Below is a list of evidences of demonic activity. Check which ones apply to you more than you think is ‘normal’ or than most other people experience. (compiled by Don Rogers)
Extremely low self image (feel unworthy, unclean, no good, etc) Lk. 8:2
Constant confusion in thinking (especially about spiritual things)
Inability to believe spiritual truths which you hear or read
Mocking or blasphemous thoughts (esp. when hearing spiritual truths)
Perceptual distortions (thinking others are angry at you when they are not)
Repetitious dreams or nightmares (sexual, horror-filled, fearful, etc)
Continuous violent thoughts (of suicide, rape, murder, self-abuse, etc.)
Hatred and bitterness toward others for no justifiable reason
Tremendous hostility, fear, restlessness when challenged about demonizing
Deep depression and despondence (frequent and long)
Irrational fears, panic, and phobias (Rom. 8:15 Lk. 9:39)
Irrational anger or rage (Mt. 8:28)
Irrational guilt and extreme self-condemnation, unforgiveness of self
Desire to do right but inability to carry it our
Sudden personality & attitude changes (like, then suddenly hate someone)
Strong aversion to Scripture reading & prayer
Lying compulsively, then often wondering why (Acts 5:3)
Stealing compulsively, if you need the thing or not
Drinking compulsively, if really desire to or not
Using drugs (prescription or non-prescription) compulsively
Eating compulsively (or reverse, bulimia or anorexia nervosa) severely over or under weight
Sexual sins that are compulsive (especially perversions) Mt. 15:5 Lk. 8:27
Irrational, inappropriate laughter
Irrational violence (compulsion to hurt self or someone else) Mt. 17:15; Mk. 5:5; Lk. 9:39
Sudden speaking of a language not previously known or speaking ‘gibberish’
Reactions to the name and blood of Jesus (uncomfortable, stop listening) Acts 13:10)
Extreme restlessness
Uncontrollable cutting and mocking tongue and language
Vulgar language and actions (Lk. 4:33-34)
Uncontrollable greed, which drives you on (Acts 5:3)
Loss of time (little or a lot, not knowing how you got someplace or remembering what you did)
Extreme sleepiness around spiritual things (Bible study, prayer,. etc.)
Demonstration of extraordinary abilities (ESP, telekinesis, etc. Mk. 5:7)
Voices heard in the mind (mock, intimidate, accuse, threaten, bargain Mt. 28:29, Lk. 4:33-34)
A voice speaking from you refers to you in the third person (“he” “she”)
Supernatural experiences (haunting, movement or disappearance of objects, etc.)
Seizures (Mk. 1:26 Mk. 7:24-30 Mk. 17:15) (I won’t say every seizure is demonic, but every
time Jesus was present at one He cast out a demon and the seizures stopped.)
Pain without justifiable explanation, especially in the head or stomach (ANY medical
problems which doctors can’t understand or cure, Lk. 9:39)
Blackouts (Mt. 17:15, Mk. 1:26; 7:24-30, Lk. 4:35)
Physical ailments alleviated by a spiritual command (epileptic seizure, asthma attack,
headache, nausea, etc., which stops when commanded in Jesus’ name to be gone)
Sudden interference with bodily functions (buzzing in ears, irritability to speak or hear, increased hypersensitivity in hearing or touch, sudden chills or overheating of body,
dryness in mouth, numbness in arms or legs, sleepiness, coma, etc.)
These are not ‘normal’ characteristics of healthy, growing Christians. If some of these apply to you there is no reason to fear or panic. If there are some areas of your life that still aren’t free, you can pray and bring deliverance to those areas. If you need specific help see “Steps to Deliverance” in my Spiritual Warfare Handbook. If you need additional counsel or assistance please write to me jerry@schmoyer.net.
© Copyright 1998 Spiritual Warfare Ministries, Inc., © 2013 Christian Training Organization. https://www.christiantrainingonline.org/