By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer


You need a Bible, a notebook and a pen to do these devotions.  Each day you will be asked to write some things down.  These will help you learn and remember.  They will be important for you to keep for future use and reference, and will be invaluable if you some day teach the book of John. 


If you want to send me your answers I would be glad to read them and offer comments or suggestions that might help you.  If you don’t send them to me that is fine as well.  You can write me at  If you have any questions or prayer requests please feel free to write to me.


            Try reading it through John without any interruptions the first time.  That should take you about one hour.  Just read straight through, don’t worry about details.  This is to give you an overview.


What is the main idea of the Gospel of John? 



Would you say 20:30-31 were John’s stating of his main idea?




The deity of Jesus is the main subject of John’s gospel.  Each chapter makes reference to it.  Read each verse and summarize what it says about Jesus’ deity:















































Who recognized Jesus’ deity in the following verses and what did they say:




















Jesus’ deity is described by many of the titles and names used for Him.  Write down the title or name and what it teaches about Jesus:






8:58 (Exodus 3:14)










Which one means most to you and why?




Now read and read the Gospel of John all summer.  Take notes of things of interest.  Write down you questions and observations.  Meditate and think about the book as you read it. 

JOHN 1:1-18

OBSERVATION  Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.


The key to good Bible study is observation.  That means seeing things you didn’t see before.  Ask yourself questions about the passage you are reading.  Before a doctor can prescribe medication he needs to OBSERVE the patient, gather information, ask questions.  Then he must INTERPRET the information – what does it mean, what is it showing.  Finally he must APPLY that information by prescribing a solution for the patient.  The same pattern should be followed in Bible study.  Start off by asking yourself questions as you read.


  After the first few times questions will start coming to mind, things you don’t understand and would like answers for.  Write them down!  In fact, try to write down as many questions as you can.  Don’t worry about answering them now, most will answer themselves as you go along.  However if you don’t ask the question you will never notice the answer when it comes floating by and will miss it!  You won’t answer questions you haven’t asked, so make sure you are thorough, creative, and patient in writing down questions.  Ask yourself, “If Jesus were here, what would I ask Him about this word/verse?”  I cannot overemphasize the importance of developing well the skill of asking the right questions!  Don’t let your questions get in a rut either.  They should include the following types of questions:



            DEFINITION – What does a word or phrase mean?  “What was a deacon?”

            REASON – Think in cause-effect terms.  Ask WHY something happened.  “Why did Jesus come to earth?” Lk. 19:10

            PROCESS – Ask HOW it happened.  “How do we know about God’s power?”  Ephesians 1:19-20

            DESCRIPTION – Collect details about an attribute, person, place or idea. “What was Isaiah like?”

            COMPARISON – Look for differences or similarities between people, objects, events or aspects of the verse.  “What is the difference between law and grace?”  John 1:17  Beware of quick, standard answers.  Dig deeper. Probe!

            CLASSIFICATION  Put ideas, events, attributes, etc., into categories.  “What kinds of people followed Jesus?”

            PERSUASION – Analyze a point of view and give proofs for or against it.  “Why do you believe Jesus is God?”


What are some questions you’d like to ask John, the author of John 1:1-18?  What would you like to know to better understand the passage?  Write down as many questions as you can.



JOHN 1:19-51

OBSERVATION  Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.


Think of this passage as a play.  How many scenes would there be? 



Outline the play.  For each scene include: title, Bible verses covered, people (actors), location and main idea of each scene.  Write your outline on another piece of paper.



INTERPRETATION This passage is like ‘Whisper Down the Valley’ where a message is passed from one person to another.  What is the message that is passed down here (be specific)?





What is the progression (who passed it to whom and then to who else, etc.?










Why did some accept and others reject the message John passed to them?








What is the significance of calling Jesus a ‘Lamb’?  What would  his listeners have understood from this  (cf Isa 53:7; Heb 9:22)?










Do a short word study on the word Messiah (Hebrew) or Christ (Greek).  Use a Bible dictionary if you have one.  Use a concordance to look up some of the places the words are used.  In light of this what is significant about Andrew’s statement “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ) in verse 41.













