Entering 2017 – Obey Gods Word


In yesterday’s blog we saw that the way to enter our unknown future is to learn from Joshua and the Jews entering the unknown Promised Land.  They had to step out in faith despite the obstacles and keep their eyes on the Ark, following God’s Presence into unknown areas (Joshua 3:1-17).  There is one more lesson we learn from this passage: the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Word.  When God speaks His people must listen (Joshua 3:6-8).

God commanded the priests to go stand in the midst of the Jordan River, despite it being in flood stage.  He told the people to follow them and continue through the dry riverbed until all had crossed.  Then they were to build an altar to remind future generations of God’s deliverance at that spot.  They obeyed God’s Word in every detail.

Today God’s authority, revealed in His Word, the Bible, is rejected by most.  The Supreme Court does not respect what God reveals about moral issues.  Scientists reject what the Bible says about God as creator and sustainer.  Materialism rules the day.  Secularism has removed God and His Word from government, school and even our holidays.  And this trend will get much worse in 2017.  Satan is indeed the prince of the power of this world and it is his values, motives, goals and priorities that rule and reign.  It’s no surprise that those who follow God’s Word are going against the flow and find difficulties on every side.  Yet God’s is right and true and we best follow and obey!  Any who don’t will regret it.

A tourist was driving down a strange road when he saw a sign in the middle of the road, “Road Closed, Do Not Enter.”  He checked his map and decided he wanted to go this way anyway for it seemed best to him, so he ignored the sign and went on.  Several mile later he came to a bridge that had collapsed.  He had to turn around and go back.  When he approached the warning sign he saw someone had written on the back, “Welcome back stupid!”

Only as we base our lives on the truths of God’s Word can we begin to navigate the obstacles life in 2017 will bring our way.  There is no short cut, not other way around.  We can only successfully travel through the unknown territory of the future by listening to God’s Word and applying all of it to our lives. (January 1, 2017  Doylestown, PA)

Joshua 3:6-8  Joshua said to the priests, “Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on ahead of the people.” So they took it up and went ahead of them.  And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.  Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: ‘When you reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.’”

Do you start each day reading and meditating on God’s Word?  Commit to do so every day in 2017.

Are there any truths in the Bible you are not obeying and practicing in life?  Confess that as sin and commit to fully obeying God’s Word in 2017.

INDIA UPDATE: There are still details for our conferences that need to we worked out in India.

PRAY FOR Pastor Moses as he works on these details and plans for our conferences.  Pray God would send His angels to go ahead of us and provide a smooth, safe entry and movement through our schedule there, just as He did for the Jews going into Canaan.

Pray for peace, health and energy for Nancy and myself as we prepare, travel and minister in India.

Jerry Schmoyer

Christian Training Organization



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