John 11:1-44
By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer jerry@schmoyer.net
PAUL & SILAS following Jesus
told to go to Europe, Philippi, to start church
prayed for help and protection
arrested and thrown into jail!
Why didn’t Jesus answer their prayers?
JOB prayed for family every day
hedge of protection around children
one day all killed – no explanation from God!
Seem distant, unhearing, uncaring
READ JOHN 11:1-6 (exposit)
Bad things happen, Jesus doesn’t help, change
-but they helped Jesus – money, housing, etc
-not heal Lazarus before despite long illness
close, stayed at their house, healed others
healed those He didn’t know, why not Lazarus?
-not heal Lazarus when told he was much worse
-not even bother coming until too late
-just send word that Lazarus not die, be all right
but already dead when got the word
1. NOT because Jesus doesn’t know
OMNISCIENT – knows everything
-knew when Lazarus died
READ JOHN 11:14 (exosit)
2. NOT because Jesus doesn’t love, care
-says repeatedly Jesus loved him/them
close friends, only ‘home’ Jesus knew
READ JOHN 11:3, 5, 36 (exosit)
we assume if love someone will do anything to help them – Jesus doesn’t help, think doesn’t care
3. NOT because Jesus unable
-M& M say He is able, He’s done it for strangers before
4. BUT because He has a greater plan
-for our growth
stretch our faith, opportunity to trust
M&M “Jesus, help my faith grow” – so this happens
Job AbrahamPaul & Silas
My family you….
PETER in boat OK, then wants to walk on water
why? Storm!!!
Without storm wouldn’t get out of boat
storms stretch our faith,
-for His glory
as we see Him provide or help us through
as others see Him provide for us or help us through it
EXAMPLE: Mary & Martha
said: “Use us for your glory any way you want”
– so He did
Job glorifies God by faith, example, still to us today
US same, but can’t see it yet
others: hindsight so easier to see when over
us now: don’t see whole picture yet!
TRUST, BELIEVE no explanation, reason late, just faith, trust
Jesus to Disciples [theological] – believe in me
READ JOHN 11:7-16 (exosit)
‘asleep’ – so travel 2 days to wake someone up?
no explanation to disciples who wonder why not heal
just expected them to trust Him!
Jesus to Martha [rational] – believe
READ JOHN 11:17-27 (exosit)
Theological discussion – dead, one day arise …
“do you believe?” v 26
“Yes” she says, no more explanation
“then just trust Me”
Jesus to Mary [emotional] – believe in me
READ JOHN 11:28-37 (exosit)
“if you….” = WHY question (v 32)
Loves, cares – cries with her
but no explanation
CHILD to parent
trust without explanation
sometimes parent can’t explain,
child not understand
child not agree
take pretty object from child (knife)
let someone hurt them (doctor, shot)
WHY should we trust Him What right He have to ask of us?
NOT based on reasons, proof
BUT based on Who & What Jesus is (proven by cross for us
“always able” “don’t know if willing”
READ JOHN 11:38-44 (exosit)
Stone away – smell!!!
4 days soul gone for sure
why Jesus waited to come!
JOHN 11:40 (exosit)
Belief/faith not conditional for doing of the miracle
but for seeing God’s glory in it
Believe = see God in it
“Lazarus, come forth” = or all in graveyard come out!
COME OUT! at death body to grave
soul, spirit right to heaven
“today you will be with Me in paradise!”
rapture – bodies resurrected, returned to us
GROWTH of Mary, Martha, Lazarus through this
-believers worship, Mary Martha Lazarus worship
-unbelievers see this about Jesus, too
still reject
forced to act to get rid of Jesus before Passover
too many now believing, folowing
fulfill prophecy for Jesus to die when Pas Lamb killed!
MARY & MARTHA grew spiritually, closer to Jesus
PAUL & SILAS praise, earthquake, stay, jailer believes, church
JOB rewarded, blessed, double all lost
ME & YOU? Same -= but in future!
Apply to current situations …
Silent prayer
He’s never late…