What other names/titles are given to Jesus in this passage and what is their significance?










APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply (you don’t have to use them all, just which ones apply to this passage):

            An example to follow?                               

            A challenge to heed?                                 

            A sin to avoid?                                             

            A command to obey?

            A promise to claim?

            An action to take?

            Something to pray about?

            Something to memorize?


What lessons about witnessing can you learn from this passage?






What good traits do you see in John the Baptizer that we should copy today?



JOHN 2:1-11

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Then pick out half a dozen key words that summarize the story. 




Pretend you were at that wedding feast in Cana.  How would you have felt about:

-Jesus verbal exchange with His mother (v. 3-5)?



-Jesus quietly changing the water to wine (v. 6-8)?



-The reaction of the master to the best wine being last (v. 9-10)?




INTERPRETATION Locate on your map where John was Baptizing (at the Jordan about half way between the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee).  Locate Cana.  How far did they travel? 



How far were they from Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth?




What does Jesus mean when He says “My time has not yet come?”  Read John 7:30; 8:20; 12:23,27; 13:1; 17:1.  What was Jesus talking about?







What did this have to do with performing a miracle like His mother asked?







If it wasn’t His time yet, why did He go ahead and perform the miracle anyway?







Did the master ever find out why the last wine tasted best (v. 9-10)?




Look up the words “miracle,” “sign,” and “miraculous sign” in the Gospel of John.  What does John mean by these terms?  Do they mean the same thing?  Why does he use them?














If Jesus made and drank wine, is it OK for us to make and drink alcoholic beverages today?  Use Bible verses to support your answer.
















APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply (you don’t have to use them all, just which ones apply to this passage):

            An example to follow?

            A challenge to heed?

            A sin to avoid?

            A promise to claim?

            An action to take?

            A command to obey?

            Something to pray about?

            Something to memorize?



JOHN 2:12-22

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.


Read Matthew 21:12-16, Mark 11:15-18 and Luke 19:45-47.  They are different accounts of the same event.  Why aren’t they exactly the same?  Since they aren’t the same, does that mean they aren’t inspired?  (Support your answer)









Now read John 2:12-22 and compare it to the event you just read about.  Is John 2 talking about the same time as Mt 21, Mk 11 and Luke 19?  If not, when did each happen? 




What is SIMILAR between the two events? 


















How could one man alone do so much without being stopped by soldiers, merchants or anyone?





How would you have felt if you were one of the disciples watching Jesus do this?




INTERPRETATION What is the Passover and why would Jesus go to Jerusalem for it?






Read in a Bible dictionary or reference book about the outer court (Court of the Gentiles) and ‘Anna’s Bazaar’ that what held there. 


What ‘miraculous sign’ did Jesus give to the rulers (v. 19)?  Why did He choose this as the sign of Who and what He was?






How many times does the name ‘Jesus’ occur in this passage?  Look up the meaning and significance of this name.  What does it mean?  Why is it so special?





What does the Bible say about anger?  Quote some other verses that tell us when to be angry and when not to be angry.  Use a Bible dictionary, topical index or concordance to find them.













APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply (you don’t have to use them all, just which ones apply to this passage):

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?



JOHN 2:23 – 3:36

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.


Describe the man Nicodemus in today’s terms.  If he were alive today what kind of person would he be?  What kind of job would he have?  How would he dress?  What would his personality be like?






This passage can be divided into paragraphs at verses 1, 16, 22 and 31.  Give each a title which sums up its theme or main idea. 





What is the main idea of the whole passage?



INTERPRETATION  Keep in mind that there were no chapter (or even verse) divisions when John wrote.  If he were dividing his writing into chapters he may have started chapter 3 after 2:22.  How do 2:23-24 actually form an introduction to chapter 3?  What is the connection?






Nicodemus must have known about Jesus cleansing the temple.  How do you think he felt about it?





Jesus uses several analogies to describe salvation.  What does each one mean?

            -Born again (v. 3)


            -Blowing of the wind (v. 8)


            -Snake lifted up (v. 14)


            -Light verses Darkness (v. 19-21)

“Born again” (v. 3) means literally “born from above.”  What do you think a man like Nicodemus would have thought Jesus was talking about?








