8-12  2:8-13  4:6-8




        beyond city walls

        small group of curious watching

        many soldiers, make sure Christians not attack

        citizen, so not tortured like Peter & wife

        tied to stake, scourged, beheaded with sword

        Spring, 68 AD

                Mid-June Nero died

                Sept 2, 70 AD Jeru fell


PETER: write I, II Peter, killed with wife

JOHN: wrote last, lived longest


Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword at a distant city of Ethiopia.

Mark expired at Alexandria, after having been cruelly dragged through the streets of that city.

Luke was hanged upon an olive tree in the classic land of Greece.

John was put into a caldron of boiling oil, but escaped death in a miraculous manner, and was afterwards banished to Patmos.

Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downward.

James the Greater was beheaded at Jerusalem.

James the Less was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller’s club.

Philip was hanged up against a pillar at Heiropolis in Phrygia.

Bartholomew was flayed alive. 

Andrew was bound to a cross, where he preached to his persecutors until he died. 

Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel in the East Indies.

Jude was shot to death with arrows. 

Matthias was first stoned, and then beheaded.

Barnabas of the Gentiles was stoned to death by the Jews at Salonica.

Paul after various tortures and persecutions, was at length beheaded at Rome by the Emperor Nero.

Peter crucified upside down in Rome, wife martyred also


Continues today




Don’t see me as a SUPERSAINT

        Sinner like you:lust

                                ego, pride

                                insensitive, critical – Mark


        God’s grace chose & used me


Don’t see my life as GLAMOROUS

        Lost  wife and son

                father & friends

                career, inheritance, etc.


                much time in prison


All I have is what Jesus gave me

        I gave it all up for Him

                But really gave up NOTHING!

                I gained everything


Never regretted all I lost, gave up for Jesus

        It never satisfied – but HE DOES!



What are you looking for for satisfaction?

        Family fine, but no matter how nice, rich, not  it

        Education may be great, not the answer

        Career OK, not satisfy

        Power, prestige empty

        Perfect in religion, outwardly sinless

            Future promise great, still empty



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