God speaks to us in a quiet voice.  He speaks enlightened thoughts to our mind or burring to our heart.  When He speaks He speaks words of conviction of sin, information and guidance, encouragement and peace, enablement for ministry or revelation of Himself. 

            The final form His communication may take is that of revelation of Himself.  Often it will just seem to ‘hit’ us how wonderful, powerful or majestic God is.  This is Him revealing Himself to us by His Holy Spirit.  He does this so we will respond in praise and worship. 

            That happens to me when I listen to my son Dan play the piano or when I listen to Southern Gospel Music.  It can happen when I hear a testimony or read about something about Jesus.  God’s Spirit speaks to me showing me show great Jesus is so I respond in worship and praise.  If He didn’t reveal Himself or His Son to me I wouldn’t see His greatness on my own. 

            Sometimes we can be so overwhelmed with God’s love in our soul that we find ourselves enraptured in an immense feeling of being loved deeply, of God telling us how much He loves us.  Our natural response is to worship, to love Him back.  Other times it can be sitting quietly in His presence, just enjoying sweet fellowship by being in His presence.  Or it can be a new or deeper understanding and appreciation about an aspect of God or Jesus that brings awe and wonder to our hearts. 

            Understand it’s not our intelligence that figures out those things about God.  It is His voice speaking these truths to us so we respond in worship.  One of the chief functions of the Holy Spirit is to reveal God to us.  He does this by speaking to us of the greatness and wonder of God the Father and the Son.

This is how God communicates His love to us as well.  He overwhelms our soul with His love for us – We can find ourselves enraptured in an immense feeling of being loved deeply with our soul. This can be God telling us how much He loves us.  

Take time right now to sit quietly and let God speak His love to you.  Let Him reveal His great love for you and His care of you to your heart.  Focus on Him as He speaks of His greatness.  Respond in love and worship to Him.  Using some of your favorite Christian music can help with this as well.

(If I can answer questions or offer personal counsel, or if you would like a free copy of my Spiritual Warfare Handbook, email me at Jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org or download it from http://sw.christiantrainingonline.org/.  My next book, Spiritual Warfare in the Bible, which is a more advanced treatment of spiritual warfare, is also available there for free.)

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