Numbers 21 tells about the snake in the wilderness (v. 14).  What are the parallels between the snake being lifted up and Jesus being crucified?  Think awhile and list as many as you can.








How is verse 36 a summary for the whole chapter?








How did Nicodemus respond to Jesus according to John 3?  Why doesn’t John say?  What do John 7:45-52 and 10:39 say that help us understand Nicodemus’ ultimate decision?







What do verses 22-36 teach us about John the Baptizer?







APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?



What lessons from witnessing can you learn from Jesus’ example in John 4?



JOHN 4:1-54

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Trace Jesus’ movements in the Gospel of John on a map: Jordan to Cana to Nazareth to Jerusalem to Samaria.  How long do you think it took to walk each distance?



Does the map tell us why Jesus “had” to go through Samaria (v. 4)?



Summarize each paragraph in this passage with a short sentence.








What is the main idea of the passage?




INTERPRETATION  Look up the history and beliefs of the Samaritans in a Bible dictionary or reference book.  What light does that shed on Jesus’ going there, especially to an immoral woman?









In this passage find some verses that show Jesus is a man like all other men.





In this passage find some verses that show Jesus in God.



Why did the woman go to get water in the hottest time of the day (noon, v. 6), why not early morning or late evening when everyone else went for water?



Compare and contrast how Jesus witnessed to Nicodemus and the woman at the well.  What did He do the same (and why)? 






What did He do differently and why?






What did the royal official with the sick son do that showed Jesus he had faith (v. 47)?





What did Jesus do then to stretch his faith so it would grow even more (v. 50)?






This was Jesus’ second miracle (v. 54).  In what ways was it similar to the first (water to wine)?





In what ways was it different?  (Think it through and go into detail in this answer.)





APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


What lessons about witnessing can be learned from John 4?



JOHN 5:1-47

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Divide the passage into paragraphs and write a short summary of each:






What is the main idea of the passage?



5:1 talks about an feast, which was probably the Passover.  Three other times in John it says Jesus went to the Passover in Jerusalem (2:13; 6:4 and 11:55).  If it weren’t for these references in John it would seem Jesus’ ministry was only about two years instead of almost four.  Short statements like these can make a big difference!  Anyway, it’s been one year since Jesus cleansed the temple.  Summarize what has happened in that year by writing a newspaper article about that year.  Come up with a good title.  Pretend you are writing for a local paper in Galilee or Jerusalem (where the paper is printed makes a big difference in the slant the story takes).  Use a separate sheet of paper for this.

Review the very first summary study of the whole book you did.  5:16 shows a change in Jesus’ ministry.  What is the change and why did it happen?


Was Jesus surprised by this change or expecting it?  Support your answer from Scripture. 



The opposition to Jesus was strong and continual during the rest of his ministry, the ‘years of conflict.’  To get a good picture fill in the chart below:



Source of Opposition

Type of Opposition

Reason for Opposition




































What observations and conclusions can you draw from this chart about Jesus’ opposition?




Jesus uses various witnesses to prove He is doing God’s work in verses 30-47.  List all the witnesses He calls on (read carefully so you don’t miss any).




How could the people reject all these witnesses?


APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?




JOHN 6:1-71

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Divide the passage into paragraphs by yourself this time.  Don’t use the divisions in your Bible.  First divide the chapter into 3 sections. Each of these sections can be divided into two.  Your outline would look like this. Give a summary of each section and which verses are included in it.

            I.  Miracles (temporary physical benefits)



            II.  Discourses (eternal spiritual life)



            III.  Reactions of the disciples



What is the main idea of the passage?


Compare the two miracles in the first section as to

            setting and need;

            power demonstrated;

            methods used

            and effects.

Compare the two discourses in the middle section as to

            audience spoken to;

            content of the discourse

            and teaching methods used.

Remember that John was an eyewitness to what he wrote in John 6.  If you could ask him some questions about the events he wrote about, what questions would you ask?










A whole year passed between John 5 (5:1) and John 6 (6:4).  Why doesn’t John record more of what happened during that year?




