Mute for a Day


It really is a clever plan worthy of admiration.  Satan can’t keep us from coming to India or having these conferences, so instead it ends up I’m here but can’t talk.  But, as Jim Hodges wrote me after reading the last blog, “God speaks loudest when we cannot.”  It isn’t my voice saying words, but His Spirit teaching His truth to listening ears and applying it to open hearts that means everything.

The previous few years my voice got very weak during the first week or two in India.  We attributed it to the terrible air pollution, dry air from air conditioning and me not being used to speaking so much.  This year we planned and prepared ahead for all these things.  We brought a multitude of meds and remedies.  Yet here we are.  After one short easy message the first day this started during our long drive Sunday afternoon.  Yesterday what little came out were croaks and squeaks that were barely audible.  Today nothing comes out.  I communicate by nods and notes.  Fortunately Nancy knows me and reads my mind well enough to speak for me in most things.

Today Nancy shared her testimony and pastor Moses’ daughter Shekina, translated.  She is a Medical Doctor but is taking 2 weeks to travel with us.  Shes a real joy and delight.  It’s almost as good as having Grace with us!  Anyway, Pastor Moses read my notes for Studying and Preaching the Bible and Nancy read my notes for Spiritual Warfare from Mark 5 and the Gadarenes.  I’m so thankful for Pat Reese painstakingly typing out these lessons word for word from audio recordings of them!  Without them I don’t know what we would have done.  It all turned out quite well thanks to your prayers.

FOR INTROVERTS ONLY (extroverts don’t read this no matter how curious you are – you won’t understand.)  This is the first time in my life I don’t have to respond to things said to me, make small talk, keep a conversation going, etc etc etc.  I must honestly say that’s been nice!  It’s things like that which slowly drain an introvert’s battery during the day.  I know extroverts recharge on it but some of us do not!  There are a few things I would like to say but can’t.  However not having to say all the other things I should be saying is a tradeoff I’m good with at the moment.  I guess it all depends on how long this goes on.  I’m glad its not sight or hearing I have lost though!  OK, I know you extroverts have read this anyway (you couldn’t resist when I said not to).  That’s all right; you already thought we were strange!

ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE I’d rather it didn’t happen in India because all year long I look forward to teaching these pastors and really love that privilege and opportunity.  India and speaking at World View camp is the highlight of my ministry year.  My voice should improve quickly, but there may be convenient ‘relapses’ coming at strategic times in the future, if you know what I mean.  (January 17, 2018  Vijayawada, India)

EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY for God’s will to be done in this, quick healing for me if possible.  Humanly speaking it seems to go better if I do the teaching.  But pray that His truth be taken by His Spirit to the heads and hearts of His people.

Pray I’d have wisdom as to when to try to speak again.

I have been praying for years for another pastor to share this burden and work load with me, to take part in this ministry and eventually take it over.   Please pray for this also and if God puts someone on your heart talk to them about this ministry and have them contact me.

I know God has things He is doing in all of us through this trip.  I already shared that.  Clearly this is one of them.  Pray I learn all that He is teaching me and respond to all He wants to do in me.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025