No Guarantees

NO GUARANTEES             I start the second day of each pastor’s conference by dressing in costume as Thomas and sharing his testimony.  When life doesn’t go as we expect, instead …

Persecution’s Impact on Us

PERSECUTION’S IMPACT ON US             We have not experienced any persecution during our almost 2 weeks in India.  Of course, Nancy’s been praying that God’s angels make us invisible, like …

A Typical Day in India

A TYPICAL DAY IN INDIA             We wake up about 6:30, after sleeping 9 to11 hours. Our morning routine includes putting everything semi-valuable in locked suitcases.  American guests are rare …

Part of the Army

PART OF THE ARMY Today in the car driving to the conference I told Pastor Moses about the strong oppression we always feel starting the beginning of January.  We are …

Changed Lives

CHANGED LIVES             As I teach in front of the men, I look at their faces.  I know each one has a story and unique life experiences.  I look forward …