No Entrance Without a Boarding Pass

From the moment you enter an airport to the moment you get off the plane, there is one piece of paper that takes on great importance.  It is the ‘Boarding Pass.’  It seems everybody wants to know if you have one.  Person after person looks at it, looks at you, and then looks at the pass again.  Finally they nod their head, return your pass to you, and allow you to proceed to the next person and does the same thing.

‘No admittance beyond this point without a boarding pass’ the signs all say.  We with passes move ahead, but the rest cannot enter.  You can’t pick up a pass on the way; you have to attain it before entering – and there is a high price for purchase.  Passes don’t come cheap!

I can’t help but be reminded of our boarding pass into heaven: the blood of Jesus.  It certainly didn’t come cheap or easy to us, either.  And it is the only ticket in.  God will look at our pass, and in we will go.  He will not criticize us, how we are dressed, how much we own, our education, and/or our accomplishments.  It is all in the pass.  The blood of Jesus is our pass.  It was shed on Calvary for us.  It will get us right into heaven.  The ticket has been paid for and is available to anyone who desires it.  This means humbly recognizing your need of God’s forgiveness and gratefully accepting this free gift.  Upon acceptance, you have it and cannot loose it.  It’s your guarantee into heaven.  When it’s time to board, you’ll be ready.  Do you have your pass?  Do you thank God for it?  Please do so – and don’t leave home without it!  (February 8, 2016, Hyderabad, India, based on a blog written in 2004)

I John 1:7  But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.

Do you have your boarding pass all ready to go?  You don’t have to wait until 24 hours before your flight to get your boarding pass from God.  Make sure you have it now, then there’ll be nothing to worry about when the time comes that you need it.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025