As preachers and teachers, our responsibility is to clearly communicate God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16).  We do this by teaching a passage of Scripture and applying it to the needs of the listeners (2 Timothy 3:16; 42; Titus 1:9).  It is not easy to understand the lofty thoughts of God and then pass those truths on to a sinful world by explaining and applying them (Ezra 7:10; 2 Timothy 2:15; 2 peter 3:16).  The key is to make God’s revelation clear and easily understood by children and adults, new believers and mature ones. We must make sure all who listen understand.  If they don’t, we are wasting our time and theirs.  One of the best ways to do this is to use illustrations.

Illustrations are expressions, ideas, words, and experiences common to humanity that help explain the heavenly truths revealed in Scripture. It is the clear explanation of the “mystery of godliness,” using the known to explain the unknown.  To illustrate means to throw light upon something.  Illustrations are “lamps” or “spotlights” that throw light upon the abstract or on that which is difficult to comprehend. It’s like putting a window in a wall so the light can illuminate what otherwise would be in darkness.

The use of illustration in sermons is an absolute must. Jesus, the greatest Teacher who ever lived, used stories and parables to explain His messages to His listeners (Mark 4:33-34).  God Himself reveals sacred truth in ways it can be seen and understood.  The Bible teaches God’s truths, not in abstract doctrine, but in story and picture as it is seen in daily life. Redemption unfolds in human history, in the Word becoming flesh, and everything culminates in the glorious description of the celestial city. Thus, it says that “God…spoke…to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways” (Hebrews 1:1).  God didn’t just dictate theology, He revealed truth in the lives and actions of people.  He illustrated what He said.

Illustrations are important because they make the truth concrete.  Abstract truth takes on form when we see it presented in a word picture.  Finding the right illustration can take time but is well worth the effort for it is what people will remember and take with them.  It takes the known to explain the unknown.  It is what will stay with them in the future.  It’s the main part of the sermon they will remember.

Illustrations are also important because they make the truth interesting.  Just communicating pure doctrine can be boring and seem irrelevant.  Minds will wander because they aren’t keeping up with what you are saying.  Stop and open a window – throw some light on the darkness.  People love stories, humor, antidotes and explanations that capture their interest and imaginations.  A sermon without illustrations is a lecture, but when you add good illustrations and examples it becomes interesting and applicable.

Some preachers tell stories or jokes to entertain and get the people’s interest, but those kind don’t help communicate God’s Word, they focus on the speaker instead.  That is not what I am talking about here.  In Matthew 13 Jesus used parables to make His truths understandable, not to entertain.

The purpose of preaching or teaching is not to entertain, nor is it merely to convey truth.  It is to make the truth understandable so it can be applied and obeyed.  Jesus did this with the parable of the Good Samaritan by concluding with “go and do the same” (Luke 10:25-37).  It is the way to make people not just hearers of the Word but doers of the Word as well (James 1:19-25).

Each message must be presented as if the listener is asking the question, “So what?”  “Why should I listen to you?”  “What difference does this make in my life?”  Illustrations and examples make sermons alive and meaningful.  Nathan’s story about the young lamb and the heartless rich man provoked David to anger and led to David’s repentance from his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:7).

Illustrations and examples put feet on theory and truth.  They provide pictures of how things are to work.  They are like diagrams that come with a set of instructions which make assembling the product much easier than if there were just words telling what to do.  “Husbands, love your wives” is a strong command but too broad really grasp.  But when Paul adds “as Christ loved the church” (Ephesians 5:25) he puts flesh on it and makes it come alive.  We can see that kind of love in action in Jesus and know that is what we are to do in our marriages.  Illustrations and examples like this help us understand and remember the truth being taught.

Think in terms of illustrations when you study and prepare a message.  Don’t use too many illustrations or people won’t remember them.  Focus on the main points.  You can use examples from history, the Bible, your own life or even science.  Analogies, metaphors, similes and parables all help illuminate truth.  Searching on the internet is easy when you put in “sermon illustration about _____.”  Keep the darkness out of your messages – open the window and let the light in!

Mark 4:33-34  With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand.  He did not say anything to them without using a parable.  But when He was alone with His own disciples, He explained everything.

What is a good illustration you can use to help explain the message you will be presenting next?

Do you have a place where you collect good illustrations so you have them when you need them? If not, start a collection today.


FREE BIBLE INFO:  Studying the Bible is my passion.  I have hundreds of articles, books, sermons, Bible study courses, teaching lessons and videos on my web site   Subjects covered include apologetics, Bible history, Bible culture and doctrine, emotional health, articles for men, marriage, family, relationships, pastoring, spiritual life, spiritual warfare and the Old and New Testament.   If you have questions or I can help you please email me at ​



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