Going Different Ways Together


We are babysitting our oldest sons 6 children as I wrote this.  We are having a great time with them!!!  It seems something unexpected always happens, though.  Through a strange set of circumstances it became necessary for me to put the 20 month old twins in 2 umbrella strollers and push them a half mile on a windy, up-and-down hill path.

In case you didn’t know, umbrella strollers are not easy to push with one hand, especially when another umbrella stroller is in the other hand.  Those front wheels have a mind of their own and go any direction they want!  I just couldn’t get the both strollers to travel smoothly together!  It was slow going and very frustrating.

As I was struggling with the strollers I couldn’t help thinking of a parallel in my own life when I am trying to go two different ways at once.  When I am trying to fulfill my own agenda while also serving Jesus I find the same conflict.  Striving to please Jesus while also pleasing my self or those around me doesn’t work.  I can take either path through life, but I can’t travel them both at the same time!  Still it seems I keep trying to do so!  You’d think I’d learn better by now!

Pushing 2 umbrella strollers isn’t something I want to try again.  Neither is living for myself while also trying to live for Jesus.  I hope I never try to do either of those again!

Matthew 6:24  “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Can you identify with my stroller struggle?  Does it ever seem to you like you are pulled in two directions – following God and doing what you or those around you want?  When does that seem to happen? 

What can you learn from my attempt pushing 2 umbrella strollers that can help you?

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