Why was the rejection by the people in John 6 worse than the rejection by the people in John 5?




If you were going to do word studies of some key words in this chapter, which words would you pick?






Now choose one of these to do a word study about.






Pick three verses in this chapter.  Rewrite them in your own words.










APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?




JOHN 7:1-53

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Fill in the following chart about the opposition Jesus faced.



Opposition by Jewish rulers

Opposition by the people

People who defended Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

















































What observations can you make from this chart?




Which verses contain a question?



Compare the question of the people with those of Jesus?  What do you find?






Again John skips over a large segment of time (6 months) without mentioning anything that happened during that time (verse 1).  This is in keeping with John’s purpose of writing about things that weren’t already recorded instead of repeating information already given.  Matthew 15:21 – 18:35; Mark 7:1 – 9:50 and Luke 9:18-50 record events during this time.  Look through Matthew 15:21 – 18:35 and summarize what happened during that time.







Little conjunctions like “and” “but” or “or” can mean a lot.  Think carefully and describe what the significance of the “but” at the start of verse 2.




What is the Feast of Tabernacles?  Read Leviticus 23:34-44 and Deuternomy 16:16-17 as well as a Bible dictionary.  Summarize the history and significance of this feast.







What is the relationship between verse 8 and 29?  Think carefully before answering.




How many times does Jesus say “He that sent me”? 

Why does He use this phrase so often?



Why does He refer to God in this particular manner (as “He that sent me”)?






APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?




JOHN 8:1 – 9:41

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Jesus’ power over nature (John 9) proves He also has power over sin (John 8).  Break each chapter down into paragraphs and give each a title that summarizes its main idea.  Don’t just copy the divisions in your Bible, think for yourself!

















John 7:53 – 8:11 are questioned as to their authenticity (inspiration).  What is the problem with these verses?








Compare 7:53 and 8:1.  Think deeply about the significance and implications of these two simple statements and the ‘but’ that connects them. 








Read the context of the following phrases and let that help you determine just what the phrase says about sin.  Read and think, don’t just take a quick general guess!

            “Sin no more” (8:11)


            “Servant of sin”  (8:34)


            “Who did sin?”  (9:2)


            “Your sin remains” (9:41)



Do a study on forgiveness in this passage. First, list all the references (stated or even just implied) to forgiveness.









What fruit or results of forgiveness is mentioned (example: “you shall be free” 8:36)?







Jesus has been saying a lot about His Father, God.  List all He says in this passage and what you remember from previous passages studied.









APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


How does what Jesus said about sin apply to you?


How does what Jesus said about forgiveness apply to you?


JOHN 10:1-39

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

This passage naturally divides in 2: 1-21 during the Feast of Tabernacles (7:2) and 22-39 two months later during the Feast of Dedication (10:22).  Out line each section and title the paragraphs:






What is the main idea of each section?





Luke 10 – 13 records events that happened during the two months between 10:21 and 10:22.  What are some of the events?





What is the connection between John 9 and John 10 (remember that John didn’t put a chapter division here)?  How does John 10 relate to what happened in 9:35-38?



1-21 and 22-39 happened two months apart, but John puts them together.  Why?  What is the common factor?





What does Jesus mean by calling the illustration of the shepherd and sheep a “figure of speech” (10:6)?




Look up Palestinian shepherds in your Bible dictionary.  Too often we think of them as cowboys with cattle, but they were very different.  You must understand the role and duty of a shepherd to understand this passage.


List all the ways Jesus is like a shepherd.












List all the ways people are like sheep.












List all the possible dangers to the sheep.








APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


Memorize 10:1-4.



JOHN 10:40 – 12:36a

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

When outlining passages of history, looking for their geographical movement is often a good way to outline them.  Look up the geographical locations listed below on your map.  Write by each which verses talk about Jesus there, then give a short summary (main idea) of what the passage is about.



            To Ephraim


            Entry into Jerusalem



Write a journal page as if you were Lazarus, detailing what happened as you got sick, died, then came back to life.  Make sure you look throughout the Bible passage for clues of what to include, then use your ‘sanctified imagination’ to add other information about how he must have felt, what it might have been like, etc.  Do this on another sheet of paper.


