Meet the Pastors

(Saturday, January 18, 2014)        Yesterday’s conference was in an entirely new area, one that has been untouched by this kind of pastoral training, and their appreciation showed.  About 120 pastors and wives attended the 2-day conference.  It was draining but uplifting. 

While in this northeastern corner of Andhra Pradesh, in Vizianagaram, we met with a group of pastors we support. These are wonderful men, very familiar faces and longtime friends.  We have bonded closely over the years we have been working together.  I stay in close contact with them throughout the year through Pastor Moses.  These are pastors we send $25 a month for. This accounts for 1/3 of their salary!  We had a great visit.  They filled us in on their lives and ministries.  I  pass it on to  you to help you better pray for these very special men.  They pass on deep gratitude for you financial and prayer support.  Without it much of what they do would not be accomplished.  The attached picture shows the men, so you can put a face with the name.

 V. ANANDA RAO (older man far left) is 64,a  pastor 45 years, the pastor of Hallalujah church in  Vijayanagaram for 20 years.  Pray for his ministry, and for his wife who suffers from migraine headaches and a lot of pain in her right knee.

YESUPADAM D (checkered shirt, 2nd from left) is our big helper in this area, along with his wife      SHOWBHEGYALRALTHI.  She is the daughter of V. Ananda Rao and a very close friend of Nancy.  She got Nancy her first sari 3 years ago.  They live and minister in Bogapur and have 2 grown sons, one in Bible college.They have a bad situation with their church flooding water around church.  Recently they baptized 12 people.  Pray for the water situation, and for the wife’s bad back pain and sciatica in her leg. (A picture is attached of this couple and us)

G. ISAAC (brown shirt white stripe, 3rd from left) need a roof on one of the churches he pastors.  The poor testimony of some local pastors is causing people to turn from Christianity in his area of Vizaq.  A woman was recently healed of liver cancer and is now coming to church.  He recently baptized 4 people and has 1 son and 1 daughter.

G. SUDHAKAR (white shirt, 4th from left), Bobbilli, pastors churches in 5 villages, 2 of them need places to worship.  He has recently baptized 21 people and has 2 children.  His wife suffers from very bad health.  2 need places, 21 bapt, 2 children, wife not well

R JOHN BABU (arms crossed, 5th from left) has started a new church and has a location to build but needs a building.  He has recently baptized 3 people.  He lives in Kaypurum, has 1 daughter, and his wife suffers from low blood pressure.  She is often in the hospital.

G. PRAKASH RAO (checkered shirt, Jerry) has a big, bright smile that encourages me whenever he is in a group I teach. He pastors 6 churches, 1 needs  a shed (building to meet) because theirs was destroyed in  the recent cyclone that made worldwide news.  He pastors 350 believers, has recently baptized 30 people, and has 3 daughters.  He lives in Bobbilli.

G MADHU (white shirt & pants, Jerry’s left) pastors 5 small churches near Kaypur, one with a leaky roof, another with foundation problems.  He has baptized 12 people has 1 daughter

SRINU (PAUL) (checkered shirt, far right) from Kaypurum, has recently had 15 baptisms, 2 new village churches and needs a place of worship in one of them.   

N RAJSEKAR from  Vijayanagaram was unable to attend because he was sick in bed. There is much witchcraft and black magic in his area and he is often asked to pray for those who are demon possessed.  He is a young pastor with no children.

ZECHARIAH from Vizianagaram also was unable to attend.  He is married with grown children.  His church has a foundation but no roof. 

(You can share this list and pictures with others who can pray for them, but don’t put eithr on the internet.)

Colossians 1:3-12   We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints. …  All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth. … 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.

Print out this email and the picture of the pastors so you can pray for them every day. Pray for guidance, wisdom, protection and courage.  Ask God to strengthen their marriages and families. Pray for others to help share the load of their ministry.  Pray for faithfulness, holiness, perseverance and encouragement.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright © 1995-2025