Defeating the Tempter
DEFEATING THE TEMPTER (This is blog 20 in the series “Names of Satan.”) It seems appropriate that we have kept the first name of Satan to look at last. We …
DEFEATING THE TEMPTER (This is blog 20 in the series “Names of Satan.”) It seems appropriate that we have kept the first name of Satan to look at last. We …
SOMETHING ABOUT ME YOU’D NEVER GUESS I have a strange practice which I’m sure you could never guess! Perhaps I shouldn’t even be admitting it, but the truth is that …
Two years after writing his letters from prison, after he was released and started traveling again, Paul wrote a letter to Timothy called 1 Timothy in our Bibles. Timothy …
Satan attacked Jesus in the wilderness after was baptized by John. Three times Jesus resisted and was victorious. What can we learn from how He was able to have victory? …
After being baptized by John Jesus immediately went to the wilderness to pray and prepare Himself for what was to come. At the end of that time Satan used his …
Immediately following His baptism Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit, the ‘dove’ who had just descended on Him, into the desert (Matthew 4:1). He needed time to focus …
David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:13-14) who killed a bear and lion by God’s power. He defeated Goliath the same way (1 Samuel 17:45-47). His …
Satan not only attacked God’s kingdom on a world-wide scale, but he opposed individuals who were part of that kingdom as well. Job is a prime example of this. He …
(Every year I spend 3 to 5 weeks in India leading pastors’ conferences and ministering to people and churches. I teach about spiritual warfare, which is very real in India, …