What does this passage teach about Jesus?  (Be specific)











What were the responses to this according to 11:45-50?





With this section, Jesus ministry as a whole ends.  The final days of His life now become the focus.  Review John 1:1 – 11:57.

            Summarize Jesus’ message during these 3+ years.







            Summarize the people’s response to that message.








            What did you learn that you didn’t know about this time in Jesus’ life?









What was the reason for Jesus riding into town on a donkey with palm branches, etc.?  You can look in your footnotes or a commentary for this.









APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


What do you learn from:

            Jesus’ love for Lazarus?




            Mary’s love for Jesus?




            Judas’ cold heart?



What is the most important lesson for you in this passage?



JOHN 12:36b – 13:38

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Outline the passage, remembering to use geographical location as well as time groupings (what happened on which day) to form your main sections.  Then divide them into paragraphs.  Give the main idea for each paragraph, then summarize with a main idea for each section.









If you were one of the disciples in the Upper Room with Jesus when this took place, what questions would you have had for Jesus?  Write at least a dozen.














How is 13:1 an introduction and summary of the whole chapter? 



Compare and contrast the words “bath” and “wash” in verse 10. 



How does this truth apply to our Christian life?


“Satan entered into him” (v. 27) is a very serious turning point, especially in Judas’ life.  What steps did Judas take to get to the point for this to happen?





When did this change in him start? 




How aware do you think he was of this happening?




What exactly was happening when Jesus gave Judas the “piece of bread” (“sop” KJV)?  Look at your Bible’s footnotes or a commentary for help on this important subject.


What does this chapter teach about the following: (give Bible verses to go with each)

   Christian love & fellowship:








APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


Jesus says we are to do what He did (v. 17).  Should we practice washing each other’s feet in church today?    Give proof for your answer from Scripture, especially if you say ‘no.’





What was the main teaching Jesus wanted to convey to His disciples by washing their feet? 





In what ways can we ‘wash each other’s feet’ today?  Give some specific examples.



JOHN 14:1 – 16:33

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.


This is a long passage so we won’t be able to go into much detail in it.  There are three discourses (teachings times) of Jesus’ here.  Give the main idea of each:

            1. 14:1-31, in the Upper Room

            2. 15:1 – 16:4a, walking to Gethsemane

            3. 16:4b-33, walking to Gethsemane


It’s hard to outline these discourses because they are only summaries of all Jesus had to say.  They were informal talks while eating or walking, nothing where Jesus followed a strict outline.  He was often interrupted with questions or comments and that changed the direction of the talks.  Still, try plotting the general flow of the conversations by dividing each section into paragraphs and giving the main idea of each paragraph.  Note how each one relates to the one before it. 



John wrote this at least 20, maybe as many as 55 years after Jesus said it.  How could he have remembered so much so long, word for word, and written it exactly correct?



Pick one of the three sections listed above to do in-depth study.  (Later you can come back and do the other two when you have time and interest.) 

Find 3 words to do word studies on:




What figures of speech are used and why?






If you were one of the disciples listening, what questions would you have asked Jesus?



How do you think Jesus would have answered?



Using the section you picked, turn it into either a Sunday School lesson for kids your age or a devotional for kids your age.  Include Introduction, Conclusion and transitions written out word for word, illustrations summarized, and the body of the lesson outlined.  Make sure you include good, solid application. Give it a title and write your main idea at the top (include what you want others to know as well as do).  Come prepared to turn these in so I can take them and make comments to help you improve. 








































APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


JOHN 17:1-26

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

This is a short (5 minute) prayer of Jesus (remember He often prayed for hours or even all night).  It can’t be understood apart from its context.  Jesus is praying for the disciples.  How do they feel?  What are their needs?  Remember, they don’t know how it will all turn out, they aren‘t even clear about the crucifixion.

This can be neatly outlined.   Use the following and add verses, paragraph breakdowns, main ideas, etc.

   Jesus Prays For Himself:





   Jesus Prays For His Disciples Then:





   Jesus Prays For His Disciples Now:






What is the main idea (the main request) of the whole prayer?






Rewrite Jesus’ words in verse 1b in your own words.





