Evaluate Yourself

Every once in a while, it’s good to take an assessment of where we are in life and where we are going. Often, we do that in January, but our …

Being a Pastor is Hard

Is being a pastor hard? Sometimes pastors or church leaders think that if they are following God and doing His will, serving Him should be easy.  But it isn’t, not …

What is a Minister

WHAT IS A MINISTER?  (Shepherds 7) We have seen the terms the Bible uses for pastors: “shepherd,” “bishop/overseer,” “elder” and “pastor-teacher.”  One more term used to describe pastors is “MINISTER.”  …

How to Feed Sheep

HOW TO FEED SHEEP   (Shepherds 6) God’s first responsibility for shepherds and church leaders is to feed His sheep.  We eat several times a day, every day.  We need God’s …

What is a Pastor-Teacher

WHAT IS A PASTOR-TEACHER?  (Shepherds 5) We  have seen some names for pastors: “shepherd,” “bishop/overseer” and “elder.”  In Ephesians 4:11-13, Paul refers to a pastor as a “PASTOR-TEACHER.”  Paul writes …

What is an Elder

WHAT IS AN ELDER? (Shepherds 4) In our last blogs we have seen the terms “shepherd” and “bishop” or “overseer.”  Another term used for pastors is “ELDER.”  In 1 Peter …