False Prophets Among Us


Jesus and others warned that false prophets would increase in the last days (Matthew 7:15-20; 23:1-39;  1 Timothy 4:1-5; 2 Timothy 2:1-22; 4:3-4; Titus 1:1-6;  2 Peter 1:12-21; 2:3:14-18; 1 John 4:1-6).  It seems Satan will be (is) working extra hard to dilute or distract from God’s truth.  He did that with Adam and Eve and has been perfecting his skill ever since.  We all know that, but we often under estimate how subtle and deceitful they can be.  We think of clear error like Mormonism or the prosperity gospel and assume we are safe from false teaching.  But are we?

First of all, what really is a false prophet?  It’s not someone who has a different view of what Jesus’ Second Coming will look like.  Nor is it a person who disagrees with you about whether you should tithe from your gross income or just the take-home portion.  There are many different, allowable choices among Christians concerning things that aren’t essential to the heart of our faith.  Instead, a false prophet is someone claiming to speak for God and interpreting His truth for everyone in a way that doesn’t hold firm to Scripture (Jeremiah 29:8-9).  Some outright deny the truth of the Bible or the deity of Jesus.  Others claim to believe these things, but then teach things contrary to what the Bible says about Jesus or the Christian life.

The most dangerous ones, though, are the ones who affirm and teach some parts of God’s Word while subtly changing seemingly ‘small’ truths just a bit.  They may not seem so far off at first, but follow their teachings and they deviate far from truth.  It’s like taking two lines which aren’t exactly parallel and extending them for miles.

Unfortunately, these people don’t wear a sign pointing out who they are.  They look and sound like all the rest of us (Matthew 7:15).  They know just the right words to use to sound convincing.  They seem godly, but they are very dangerous, like a wolf to sheep (Matthew 7:15).  They may pretend to be  one of the sheep, but they attack and devour the faith of the sheep.  They say what people want to hear.  There is enough truth to make their words sound right, but there is also enough error to make it dangerous.  They claim to represent God and speak His truth but they don’t (Jeremiah 14:14).  The predictions they make fail to come true (Deuteronomy 18:21-22).  God said this was punishable by death (Deuteronomy 18:20).  They lead people to follow a different God than the God of the Bible, even though they may use His name and claim to follow Him (Deuteronomy 13:1-4).

There are too many varieties of these false truths to name them all, but they usually center around the person and work of Jesus.  If someone teaches something that seems a bit different, something that makes you wonder if it is true or causes you to be unsure about a basic truth you had been taught, then thoroughly check into it before going any further.  Don’t be influenced by the sincerity or personality of the teacher.  Don’t be swayed by all the true things they do believe.  Even just 1% of rat poison in your coffee is deadly.  Your drinking water, like your beliefs, must be 100% pure and true.

False teachers WILL come.  Jesus promises it.  They are here now.  Don’t think you are immune.  Be alert.  Be always on your guard.  Perhaps there is someone in your church or circle of Christian friends who is promoting teachings about Jesus or the Christian life that seem a bit ‘off’ to you, but they are very sincere and influential people.  You don’t want to gossip or be seen as a trouble-maker so you say nothing.  Or perhaps there is an author or TV speaker whose popular teachings don’t exactly line up with what you’ve thought the Bible says, but who are you to question someone so ‘successful’?  So, you stay silent.  Ask God for wisdom and insight, then courageously turn from anything false and warn others who are open to it.

Jeremiah 29:8-9  This is what the LORD Almighty , the God of Israel, says, “Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you.  Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have.  They are prophesying lies to you in my name.”

Is there any person or teaching that comes to mind when you think about false teachings and teachers?  Ask God to bring to mind anything that is not totally from Him so you can turn from it.  Pray for wisdom for yourself and for others you know who might be influenced by it.


Christian Training Organization 



(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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