Was this request answered?  If so, how? (Give detailed and specific examples)






Compare and explain these phrases:

            “For the world” (9)


            “In the world” (11)


            “Of the world” (14)


            “Out of the world” (15)


            “Into the world” (18)



In verse 9 Jesus says “I am not praying for the world.”  What did He mean?



Are there things or people we are praying for that we shouldn’t?  If so, what?




Jesus said He protected His own, yet Judas was lost (verse 12).  How can you reconcile this? 

Does it mean you may be lost?




Carefully search verses 20-26.  Jesus prays this for YOU right now!  List everything Jesus asks God for concerning you.  This is important to know how we should pray for ourselves and others.







APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?

Kneel and read John 17 aloud as a prayer.  Read it as you think Jesus would have prayed it.  Think of Him as praying this for you now.  Pray it for others, for family and friends.

Now pray verses 20-26 again, for Jesus prays them for you.  Insert your own name wherever Jesus talks about “those who will believe,” “they,” “them,” etc.  Sounds great, doesn’t it!

What does this teach you about praying for others?



What exactly does it mean to you that Jesus is now praying this way for you?



JOHN 18:1 – 19:16a

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Outline this section, remembering to include time and geographical location clues.  You can do it either as a play with different scenes (include set, cast, dialogue summary, etc.) or standard outline of I. A. 1. a.   (Remember, John is not trying to give a detailed picture of all that happened, but add information which Matthew, Mark and Luke omitted.  You can read their accounts to make your information more complete, especially if your are writing it as a play.)


















Last study Jesus’ prayer for others was analyzed.  His prayer for Himself is recorded in Matthew 26:38-42.  What is similar in how He prays for others and Himself? 




What is different?




Mark which words Jesus spoke (some Bibles have them in red ink).  Be sensitive to the tone and inflection of it.  What kind of emotion do you think Jesus used when saying it:












In most of these cases those listening missed the real impact of Jesus’ words.  Go back through them and, in a few words, summarize what Jesus was REALLY saying (what He wanted them to understand from His words).













APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?

What can you learn from how Jesus prays for Himself (Mt. 26:38-42) to apply to how you pray for yourself?




Meditate over each of these phrases.  Ask God to speak to your heart about each of them, then after you pray them write down behind each what you feel He is telling you through these words:

            “Are You a king? (18:37)

            “What is truth?”  (8:38)

            “I find no fault in Him”  (18:38)

            “Behold the man!” (19:5)

            “Crucify Him!”  (19:6)

            “We have no king but Caesar” (19:15)

            “My Kingdom is not of this world”  (18:36)



JOHN 19:16b-42

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

Use the following outline for this passage.  Each of these shows something different about Jesus.  Write behind each one what it shows about Him:

   Jesus’ identity recognized (16b-22)

   Jesus’ goods confiscated (23-24)

   Jesus’ mother cared for (25-27)

   Jesus’ life given (28-30)

   Jesus’ death verified (31-37)

   Jesus’ body buried (38-42)





John only says “they crucified Him” (19:18).  Neither he nor the other Gospel writers go into any detail about what Roman crucifixion entailed.  Why not?




Look in a Bible dictionary to learn more about crucifixion.  Record below some facts about it that are significant in understanding Jesus’ crucifixion.








What information does Psalm 22:1-21 add to our understanding of Jesus’ crucifixion?









What prophecies were made about the crucifixion and what verses give their fulfillment?

            -Psalm 22:18

            -Psalm 34:20

            -Zechariah 12:10


Look in the cross-references in your Bible to find other prophecies that were fulfilled on the cross.  List the reference, prophecy and fulfillment below:












“It is finished” (19:30) sums it all up.  In a concordance look up the root of this Greek word to see the significance of its meaning and write it below.







How does Hebrews 9:23-28 throw light on the meaning of “It is finished.”










APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?

What is there about the crucifixion that most deeply touches you?





How would your life be different right now if Jesus would have walked away instead of letting them crucify Him (be specific)?




JOHN 20:1-31

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

This should be an easy chapter to divide into sections and paragraphs.  Summarize each:








Write down some questions you would like to ask Jesus about the events in this chapter.  What would you ask Him?













