Half Way to Bangalore

Today is the half way point of our ministry here with Pastor Moses.  Then we still have a week teaching in Bangalore. In the 6 two-day conferences we’ve held so far we’ve ministered to 577 men and 105 wives.  I’ve preached 35 messages in 11 days, done almost 100 magic tricks, and given out almost 3,000 books (4 per person).  I ridden in the back seat of Moses’ car for 45 hours and prayed for innumerable people.

Today I preached in four different churches.  Three of the four churches today I have been involved with for years.  I know the pastors and their families, watch their children grow, and know more and more of the people in their churches.  We help support these pastors monthly, have had conferences at their churches and stayed in their home, and have partnered with them in building their churches.  I have bonded with many of these people and have ‘history’ with them over the years.  I’ve watched them grow up, marry, have children, and bury their husband or wife.  It amazes me how very close I can get to these people in a few hours when I can’t even talk to them?  And that was just today.  Each day next week will bring the same since there are about a dozen pastors and places that are extra close to my heart.

It’s always bitter sweet for me at about this time.  I’m very anxious to get home to Nancy (for the rest of you, nothing personal, but she’s the one I really really really miss), but it is hard leaving the people here.  Have I ever told you I hate saying good-bye?  Well, I do!

This time around, so far anyway, the battle has been stronger but the blessings deeper and more numerous.  There is a price to be paid in order to be in position to receive God’s richest blessings.  But when the blessings come you realize how small the price is in comparison.  I know God has something special for me this trip, I’m not sure what it is or how it will come about, but I know it is in areas where I really need to grow and improve.  God isn’t done with me yet – not even close!

With all the other transitions going on in my life, this trip marks a transition as well.  I will be moving this ministry from Main Street Baptist Church and having it entirely under my non-profit, Christian Training Organization.  This affects my base of funding for the people of MSBC have been very generous, sacrificial givers and prayer warriors.  I know some of that will continue, but the church needs to be free to move in the new direction God has for it.  In order to build a broader base of financial and prayer support, Pastor Moses will come to the USA in June.  He will divide his time between us in Doylestown and Alan in Tulsa.  Alan has contacts to help us expose this ministry in that area.  So if you would like to meet him personally you’ll have the opportunity.  If you an connect us with a group who would like to know more about our ministry and may be willing to pray and/or give let us know.  

John 4: 34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35 Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.

Please pray for the future of this ministry as well as our day to day activities here and now.  There are so many needs here in India, so much we’d like to do, but we have so little time and resources  Pray for God to provide opportunities and finances for Pastor Moses’ USA trip.

Christian Training Organization
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(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025

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