Grace Keeps Getting Greater


I’d like you to pray for us when you get up, eat lunch, and go to bed.  I have a list of what we will be doing at those times and prayer needs.  Email me and I’ll send a copy.  For a copy with less details (for security reasons)  go to the India web site  Click on TRIPS, then 2017, then PRAYER REQUESTS 2017.  Or use the following link: Thanks so much for your prayers – they mean more to us than you can know!

The longer I ministered for Jesus the more I realized that all I did for Him was by His grace and not because of anything I did or deserved.  I thought I had learned that pretty well, but now when I’m retired and doing far less in the way we normally define “ministry” I’m learning it all over again.  When I don’t feel I’m pulling my weight in the battle against sin and evil I must rest in His unconditional love fore me despite what I do or don’t do for Him.

I’m now much more involved in Nancy’s life as well as that of my children and grandchildren.  That is no less an important ministry than pastoring a church.  God has given us many grandchildren (17 as of when I write this) with numerous others still to come.  Anything I can do to help them feel loved and secure will go a long way to helping them live for and serve the Lord long after I am gone.  I know God used the unreserved love of my grandparents for me to build a base of security in life that still impacts me today.  Contributing to the quality of Nancy’s life, as well as my children and grandchildren, is my current ministry.  It’s one I gladly do.  And in many ways I am the only one who can do it.  Nancy has no other husband to fill that role, my children have no other father, and my grandchildren have only 2 grandfathers to accomplish this important work in their lives.

I don’t have to be a pastor to be in the center of God’s will and serving Him as He desires – and neither do you!  You may have never had the privilege of pastoring as I had, but you do have people in your lives that you impact and influence every day.  You are no less important to Him than someone who has pastored or is still pastoring today.  There are no second class citizens in the Kingdom of God!

So be encouraged.  Be faithful.  Continue to do what God gives you to do.  Don’t compare with others and think your life is of lesser value.  My life has changed, but my value to Him remains as high as it always was.  When God no longer has need of us He will take us to heaven, and if you are reading this you’re still on earth by His grace so continue to live in His grace, faithfully serving in any way He provides.

Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

John 12:26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Do you see your role in the lives of those God has put in your family as God-given and extremely important? 

What more can you do to better fill those roles?

INDIA UPDATE: The situation in India is slowly improving as far as finances go, but is still are from stable and what it should be.  In addition, the US Embassy in India is warning Westerners of increased threats by terrorists groups to places frequented Westerners.  We keep a low profile and avoid any dangerous situations we are aware of.  God is our ultimate protector.

PRAY FOR safety for us, for the pastors and Christians of India, and for everyone  during this extra tumultuous time.  Pray God would be glorified through it and His people would see His love and power at work.  Pray anything Satan or his forces may try would be thwarted before it begins.

Jerry Schmoyer

Christian Training Organization


Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025