Read in a Bible dictionary about the burial practices of the Jews, especially the significance of wrapping and anointing the body with perfumes.  How does this help you better understand the burial of Jesus?


List the miracles you can find in John 20.  Go slowly or you will miss several.










Remember that miracles are ‘signs.’  Behind each miracle above write what the sign was.


One of the key words in this chapter is “see/saw.”  Actually 3 separate words are used. 

BLEPEI = mere partial viewing, physically seeing something with the eyes and noting it

THEOREI = beholding something astounding, seeing and really mentally noticing it

EIDEN = perceiving, understanding, believing based on what is seen

Now go through the passage and see what difference this makes

            JOHN in verse 5 = ‘blepei’

            PETER in verse 6 = ‘theorei’

            JOHN in verse 8 = ‘eiden’

Now look at these verses applying which word is used:

            Theorei =  verse 12, 14

            Eiden =  verse 18, 20 (twice), 25

    What insight does this give you into what was happening then?







What can you learn from this chapter about YOUR resurrection body?  (Be specific)







Verse 30 says Jesus did other miracles that aren’t mentioned in the Bible.  Try to imagine what some of them might have been.  Write down several examples:





APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?


Pray before writing what this chapter means to you.  Be very personal and exact in what you write. 



JOHN 21:1-25

OBSERVATION Read the passage several times, in different translations if possible.

This should be an easy chapter to divide into sections and paragraphs.  Summarize each:










Write down some questions you would like to ask John about the events in this chapter.  What would you ask him?














Why didn’t the disciples recognize Jesus (verse 4)?



What brought recognition later (verse 7)?



Why did Jesus appear to them this time (21:1-14)?  What did He want them to learn?





Study the analysis of verses 15-17.  What significance do you see?



Jesus’ Question

Peter’s Answer

Jesus’ Response




Is your love unselfish?

Is your love unselfish?

Do you have any affection?

I have tender affection for You

I have tender affection for You

I have tender affection for You

Feed my lambs

Shepherd my sheep

Shepherd my sheep







You may want to do a word study on the word ‘love’ in the Greek language, using a Bible dictionary.


Verse 18 is very difficult but interesting.  Some say it means Peter will be crucified, others that it means he’ll need help getting dressed when he is old.  Look at your footnotes and commentaries.  Which do you think is right and why?








Jesus’ final words in this book are a gentle rebuke to Peter.  Rewrite what Jesus said so it is easier to understand.







Could Jesus ever say this to you?  If so, when?




In verse 24 “we” is used and in verse 25 it changes to “I.”  Why?




APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which of the following apply

            An example to follow?                                A promise to claim?

            A challenge to heed?                                  An action to take?

            A sin to avoid?                                              Something to pray about?

            A command to obey?                                  Something to memorize?





OBSERVATION  Read the whole book again, at one sitting, with no interruptions.


How was this reading different than the one you did almost a year ago before starting this study?



What did you notice for the first time this reading?






Make a complete outline of the book of John, using your opening survey and the work you’ve done each lesson.  There is no one right or wrong outline of the book.  Each scholar does it a little differently.  This is YOURS so you can remember it.  You’ll have to work on it awhile and redo it a couple times to get it just right, but take your time.  It’s worth doing!



Now take your standard outline and make it into something creative.  Use a pictorial outline, a graph or chart, an alliteration, a design — something in a catchy way to creatively summarize the book.  Remember nothing is right or wrong.  Pray for insight.






























APPLICATION  Now apply what you have learned to yourself.  Which lessons from John stand out in your mind from the past lessons?

            An example to follow?                               

            A challenge to heed?                                 

            A sin to avoid?                                             

            A command to obey?

            A promise to claim?

            An action to take?

            Something to pray about?

            Something to memorize?


What is the main lesson God is teaching you from the Gospel of John?  Take this serious, don’t just quickly write something down to be done with this paper!



If you have completed this study please let me know.  I would enjoy knowing what your thought of it, what you learned, and what I can do to improve it.  Thanks and may God continue to bless you as you serve Him.     Jerry Schmoyer





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