Satan is Real but God is Greater
SATAN IS REAL BUT GOD IS GREATER When I started pastoring 50+ years ago I never imagined I’d have a ministry in spiritual warfare. I didn’t even know what spiritual …
SATAN IS REAL BUT GOD IS GREATER When I started pastoring 50+ years ago I never imagined I’d have a ministry in spiritual warfare. I didn’t even know what spiritual …
WHY GOD ALLOWS EVIL If God is creator and sovereign over His creation, He must be greater than anything in it, even evil. If so, why doesn’t He destroy all …
ANSWERING SKEPTICS’ QUESTIONS ABOUT WHO IS THE TRUE GOD We have seen in the last 2 blogs that God exists and that He created everything. But how do we know …
Answering the hard questions others ask can be difficult for any Christian. They can come from a friend, a stranger or our own children. Sometimes they are looking for ways …
PROOF THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD Most people believe there is a god, but they disagree on who he is. Islam says Allah is God. Hindus say there are many …
ANSWERING SKEPTICS’ QUESTIONS ABOUT GOD’S EXISTENCE Answering the hard questions others ask can be difficult for any Christian. They can come from a friend, a stranger or our own children. …
PROOF GOD IS GREATER THAN SATAN We know in our heads that God is greater than Satan, but it doesn’t always seem that way in life, especially when we are …
PROOF THERE ARE NO OTHER GODS In my last blog I gave proof from the Bible, reason and comparison with other “gods” that the God of the Bible is the …
WHICH GOD IS THE REAL GOD? We know that the God of the Bible exists and that He created everything (for proof go to But how do we know …