EVERLASTING GOD (Names of God 3)

An aircraft pilot was following a major highway and just casually observing the traveling cares below him.  One particular car caught his attention.  The driver was attempting to pass a large truck, but due to small hills and curves in the road he could never see far enough ahead to pass safely.  Just as he pulled out, an oncoming vehicle would force him to retreat.  The pilot, being able to see several miles down the highway, thought to himself, “If I could only talk to the driver and tell him when it is safe to pass!”  But of course he couldn’t.

We, on the other hand, have Someone who can see into our future and know what is coming and what is not coming.  He knows when it’s safe for us to move ahead and when we should patiently wait.  He sees it all because He is Everlasting God – El Olam. 

This name is first used in Genesis 21:33 when Abraham calls God “El Olam” because He is the one who knows the future.  This assertion is soon tested for God calls upon Abraham to take his son and sacrifice Him to God.  Isaac is Abraham’s only means to have descendants, so God must know how it will all turn out if he takes Isaac’s life.  God did see the future and knew that Abraham indeed would have millions of descendants through Isaac. 

 Isaiah also used this name for God (Isaiah 40:28) referring to God being eternal in duration, not limited by time.  The root idea of the name is that God sees the future as clearly as the past.  Time means nothing to Him.  He is above and beyond it, not limited by it. 

God is El Olam to us as well.  We don’t know the future, but God does.  And that is fine.  We don’t have to know the future for He does.  He holds it in His hands.  We don’t have to know the future as long as we know the One who holds the future in His hands.



Think of a time in your life when it was clear that God knew what was going to happen before it happened.  Perhaps it was guidance and direction He provided, or maybe it was protection.  It could have been ‘circumstances’ that just seemed to work out or any number of things.  But clearly it was God who knew the future using that knowledge to take care of you in the present.  Thank Him for those times.  Make note of them so that your faith is strengthened as you face future obstacles in life.



Read Psalm 46.  Make a list of all the attributes of God listed in this Psalm: all the things God can and will do.  Look carefully.  Read between the lines.  Ask God to show you truths about Him from this Psalm.


(If I can answer questions or offer personal counsel, or if you would like a free copy of my Spiritual Warfare Handbook, email me at Jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org or download it from http://sw.christiantrainingonline.org/.  My next book, Spiritual Warfare in the Bible, which is a more advanced treatment of spiritual warfare, is also available there for free.)

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