WHY GOD ALLOWS EVIL If God is creator and sovereign over His creation, He must be greater than anything in it, even evil. If so, why doesn’t He destroy all …
THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING TEMPTATION Temptation. We all face it. We know what it is – the desire to do something we shouldn’t do. Satan fills our heart with lies …
WHY DOES GOD ALLOW EVIL & SUFFERING? If God is creator and sovereign over His creation, He must be greater than anything in it, even evil. If so, why doesn’t …
GREED: THE “ACCEPTABLE” SIN? As Christians, we know that all sin is equal in God’s sight. There ae none that aren’t as bad as other sins. We know that, but …
IS ALL SIN EQUAL IN GOD’S SIGHT? Many times, I hear Christians say that all sin is equal in God’s sight. Is this true? 1st Samuel 15:23 says “Rebellion is …