DOES GOD REALLY HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE? “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!” sounds good. It sounds true. No Christian would deny it, …
DOES GOD REALLY HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE? “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!” sounds good. It sounds true. No Christian would deny it, …
JESUS IS COMING BACK FOR US “Jesus is coming back!” How many times have you heard that said, sung or preached? But just because a lot of people say it …
WHEN STORMS HIT We’ve had strong ties to Ft Myers, Florida, in recent years. So, when Hurricane Ian hit the end of September, 2022, we grieved along with the …
MORE FRIENDS FROM THE PAST In a previous blog I shared some of the people I met during my early years in India. Their testimony has encouraged me throughout the …
FRIENDS FROM THE PAST I have many wonderful memories of my trips to India. They add up to almost 13 months spent there. The best memories all revolve around special …
WHY? Why is this happening to me? Why didn’t God prevent it? Why these continuing struggles? Why? Why? Why? I ask those questions, you ask them, everyone asks them. Somehow …
MY VIEW OF RETIREMENT God created the world and gave authority to Adam and Eve who turned it over to Satan when they sinned. God Himself came as Jesus to …
WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE Forty years ago, my only sibling, a younger sister, died of cancer. She left a husband and two young boys. Many who …
THE MOTHERHOOD OF GOD We think of God as “Father,” and rightly so. He is always referred to in with male pronouns. The Lord’s Prayer tells us to pray “Our …
DID JESUS REALLY PERFORM MIRACLES? The Old Testament contains many miracles. People often deny them, looking for other explanations for how the events took place. If the miracles weren’t true, …