Never The Same Again


The world will never be the same.  What is happening because of COVID-19 will change the world forever.  We have no control over that.  It will change you and me forever as well – but we have total control over how it changes us.  God is allowing these things to happen in our lives so we grow to become more like Him. 

Paul says in Romans 8:28 that God brings good out of all situations.  He does not say that all things are good, or that God changes bad things to become good, but that despite how evil something may be, God will use it for His glory and our good.  He uses it to build good spiritual qualities into us. 

A key to understanding this verse is found in the word “good.”  God uses whatever happens, that which we see as good or bad, to bring about something ‘good’ in our lives.  That does NOT refer to health, finances, prosperity, popularity or any such thing.  The ‘good’ contributes to us becoming more like Jesus.  The next verse, Romans 8:29, says God’s plan for us is to be “conformed to the image of His Son.”  God promises He does not withhold anything “good” for us (Psalm 84:11). That means whatever happens is for our ultimate “good” (becoming more like Jesus).  If something we think is good does not happen that is because God knows that, in the long run, it is not really “good” for us.  So, He withholds it.  He knows that what the current crisis brings into out lives is good for us, but we must trust Him and keep our eyes on Him. 

Do you see what you are currently facing as an opportunity to trust God?   We can’t control what is happening in the world and in our lives, but we can control how we respond to it.  Respond in a way that shows your trust in God and you won’t regret when this is over.  Look for where God is working in your life and learn from Him!  (April 6, 2020  Doylestown, PA)

Romans 8:28-30  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

What is God teaching you during this time?  What is He teaching you about your values?  Your priorities?  Your fears?  Your relationships with others?  Your relationship with God? 

How is He using what He is teaching you to make you more like Jesus?  This would be a good time to journal what is happening in your life during this time.  It will help you learn, grow and process all that is happening.  It will help you grow more like Jesus.

Christian Training Organization
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