My Kindness Diary


One of my favorite TV series is the Kindness Diaries.  You can find it on Netflix, on sale at Amazon and even parts on Ytube. It features a man traveling across the states and even around the world on a motorcycle with a camera crew. He is dependent solely on the kindness of others to house, feed, and provide for all his traveling needs, even gas. Along the way he meets incredibly trusting, generous people with their own heart breaking stories, who are still willing to share what little they have. Before he continues on the next day, he reveals his real mission- to bless those who are a blessing. Watch for yourself and be blessed.

I too have my kindness stories here in India. Despite being in this hotel room 7 days in a row, sick, sad and disappointed to say the least, I have experienced random acts of pure kindness and love from strangers.

Before I was sick, the first act of kindness came from a young pastor’s wife. The previous day, I complimented the ladies on their beautiful saris and how lovely they looked. They giggle like schoolgirls. Frankly, I don’t think they get much affirmation about their beauty. They ARE breathtakingly stunning. They have perfectly smooth dark skin and coconut smelling hair all draped in India’s flowing colorful silks and linens that Italian designers would die for!

The next day she and her young pastor husband presented me with a sari. My heart sunk. Saris are not cheap. I felt so unworthy. How could I possible accept this, let alone WEAR it? Truly her kindness will be remembered.          

            The next act of kindness came as a knock on the door. I opened to a meticulously groomed woman in a supervisor’s sari. I immediately noted an uncommon gold cross around her neck. She asked about my laundry needs and tried to continue the broken English conversation. Soon she asked me where I was from and if I was a Christian. Pleasantly surprised I said yes and a very short conversation ensued. Frankly, I was too sick to be much company. I did tell her I was sick. Then twice that day she circled back to check on me, asking me if I needed food or help. I suppose I looked pretty pitiful. Sigh. Later, when Jerry was home she came again and chatted with him. Her uncle is a pastor and he asked her to get Jerry’s contact card. She was very encouraged to know we were there to strengthen the local pastors. Since then, she has come every day to check. So sweet.

             During my sickness NOTHING from my suitcase pantry remotely interested me. Ugh! But long about the end of yesterday, I craved bread. Not sliced white cardboard from yesterdays breakfast but bakery bread. Moses heard me say this to Jerry and walked several kilometers in either direction to find a bakery. This morning he dropped off 2 bags of bakery rolls. Ummmm.. eatin’good ! The walk is part of the gift!

Lastly, it is common for the pastors to honor Jerry/us with a prayer shawl and a lay of flowers around our neck. But this time, early in the session, someone took a photo of Jerry and had it made into a plaque (see below). So touching and special for Jerry. This pastor went beyond the usual to honor his teacher… and the ONE who sent him. Jerry does like pictures!

Other acts of continual kindness are from the children and even many of the young men that insist on carrying Jerry’s heavy teaching suitcase. They reach to carry his water bottle. They run before him to open the car door. They linger at the car window waving good-bye. What a special place. What special people.

Are you a vessel of random acts of kindness? Consider it today and bless someone.  Hopefully it becomes habit forming!! Love Nancy  (January 29, 2020  Vijayawada, India)

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. … Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. — Ephesians 4:32. 


Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025