Going on the Offense

GOING ON THE OFFENSE   (Armor of God – 5)

(14 of 15 blogs about spiritual warfare and marriage/family, taken from  material I presented at a marriage retreat, Winning the Battle For Your Family, in 2019)

            All the pieces of equipment we’ve seen in Ephesians 6 so far have been defensive.  We can protect ourselves but we can’t have victory.  We need an offensive weapon to go on the attack and defeat our enemy.  That is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).  With their short, double-edged sword the Romans conquered the known world.  There was no protection for their back so they couldn’t turn and run, they had to move ahead against their enemies, and that is what we must do as well. 

            This sword of the Spirit refers to the Word of God – it is so important we get this right that Paul says so (Ephesians 6:17).   Jesus quoted the Bible when tempted (Matthew 4:1-11).   Read Scripture.  Memorize Scripture.  Quote Scripture.  Pray Scripture.  Think Scripture.  It is the only way we can drive away temptation, lies and attacks of the enemy. 

            To have a healthy, growing, godly marriage, a husband and wife need to know God’s Word.  They need to study it individually and together.  They must know how to apply it when in spiritual warfare.   They must be comfortable praying Bible verses.  They must teach their children the Bible as well.  Too many children of Christian parents turn from the faith when they leave home because it never became part of them.  They need to know God’s Word, memorize portions of it, and believe it for themselves.  If our children follow Jesus they WILL be attacked, so they must now how to use their only offensive weapon, God’s Word. 

            Paul is done listing the armor, but not done telling us how to have victory.  He next mentions prayer (Ephesians 6:18-20).  We can equate prayer to communication between the commander and his soldiers.  Without good communication, the soldier will not know where to go or what to do.  He will be left on his own.  We need time talking to God and listening to Him to know His plan for us. 

            Praying together is very important for Christian couples.  Deep, open, heartfelt prayer will bring a couple closer and help them have victory.  A prayerless marriage is a powerless marriage.  If your marriage is only as strong as your prayer life as a couple, how strong would it be?  Maybe that’s why it is so open to attack!  Children, too, need to develop their own prayer life with God.  They need to learn to talk to Him as well as recognize His voice when He talks to them.  Communication by prayer is essential to victory.

            Jesus has given us His authority to pray in His name and to command demons to be gone in His name (Matthew 28:18-19; Luke 9:1; 10:18-19).  He also gives us His power to have victory in our spiritual warfare (Acts 1:8).  We have power from His divine nature in us (2 Peter 1:4).  We have power to live the abundant life He gives us (John 10:10).   Through His Word and prayer we have all we need to have victory.  What great blessings we have!

Hebrews 4:12-13  For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

How well do you know the Bible?  How skilled are you at using this weapon to attain victory when attacked?  How strong is your prayer life?  What do you need to do to have better communication with God?  Spend some time now reading your Bible and praying.

Jerry Schmoyer

Christian Training Organization



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