Do Demons Really Rule Each Nation?


The answer to the question, “Do demons really rule each nation?” is easy.  Yes, they certainly do – unless a nation clearly professes to believe in and follow the Lord Jesus Christ only.   Satan oversees this world, his kingdom (2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2).  He assigns each country to his most powerful, highest-ranking demons who carry out his plans for that nation.  To some he brings prosperity so they don’t see a need of God.  To others he brings poverty so they blame God.  Of course, God is in sovereign control over all this, and His purpose will ultimately succeed.  But He allows man to have a free will.  While man uses his free will to choose evil and rebellion, Satan encourages and amplifies man’s efforts at life without God.

Daniel 10 records the story of Gabriel, one of God’s highest ranking and most powerful angels He appeared to Daniel as a man and revealed aspects of God’s future plans for Israel and the world.   Specifically, he was bringing the answer to Daniels question about what would happen when the prophesied 70-year Babylonian Captivity ended (Daniel 9:1-19).

Gabriel told Daniel that his prayer had been answered three weeks earlier. The reason for the delay in getting the message to him was that the “Prince of Persia” engaged Gabriel in battle and impeded his progress. Michael the Archangel was dispatched to neutralize the Prince of Persia and free Gabriel to continue his journey to deliver God’s message to Daniel. The Prince of Persia was a demonic spirit that ruled over the land of Persia (Daniel 10:12-14).  Gabriel then went on to fight against the “Prince of Greece” (Daniel 10:20).

As described in places like Job 1-2, spiritual battles between demonic and angelic hosts affect earth and are occurring behind the scenes all the time.  When the Bible talks about “nations,” it’s good to remember that oftentimes a synonym for “nations” could be “people groups.”  Some demons are assigned to influence national governments, others to influence people groups no matter where they live.

The spiritual battles between demons and angels in the heavenlies manifest themselves on earth in economic, political and social realms.  For example, it’s hard to imagine the state of Nevada as being anything other than demonized.  Gambling, prostitution, Mafia activities, drunken-inspired weddings, lewd dancing and floor shows, out-of-control use of drugs, alcohol abuse, abortions, and broken lives are more than just sins of the flesh as described by Paul in Ephesians chapter 4. The demonic strongholds in that state are practically unshakable.  The “Prince of Nevada” is having things his way!

While it appears that some demonic spirits are assigned to specific territories, others are free to roam here and there. For example, in Daniel 12:1 we’re told that Michael the Archangel is the protector of “God’s people”( Israel). Not all of God’s people live within the boundaries of the nation of Israel. Michael fights to protect God’s people wherever they may be.

When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness he offered Jesus rulership of all the nations of the world if Jesus would worship Satan (Luke 4:5-7).  Satan was playing his trump card, but it failed.  However it does show he had authority over the world nations and people groups (John 12:31; 16:11.  Paul calls Satan “the god of this age” in 2 Corinthians 4:4.  In several places, Paul mentions that Satan’s kingdom is arranged in demonic hierarchies, similar to the way an army is organized from generals to privates (Romans 8:38Ephesians 3:10; 6:10-12; Colossians 1:162:15).

Ephesians 6:10-12 says:  “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers (generals who rule over nations by developing strategies and tactics to cause destruction in the nation), against the authorities (full Colonels with responsibility and authority to carry out the general’s orders), against the powers of this dark world (lieutenants and noncommissioned officers involved in daily combat)  and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (corporals and privates who follow the officers into battle).” 

We can see a clear example of this today in Adolf Hitler who, along with his closest officers, were involved with witchcraft and mind-altering drugs.  Other clear examples include Stalin, leaders of Sudan, Uganda, the Congo and Cambodia, the Aztecs in Mexico and Incas in Peru who practiced human sacrifice.  Today we have groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, not nations but demonically inspired terrorists united across national lines.  The list can go on and on.  But they will not succeed.  Ultimately God will have the victory (Revelation 12: 7-11; 20:7-15).

What does this mean for us today?  We must follow God and build His kingdom in order to push back the darkness of the enemy.  We must watch for demonic attacks against us or ones we know (1 Peter 5:8).  We must pray daily for spiritual battles to be won worldwide.  We use every means possible to restore truth, values, and justice to our nation.  We tell everyone we can about the freedom and victory that is available in Jesus.  To further understand these things, you can read Frank Peretti’s books, especially “This Present Darkness.”  They are a real eyeopener!  For more information, see my books Spiritual Warfare Handbook and Spiritual Warfare in the Bible (



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025